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Friday, May 14th, 2010

Axis Powers Hetalia
[06] America/Japan
[01] America

7 Blazblue
[01] Taokaka
[02] Jin
[01] Rachel
[01] Hakumen
[02] Noel

3 Code Geass
[02] SuzaLulu
[01] Lelouch

15 Pokemon
[04] Morty
[01] BunPika
[03] Eeveelutions
[04] Gen5 Trainers
[03] Gen5 Starters

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i may be rude, but i'm the truthCollapse )
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Friday, March 12th, 2010

06 Yuugiou GX/5D's
Yuusei, Kiryu, Rua, Ruka, Johan, Juudai

15 BlazBule
Taokaka, Jin, Rachel, Noel, Arakune, Ragna

09 Code Geass
Lelouch, Suzaku, Euphemia, Gino, Nunnally

04 Final Fantasy XIII
Vanille, Fang, Snow, Hope

24 Pokemon
Gallade, Gardevoir, Suicune, Lucario, Cubone, Luxray, Wooper, Ampharos, Buneary, Lopunny, Piplup, Pikachu, Drifloon, Eevee, Flareon, Glameow, Spoink, Eusine, Volkner, Sir Aaron, Maylene, Morty, Jasmine, Dawn

02 Tears to Tiara
Arawn, Arthur

02 Hetalia
Arthur, Alfred

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i left my head and the heart on the dance floorCollapse )
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Friday, December 25th, 2009

40 Code Geass
[02] C.C.
[09] Suzaku
[04] Lelouch
[01] Kallen
[02] Gino
[01] Kanon
[01] Rolo
[11] SuzaLulu
[01] GinoKal
[05] GinoSuza
[01] OhgiVilleta
[01] LuluNunna
[01] LuluRolo

9 Yuugiou DM/GX/5D's
[02] Yuusei
[01] Rua
[01] Crow
[01] Sho
[01] Juudai
[01] Johan
[01] ShoRua
[01] JuudaiYuugi

10 Sora Kake Girl
[07] Honoka
[02] HonokaAkiha
[01] LeopardAkiha

5 Pokemon
[02] Eusine
[01] Morty
[02] MortyEusine

3 Little Big Planet

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take a bite of my bad girl meat // show me your teethCollapse )
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Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

20 Yuugiou DM/GX/5D
[05] Crow
[01] Kiryu
[02] Yuusei
[01] Aki
[01] Ruka
[01] YuuseiRua
[01] CrowJack
[02] CrowYuusei
[03] Johan
[01] Haou
[01] JohanJuudai
[01] YamiJuudaiYuusei

20 Code Geass
[06] Lelouch
[03] Suzaku
[01] C.C.
[01] Anya
[02] GinoKal
[03] SuzaLulu
[01] GinoSuza
[01] C.C.Lulu
[01] AnyaNunna
[01] GinoRoloAnya

4 Other
[01] Axis Powers Hetalia
[03] Pokemon

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I wont lie, I wish that I could be your Superman tonightCollapse )
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Saturday, November 21st, 2009

4 Axis Powers Hetalia
[01] America
[01] England
[02] USUK

16 Code Geass
[02] Anya
[01] Gino
[04] Lelouch/Luluko
[05] Suzaku
[03] SuzaLulu
[01] GinoKal

Have you heard of my religion? It's called the Church of Hot AddictionCollapse )
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Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

9 Hetalia
[02] Alfred
[02] Arthur
[05] USUK

33 Code Geass
[04] Lelouch
[01] Scheneizel
[01] Jeremiah
[18] SuzaLulu
[01] SchneizelNunnaLulu
[01] LloydSuza
[02] GinoKal
[01] SchneizelKanon
[02] GinoSuza[+ Anya]
[02] GinoSuzaLulu[+ Rolo]

13 Pokemon
[04] Buneary+Pikachu
[01] Buneary+Riolu
[03] Morty
[05] Eusine+Morty

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There ain't no way in hell she'll let you have it your wayCollapse )
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Saturday, October 10th, 2009

10 Hetalia
[06] Arthur
[04] Alfred

45 Code Geass
[06] Suzaku
[07] Lelouch/Luluko
[01] Corenlia
[01] Kallen
[02] C.C.
[01] Anya
[13] SuzaLulu
[03] CCLulu
[01] LloydCecile
[01] ShirLulu
[01] GinoKal
[02] GinoLulu
[01] GinoSuza
[02] LuluNunna
[01] KaLulu
[01] Cornelia+Villeta
[01] CorneliaGilford

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Step back and touch yourself, from your lips to your hips you know I like watchingCollapse )
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Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

12 Yuugiou 5D's
[02] Crow
[03] Sly
[02] Rua
[01] Ruka
[01] Jack
[01] CrowJack
[01] Twins
[01] SlyRuka

42 Code Geass Fanart
[14] Suzaku
[03] Lelouch
[01] Kallen
[01] C.C.
[02] CCLulu
[01] SuzaAnya
[16] SuzaLulu
[02] LuluKal
[02] GinoSuza

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the most I could do was just blame myselfCollapse )
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Friday, July 10th, 2009

20 Yuugiou 5D
[01] Black Rose Dragon
[08] Aki
[01] Rua
[02] Yuusei
[01] Jeager
[01] Mikage
[03] Crow
[02] MikageUshio
[01] Twins

Yuugiou 10th Anniversary Eyecatches
[01] Yami no Yuugi
[01] Juudai
[03] Magicians

Code Geass
[02] Euphemia
[01] Gino
[01] Lelouch
[01] C.C.
[01] SuzaSuza
[02] CCLulu
[01] GinoAnya
[01] GinoSuza

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i make the good girls go badCollapse )
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Sunday, July 5th, 2009

45 Code Geass R2: Mostly Turn 5
[02] Kallen
[17] Suzaku
[08] Lelouch
[02] Gino
[01] Anya
[06] Shirley
[01] Schneizel
[01] SuzaLulu
[01] GinoMilly
[01] LuluKal
[01] SuzaKal
[01] GinoAnya
[01] Suzaku+Rivalz

30 Emperor Lelouch
as requested by leloucia (shareable)

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everything i thought you'd be // that face is tearing holes in meCollapse )
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