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What Rhymes With Shake?

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Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
12:11 pm - Tips And Info On Pet Medications And Pet Health
maska5060 Tips And Info On Pet Medications And Pet Health
 by: Sardool Sikandar
The keyword pet meds is abbreviation of pet medications. The pet medications or meds include the pet drug or pet medicine especially compounded for the pets. These are those med pet supplies that are essential to keep good pet health.
Pet keeping is very much in vogue all over the world. The pets are domesticated for companionship or amusement, so, it becomes the duty of the masters to take proper care of their pets and keep them in good health.
Pets are pets after all, they easily fall prey to numerous pet diseases and ailments. The major cause of pet illness is careless pet grooming and lousy pet cleanliness or hygiene.
The pet meds play cardinal role in pet grooming and keeping good pet health. A master needs to have a professional savvy about pet medication or pet medicine or pet drug. There is a great plethora of pet medicines available on the counter. One needs to have ample of knowledge to pick the right and effective ones.
These pet medications are sometimes quite expensive and they force people to search for discount pet meds or discount pet drugs, even cheap pet medications some times. One can have access to the online pet medication.
The pets are the important members of society. They should always be kept in good health. Their disease should be nip in their buds, as these may be transmitted to humans also.

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Monday, June 30th, 2008
10:11 am - Tips And Info On Pet Medications And Pet Health
maska5060 Tips And Info On Pet Medications And Pet Health
 by: Gagandeep Dhaliwal
The keyword pet meds is abbreviation of pet medications. The pet medications or meds include the pet drug or pet medicine especially compounded for the pets. These are those med pet supplies that are essential to keep good pet health.
Pet keeping is very much in vogue all over the world. The pets are domesticated for companionship or amusement, so, it becomes the duty of the masters to take proper care of their pets and keep them in good health.
Pets are pets after all, they easily fall prey to numerous pet diseases and ailments. The major cause of pet illness is careless pet grooming and lousy pet cleanliness or hygiene.
The pet meds play cardinal role in pet grooming and keeping good pet health. A master needs to have a professional savvy about pet medication or pet medicine or pet drug. There is a great plethora of pet medicines available on the counter. One needs to have ample of knowledge to pick the right and effective ones.
These pet medications are sometimes quite expensive and they force people to search for discount pet meds or discount pet drugs, even cheap pet medications some times. One can have access to the online pet medication.
The pets are the important members of society. They should always be kept in good health. Their disease should be nip in their buds, as these may be transmitted to humans also.

[ Submitted with ArticleSubmitter Pro - ]

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Thursday, June 26th, 2008
7:11 am - 4 to 8 Dog Agility Jumps Makes Ideal Training
maska5060 4 to 8 Dog Agility Jumps Makes Ideal Training
 by: Brad Carlson
We are often asked, "How many jumps should I start with?" You can never have too many single jumps to practice agility. A good starting place is four jumps. This is the absolute minimum number of jumps that we recommend.
You can teach a variety of skills, drills, and exercises with four jumps. Four jumps will allow you to work on a short jump chute or jump grid. You can setup a "box" with your jumps and practice handling, collection, and 270 degree jumps. You can teach your dog jumping left and right. You can be outside the box and send your dog or you can handle from the inside of the box. Your jumps can be setup in a horizontal line, so that you can practice serpentines and threadles.
Go the next step and get eight jumps. Now you can setup two boxes with one introductory jump. You've now multiplied your drills that you can practice with your dog. Your jump grids can be of recommended size and quantity of jumps. You can also setup your jumps in a circle with the jump bars perpendicular to the circle or on the circumference of the circle. This pattern also enables you to train a variety of skills.
Your next consideration is a double jump and a triple jump. You could set two or three single jumps together to make your expanded jump, but having double and triple jump in your course work is really valuable to practice. We've seen many dogs run a clean course and the last obstacle is a triple and the dog is not prepared for it, and bang, down comes the bar.
You can really be ahead of the pack and have two sets of eight jumps. This is the ultimate in training because you can keep a jump grip up at all times that is separate from your course work, and have eight single jumps to have for course work. And when you include your double and triple, you can really practice all the jumping skills and drills necessary to get you those "Qs".

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Sunday, March 6th, 2005
2:18 pm - Hmm......

hey ppl-

Wow, there's hasn't been an update here for over a year.. so I guess I'll re-start this thing.

Any of you guys still out there?

well, bye for now-:-D

current mood: cheerful

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Sunday, February 29th, 2004
9:06 pm - Okay, Not Yet...

Almost sure felt like March. ^_^

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9:00 pm - Yay March

HAPPY MARCH!!!!!!!!!!

*sings in the "theme" of Happy Happy Joy Joy* Happy Happy March March, Happy Happy March March *does a little dance*

current mood: happy

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Saturday, February 28th, 2004
2:37 pm - Mmm, Mmmm

White Cranberry Strawberry Ocean Spray is quite good. You should try it if you have not yet.

Mmmmmmm.....white cranberry strawberry.....

Doesn't sound very good, but oh is it ever. ^_^

current mood: bouncy

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Friday, February 27th, 2004
12:52 pm - MOOOOOOOO!!!

Moo and Howdy doo, folks!! Well, I joined your little community here because, well....i can!! And it looked fun. Hmm, yeah, and this week I wanna be a community joining whore. I'm not sure how that's workin' out as I am only a part of, oh, 5 communities now. I even have my own community, but there's only 2 members, and neither one of us really update it, but only because we have nobody else to talk to, I guess. Mine's for random thoughts, toooooo!!! ^_^

Anyhoo, I'm Manda, btw. *waves* Well, I guess I'm going to go now. Mayhaps I'll think of some other thing to post later. Bai Bai!!!

current mood: bouncy

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Sunday, February 15th, 2004
7:00 pm - "Gay Penguins"

hey ppl- Well, there has been a long time lacking an update, and as this IS a random community, I thought I'd post a picture of, Wendell and Cass, the homosexual penguins.

Wendell and Cass

Is that not cute?

well, bye for now-:-D

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Thursday, February 5th, 2004
9:27 pm

Bonjour! I have decided to join your community because it looks DAMN FUNKEH!!! (and you like poking people. yay!)

so anywhos, I'm emu and its SMASHIN to meet you all *mwaaaaah*
meeeee x*X*x*X*x*X*x

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Tuesday, December 16th, 2003
10:27 pm


At the beginning of fall, I posted an informal poll/survey on a couple of communities. I was expecting the answerers to choose one of the given words, and have fun elaborating. It said:

"Dom? Sub? Bottom? Top? Switch?"

Pick a word. To describe yourself. Comment here. If you'd like, you can also answer "why?"

Then post this in your own journal.

The responses have been varied, and some were really nifty keen. There were 54 total. The poll/survey is now closed!

* * *
potatoez: :) I searched for interests: poll/s, survey/s, meme/s.

ninja_girl: okeydokey!

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
7:30 pm - My community is currently less exciting than a speck of bird poo on a telephone pole...

hey ppl- Ok, other ppls' communties are making me once again, as I posted a month or 2 ago, realize the true lameness of mine...Kates' has updates, Souths' and Kate...ok, so, only those...but hey, I've decided people should post in mine! Really, it shouldn't be as difficult as it seems, there being no specified, post ppl!!! Well, there should be a coma there, not of people possibly...actual ppl sounds tricky...well, bye for now-:-D

current mood: amused

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Friday, October 17th, 2003
9:25 pm - My community seems to have come to a stand still...

hey ppl- well, after noticing a large amount of new posts in my friends' community I have been reminded of the lack of such posts in mine, I have come to the conclusion that my community should be updated! So, here I am, updating it! *laughs* Although, as I really am not sure WHAT to say, it's not very guys should post stuff! Anything ya wish, stuff you wrote, drew, sites you like, music, random objects you collect, funny stories...yeah, whatever you wish! Pick a topic and post! Well, bye for now-:-D

current mood: amused

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Monday, September 22nd, 2003
4:40 pm - Manly, are we?

hey ppl- I haven't update for awhile,'s a quiz thingy though!!! lol we have like, 4 ppl or something now, so post!!! feel free to post any ideas of stuff to do/talk about...

This community is 55% masculine.
What does your LJ writing style say about your gender?
LJ Gender Tool by hutta

well, bye for now-:-D

current mood: amused

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Wednesday, September 17th, 2003
4:34 pm

"Dom? Sub? Bottom? Top? Switch?"

Pick a word. To describe yourself. Comment here. If you'd like, you can also answer "why?"

Then post this in your own journal.

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Sunday, September 7th, 2003
2:54 pm - SWEET!!! *does a dance*

hey ppl- Yes, I realize I just updated, but I have an exciting fact!!! If you type in "super balls" in the interest search, this is the one and only community who comes up *laughs* is that not exciting!? well, bye for now-:-D

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2:46 pm - Updated the Interests

hey ppl- Yes, I updated the interests, why? Well, as I'm sure you've heard if you read my other LJ, the interest search now searches for communities again. As there is currently only 3 people (still), including moi, I thought the more interests, the more people might find the communtiy! Oui? Oui. So, if ya care, you can go look at the profile. Well, bye for now-:-D

current mood: amused

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Friday, September 5th, 2003
3:33 pm - way of the world

sell your soul, it's the thing to do...

current mood: ...

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Thursday, September 4th, 2003
12:28 pm

heya heya! So, ummm, I thiink I is gonna make a post about what rhymes with shake...cause...I'm uberly special like that!!!

ache, bake, blake, brake, break, cake, dake, drake, fake, flake, haik, hake, jacque, jake, lake, make, naik, paik, pake, plake, quake, rake, sake, schake, schlake, schnake, schwake, shaik, shaikh, shrake, snake, spake, stake, steak, take, wake, yake, awake,forsake, milk snake, mistake, opaque, partake, remake, retake,

*ahem* yeeeeah. And yes those are all real words. How do I know? I looked them up. That's just how very lame I am. Sooo, anywho.. yeh. Laterz!

current mood: tired

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Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003
11:12 pm - WOO! *does a dance*

hey ppl- I haven't updated in a day or two, so I am! *laughs* We now have 3 ppl (including moi) in the community. Chad joined, regardless of the fact I TOLD him to, I dun know him in person, therefore I've decided he counts as a random LJ person. Well, actually he DOES, seeing as how that's how I met him...Recent Posts are a wonderful thing...does that make it sound like some sort of messed up drug? Well, just for the record, I have never done drugs, yes, this is me completely un-influenced by drugs, alcohol, or anything of the sort. I know, it's amazing, but true. Anywho, still haven't changed the comment links, no clue what to make them...still. *laughs* The fact that I've hardly thought about it means NOTHING. Oh yeah, updates...that's right. *thinks* That's about all, just 3 people, no updates that weren't me, but whatever, tis only a few days old! Well, bye for now-:-D

current mood: amused

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