Giancarla Unser-Schutz 【ジャンカーラ・ウンサーシュッツ】
Currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology of Rissho University (Tokyo, Japan), my research has thus far been focused on (1) a corpus-based sociolinguistic analysis of Japanese comics (manga) and (2) the linguistic characteristics of recent unusual Japanese names (kirakira neemu). I have been employed at Rissho University since April, 2012, and I now teach primarily (1) English as a second language and (2) cultural and linguistic studies, within an advising seminar for third and fourth year students preparing to write their undergraduate theses, and a lecture course and Master's course on cultural psychology and language. I myself started off as an undergraduate at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, but found myself increasingly called to Japan, originally to try out the language skills I had been acquiring since high school, and did a year-long exchange program at Hitotsubashi University. After graduating with a double major in linguistics and East Asian studies and a minor in Japanese language, I moved to Japan in 2006 to start off as a research student. In 2007, I began my MA at Hitotsubashi, and obtained my PhD from the same institution in June, 2013. In my dissertation, I analyzed the language seen in manga from the perspectives of (1) the types of text used, (2) their lexical and orthographic characteristics and readability, and (3) characters' speech patterns. I used a corpus-based approach, having started to compile a corpus of manga as an MA student. I hope to expand this in the following days, but in the meanwhile, a list of my presentations and articles may be found in lieu of a CV. I also would be happy to send copies of articles or talk about my work through email: [email protected]. Thank you for your interest. Please note that while I use Facebook for private interactions only and am unlikely to add (1) individuals I have not met in person or (2) current colleagues and students. Thank you for your understanding.
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Manga/Comics / Papers by Giancarla Unser-Schutz 【ジャンカーラ・ウンサーシュッツ】
Key words: Manga, Japanese, corpus linguistics, personal pronouns, sentence final particles, yawakuri-go
In examining why this might be, I suggest that the focus on interpersonal relationships – including both friendship and romance – in shōjo-manga may lead to a smaller cast of characters and better balance between male and female characters. However, with authors usually writing for their own gender, I also maintain that it is related to differences in the roles of women and men in Japanese society. These distributions also have an impact on characterization itself, particularly in regards to the use of gendered speech patterns. With insight from Kinsui’s yakuwari-go, or role-playing language (2003), I specifically argue that the results predict that shōnen-manga will use more stereotypical speech, particularly in depicting female characters. In offering supporting evidence for this hypothesis, I suggest that this may affect how readers engage with the characters, thus creating different types of reading experiences within the genres. Through this discussion, it will become clear that linguistic data can shed light into how characters are manipulated in manga on a variety of levels, thus appealing to its potential as a legitimate and unique approach to manga research.
Keywords: manga, language, gender, characters, corpus linguistics
Manga/Comics / Presentations by Giancarla Unser-Schutz 【ジャンカーラ・ウンサーシュッツ】
Names / Papers by Giancarla Unser-Schutz 【ジャンカーラ・ウンサーシュッツ】
Key words: Manga, Japanese, corpus linguistics, personal pronouns, sentence final particles, yawakuri-go
In examining why this might be, I suggest that the focus on interpersonal relationships – including both friendship and romance – in shōjo-manga may lead to a smaller cast of characters and better balance between male and female characters. However, with authors usually writing for their own gender, I also maintain that it is related to differences in the roles of women and men in Japanese society. These distributions also have an impact on characterization itself, particularly in regards to the use of gendered speech patterns. With insight from Kinsui’s yakuwari-go, or role-playing language (2003), I specifically argue that the results predict that shōnen-manga will use more stereotypical speech, particularly in depicting female characters. In offering supporting evidence for this hypothesis, I suggest that this may affect how readers engage with the characters, thus creating different types of reading experiences within the genres. Through this discussion, it will become clear that linguistic data can shed light into how characters are manipulated in manga on a variety of levels, thus appealing to its potential as a legitimate and unique approach to manga research.
Keywords: manga, language, gender, characters, corpus linguistics
近年においては、日本の名前が大きく変わりつつあると言われており、最近の名前の新しい特徴として、漢字の用法が特殊で、一般的に読みにくいことが挙げられている。「DQN ネーム」や「キラキラネーム」とも呼ばれている新しい名前に対する批判が、通常でない漢字の読みを用いること・それらの名前を読まないといけない他者のことを充分配慮していないことに着目しており、全体的に厳しい。しかしながら、新しい名前のメディアにおける語られ方や、現象としての出現を考察することにより、そういった批判的評価は必ずしも適切なものではないことが明らかになる。とくに、新しい名前の評価が名付け親でも名付けられた子どもでもない第三者を中心に行われているため、名付ける理由と背景が充分に考慮されていないと考えられる。さらに、過去の名付けの傾向と今後の変遷の推移が把握し難いため、名前に対する批判が歴史性に欠けていることが指摘できる。こういったことを踏まえ、新しい名前が若者問題の一つと考えられ、名付けにおける変遷を社会化・社会変化というより大きな枠組みの中に位置付けることができると論じる。
Keywords: Japan, immigrants, personal names, identity, adaptation, foreigners, race
著者:ウンサーシュッツ ジャンカーラ (UNSER-SCHUTZ, Giancarla)
論文審査委員:中島 由美、森村 敏己、井川 ちとせ、山崎 誠
著者:ウンサーシュッツ ジャンカーラ (UNSER-SCHUTZ, Giancarla)