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This book is about the politics of senior generals in Indonesian presidential election 2009. It examines the reasons why senior generals-in this work represented by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Wiranto, and Prabowo were still dominant in... more
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This article examines the development of the Democrat Party (Partai Demokrat, PD), which won the 2009 legislative elections in Indonesia. PD has received little scrutiny from observers of Indonesian politics, largely because of a commonly... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesDemocrat Party
To cite this article: Jun Honna (2012): Japan and the Responsibility to Protect: coping with human security diplomacy, The Pacific Review, 25:1, 95-112 To link to this article:
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Indonesia remains the country with the largest number of Covid-19 fatalities in Southeast Asia Observers have focused on the political impact of President Joko Widodo's crisis management Many argue that the pandemic has exposed the... more
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Press. 472 pages. ISBN-13: 978-9814722049. Paperback, $34.00. Edward Aspinall and Mada Sukmajati (eds.). 2016. "Unity in diversity" "from Sabang to Merauke"-if the two slogans that represent Indonesia's heterogeneity and geographical... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyIntellectual DiscourseMusic Information Dynamics
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      Japanese StudiesMedia Studies
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    • Semiotics
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"The potential of the camera framing, or shot-size, semiotic resource to encode meanings related to social distance has been recognised for some time. This study seeks to bring this resource into the remit of objective analysis. Data is... more
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    • Close-Ups
The switch to digital terrestrial broadcasting on 24 July 2011 marked a watershed for the broadcasting industry in Japan. Digitalisation is the single largest industry-­‐wide event since the advent of alternative distribution... more
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      Japanese StudiesMedia StudiesMedia EconomicsMedia Business
Directional preferences in moving images are primarily theorized as deriving from 'cultural' factors, principally the dominant language's reading/writing direction. This study examines the origins of this notion and positions it within... more
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