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Journal created:
on 7 September 2007 (#13769187)
on 9 April 2017
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Victorian and early 20th century literature for boys
Welcome to Ripping Yarns, the community for classic boys' literature from the early Victorian period to the 1960s. The dates are approximate, but the 'Interests' should give you an idea of the sort of thing you can expect to find here. Contemporary works with a 'retro' feel, such as the fiction of Joshua Mowll, the Dead Boy Detectives comic series, and the film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, are welcome, too. Posts are not limited to literature (fiction and non-fiction) but may also deal with radio serials, early tv shows, films, and art.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I will let you know if a post is off-topic.

You may post meta, questions, links, observations, discussions on related subjects, art, stories, icons, scans, photographs and so forth.

Please put photos, scans, and embedded media behind a cut. The same goes for icon posts, although you may put a three icon teaser in front of the cut. You can post these items here or link to your own journal, but please -- no linking to locked posts and no disabling of comments on this community.

ripping_yarns is steampunk-friendly.
