Books by Tracy Crowe Morey
Papers by Tracy Crowe Morey

InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies, 2015
. As recent as the release of 12 Years a Slave , the memory of slavery in the public sphere has b... more . As recent as the release of 12 Years a Slave , the memory of slavery in the public sphere has been a prevalent topic of discussion within the American cultural imaginary; however, the same cannot be said about Canada’s own legacy of slavery. In Afua Cooper’s The Hanging of Angelique the reader is exposed to the hidden testimony of one of Canada’s own dark secrets of slavery in the story of a Portuguese-born slave woman’s trials in Montreal during the 1730s. Cooper bears witness to Angelique’s voice of defiance and agency as represented in the trial sources and ultimately renders ‘visible’ the story of a “Portuguese-born Black woman who refused to accept her bondage” (backcover). This paper proposes to re-examine the hidden history of Canada’s involvement with the diasporic African slave trade by considering the life narrative of a Portuguese female slave’s rebellion/resistance as told by Afua Cooper in The Hanging of Angelique . We argue that Cooper uses a form of testimonial writ...
Between History and Fiction

Journal of the Motherhood Initiative For Research and Community Involvement, Nov 12, 2013
With the publication of Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands/La frontera (1987), women's testimonial lit... more With the publication of Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands/La frontera (1987), women's testimonial literature has been viewed as an important genre that breaks silences, raises consciousness and builds solidarity among women, especially Latinas and Chicanas. Testimonial writing functions as one means through which Latina/ Chicana writers, scholars, educators, and students are resisting traditional patriarchal conditions and constructs of motherhood to revise the institution as one based on empowerment through solidarity and sisterhood. In this paper, we explore the testimonial model established by the Latina Feminist Group as a vehicle through which to identify the diverse forms and contexts of mothering practices occurring at the borderlands of bi-geographical and bi-cultural identities. This paper is organized by way of four sections. The first provides an overview of Latin American and Chicana testimonial theory while the second section identifies testimonial writing as a pedagogy and site of diverse and multi-dimensional practices by Latina/Chicana mothers. For the final two divisions of the paper, we elaborate on the themes of solidarity and agency exemplified by the Latina Feminist Group as pedagogies for transformational (m)othering of the borderlands. Necesitamos teorías [We need theories] that will rewrite history using race, class, gender and ethnicity as categories of analysis, theories that cross borders, that blur boundaries-new kinds of theories with new theorizing methods. We need theories that will point out ways to maneuver between our particular experiences and the necessity of forming our own categories and theoretical models for the patterns we uncover. We need theories that examine the implications of situations and look at what's behind them. And we need to find practical cristina santos and tracy crowe morey (M)othering the Borderlands Testimony and the Latina Feminist Group
In the following paper, we engage with the artwork of Chicana artist Alma López as an example of ... more In the following paper, we engage with the artwork of Chicana artist Alma López as an example of recent conceptualizations and practices of geographical testimonial re-membering in the borderlands. By comparing such works as both testimony and as counter to the media’s and state’s representations of femicide occurring at the border, this paper identifies ‘borderland testimony’ as current practice and theory of urgently needed processes of decolonization—that is, processes of ethical forms of witnessing through indigenous traditions and knowledge which ultimately serve to meta-ideologize the dominant dis-embodiments and dehumanization of true Chicana lived experience.
Motherhood and War: International Perspectives, Eds. Diana Cooper and Claire Phelan, Jul 2014

"Mothers and Mothering in the Global Context". Journal for Motherhood Initiative, Dec 2013
With the publication of Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La frontera (1987), women’s testimonial lit... more With the publication of Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La frontera (1987), women’s testimonial literature has been viewed as an important genre that breaks silences, raises consciousness and builds solidarity among women, especially Latinas and Chicanas. Testimonial writing functions as one means through which Latina/Chicana writers, scholars, educators, and students are resisting traditional patriarchal conditions and constructs of motherhood to revision the institution as one based on empowerment through solidarity and sisterhood. In this paper, we explore the testimonial model established by the Latina Feminist Group as a vehicle through which to identify the diverse forms and contexts of mothering practices occurring at the borderlands of bi-geographical and bi-cultural identities. This paper is organized by way of four sections. The first provides an overview of Latin American and Chicana testimonial theory while the second section identifies testimonial writing as a pedagogy and site of diverse and multi-dimensional practices by Latina/Chicana mothers. For the final two divisions of the paper, we elaborate on the themes of solidarity and agency exemplified by the Latina Feminist Group as pedagogies for transformational (m)othering of the borderlands.
As recent as the release of 12 Years a Slave, the memory of slavery in the public sphere has been... more As recent as the release of 12 Years a Slave, the memory of slavery in the public sphere has been a prevalent topic of discussion within the American cultural imaginary; however, the same cannot be said about Canada's own legacy of slavery. In Afua Cooper's The Hanging of Angélique the reader is exposed to the hidden testimony of one of Canada's own dark secrets of slavery in the story of a Portuguese-born slave woman's trials in Montreal during the 1730s. Cooper bears witness to Angélique's voice of defiance and agency as represented in the trial sources and ultimately renders 'visible' the story of a "Portuguese-born Black woman who refused to accept her bondage" (backcover).
Cristina Santos is an Associate Professor at Brock University where she teaches in the Department... more Cristina Santos is an Associate Professor at Brock University where she teaches in the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Director of Studies in Comparative Literatures and the Arts. Her current research and scholarship reflects an interest in investigation the monstrous depictions of women as aberrations of feminine nature vis-à-vis the socio-culturally proscribed norm.

In the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, Jesús Juárez Mazo, better known as Jesús Malverde or the green d... more In the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, Jesús Juárez Mazo, better known as Jesús Malverde or the green devil was a legendary social bandit who reportedly stole from the rich and gave to the poor during the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz. The haunting and the miracles around his gravesite have garnered much sensationalism surrounding this figure today. However, it is his association with narcotraffickers and his glorification in narcocorridos or drug ballads that have made this figure along with the drug smuggler both a topic of censorship as well as admiration. The narco criminal is a mythic persona either censored on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border as monstrous and innately barbaric or glamorized and representative of a modern-day social hero. This paper examines the dichotomy of such a persona as exposed by Mexico's contemporary cultural critic, Carlos Monsiváis who explores the media's fascination and repulsion with the most renowned of criminals in Mexico. In his analysis of Mexico's controversial criminal, Monsiváis teases out the sensational version of Mexico's deadliest bad guy to uncover the more rational if not mundane qualities of the narco 'monster'.
Game theorists have proposed that a computer game is not simply a text to be read but an experien... more Game theorists have proposed that a computer game is not simply a text to be read but an experience to be had.
Talks by Tracy Crowe Morey
Books by Tracy Crowe Morey
Papers by Tracy Crowe Morey
Talks by Tracy Crowe Morey