[15 Sep 2005|10:32am] |
Friday September 16th 8pm $6 @ door
The Georgetown Orbits, The Pulverts, The Johnbenders …and more…
Headlining at the Old Fire house this Friday is the post-hardcore band The Johnbenders. Their emotional lyrics mixed with their intense vocals and instrumentals you will be sure to leave the show loving this band. Playing second is The Pulverts, their mix of ska and reggae is original and fun. With fun punkish beats and lyrics you will finish this set dripping in sweat, because with a band like this you can’t help but dance. And to start your night at the OFH The Georgetown Orbits will play. This punk/ska/reggae band is awesome and super fun. This isn’t a show to miss so be sure you come and support the Seattle music scene!!!
16510 NE 79th St Redmond, Wa 98052 (425) 556-2370
[31 Aug 2005|06:39pm] |
OFH's 13th Anniversary.
The OFH Teen Center 8pm .... 6$
Friday September 2nd is the 13th anniversary so everyone should come out and support. These Arms are Snakes will be headlining performing an unforgettable show with a combination of dark guitar licks and grimacing vocals you will not be disappointed! Mikaela’s Fiend plays prior and is an awesome band. The Assailant is before and will keep you on your knees begging for more. To start your night at the OFH Der Trasch will play their dancy punk songs most definitely be setting you up for one of the best shows you have EVER seen!!! COME AND CELEBRATE!!!!!!
425-556-2370 16510 NE 79th St Redmond, Wa 98052 www.theoldfirehouse.org
[10 Aug 2005|06:55pm] |
Friday august 12th $6 8pm Free Verse Ld and the prettypretties Via Verona Think you're a scene kid? Well, there's always the scene of tommorow in the youth of today! How do you think the Blood Brothers started, without once being a child and having a dream? Support your local scene by coming to the OFH on August 12th. Headlining the show will be Free Verse, a Neo-Punk Seattle based band that delivers in all your hardcore needs. Smack dab in the MiddleXcorE is LD and the PrettyPretties, an Indie band that is also pretty! And, starting off the night will be Via Verona, unique yet familiar in the songs they play, and not a bad stage presence either. Doors at 7:45 p.m. show at 8 p.m. 6 dollars at the door, all proceeds go to Rock School.
always all ages the old fire house 16510 NE 79th St. Redmond 425-556-2370 http://www.theoldfirehouse.org
[03 Aug 2005|08:05pm] |
4 alarm august 10th!!!!!!!!!!!
4 ALARM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday August 10th
The Old Fire House Teen Center Food @ 6:30 show starts at 7
$ FREE $
Headlining are former members of the Black Cat Orchestra, originally formed in Seattle in 1991 will be here to play their rad multi-instrumental tunes. Their songs incorporate styles of Eastern European, Latin American and Asian music. Second on the list is Serene Peterson performs her songs as Your Heart Breaks, sometimes alone and sometimes accompanied by friends. Her subject matter ranges from heartbreak to dumpster diving, and she was described as the Woodie Guthrie of her day by Karl Blau. To start this epic night, local singer/songwriters David Frank and Ben Leichman, known collectively as Ghost, kick off the show. They’ve been playing a string of local shows and exhibit great musical capabilities at a surprisingly young age. This 4 Alarm is not one to miss, so be sure to come and check it out.
The Old Firehouse Teen Center 16510 NE 79th St Redmond, WA (425)556-2370 www.theoldfirehouse.org Always All Ages
Show @ the OFH Friday July 29th |
[21 Jul 2005|04:40pm] |
Friday July 29th @ The Old Fire House Teen Center $6, Doors at 7:45, ALL AGES!
* Damien Jurado * Palisades * Sound Stories
Having a stressful week? Need to cool off and relax? Come down to the OFH on July 29th for a nice, relaxing bill. Headlining the night will be Damien Jurado, who calls Sub Pop home. He is a Neo-Folk veteran, paving the way for other hopefuls on this less traveled path of music. Landing right in the middle is Palisades, with their light, heart felt music and awesome stage presence, they keep right on track with the nights laid back atmosphere. To kick things off is Sound Stories. Living up to their name, they tell captivating tales through their music, which is just as captivating. Doors at 7:45, music at 8 p.m. 6 bux at the door.
The Old Fire House Teen Center 16510 79th St NE Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 556-2370
Show Friday JUly 29th @ the OFH |
[21 Jul 2005|04:39pm] |
Friday July 29th @ The Old Fire House Teen Center $6, Doors at 7:45, ALL AGES!
* Damien Jurado * Palisades * Sound Stories
Having a stressful week? Need to cool off and relax? Come down to the OFH on July 29th for a nice, relaxing bill. Headlining the night will be Damien Jurado, who calls Sub Pop home. He is a Neo-Folk veteran, paving the way for other hopefuls on this less traveled path of music. Landing right in the middle is Palisades, with their light, heart felt music and awesome stage presence, they keep right on track with the nights laid back atmosphere. To kick things off is Sound Stories. Living up to their name, they tell captivating tales through their music, which is just as captivating. Doors at 7:45, music at 8 p.m. 6 bux at the door.
The Old Fire House Teen Center 16510 79th St NE Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 556-2370
4 alarm @ the OFH |
[17 Jul 2005|11:12am] |
Wednesday July 20th @ The Old Fire House Teen Center 6pm, FREE
* Mt Eerie * Thanksgiving * Karl Blau
The July 20th Four Alarm show exhibits the talents of Karl Blau, Thanksgiving and Mt Eerie (formerly The Microphones). Hailing from Anacortes, Washington, Karl Blau has performed solo as well as collaborating with many other groups and performers such as D+ and the Microphones. His music has a northwest watery vibe and is totally sick, trust me. Thanksgiving, AKA Adrian Orange, of Portland has recorded several albums at only 19 years of age. He performs with a spontaneous and free-form vibe that crowds can always get into. Last, Mt. Eerie, AKA Phil Elverum, plays rad songs full of metaphors and cool stuff for people to think about. He has just released a full length entitled No Flashlight. Everyone should definitely make an effort to come out and see this FREE Four Alarm show! Free food at 6pm, show at 6:30!
The Old Fire House Teen Center 16510 79th St NE Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 556-2370 www.theoldfirehouse.org
[14 Jun 2005|09:12pm] |
fri june 17th $6 8pm dolour the heights the dark blues braden mckenna
tues june 21st $5 6pm "end of school bash" lines into phoenix recliners blane arabian nightmare fade away the breakers the damzels primacy effect a criminal element paris in arms the batteries
fri june 24th $6 8pm feast of the unicorn few and far beneath missing fingers menehune
[14 Jun 2005|09:12pm] |
fri june 17th $6 8pm dolour the heights the dark blues braden mckenna
tues june 21st $5 6pm "end of school bash" lines into phoenix recliners blane arabian nightmare fade away the breakers the damzels primacy effect a criminal element paris in arms the batteries
fri june 24th $6 8pm feast of the unicorn few and far beneath missing fingers menehune
[19 Jan 2005|05:39pm] |
if anyone wants to join crew or knows anyone that wants to join crew have them talk to me or email me ([email protected]) that would be really cool.
[13 Oct 2004|10:36pm] |
Environmental Club is meeting next Thursday and not Wednesday because we're going to make our goodies for Round-Up. If you want to come and help us do that or make posters...then feel free. Also, if you're a member of the club you're supposed to bring some chocolate pudding that morning and leave it in Mr. Town's class and I'll take it to a fridge that morning....or just showing up would be awesome.
[09 Oct 2004|04:50pm] |
my mother and i just spent two hours searching for Laura. which was probably the eeriest thing i've ever experienced. i hope someone finds out something. i hope the Hatch family is okay. i hope everything turns out alright.
[19 Sep 2004|08:57pm] |
For the first order of business of this community I'd like to make the following announcements:
1. The first Environmental Club meeting will be on Wednesday this week in Mr. Town's room. If you have any interest in the environment be sure to come because we'll be discussing our plans for the year and talking about our round-up booth. If you have friends that are interested be sure to bring them along. Morgan Hargraves is the club's president and Nicole Garito and I are the co-vice presidents so talk to any of us if you have questions.
2. Pat, Tyler and I will be trying to start a Star Wars club...so if you're interested in that then come talk to me. We don't have a day or time scheduled for our meetings but hopefully that will be taken care of in the next week.
3. Morgan and I are trying to start a GSA (gay-straight alliance) at our school. A lot of other schools have them and I think that its time that we did too! If you have any ideas on teachers that might be willing to be our advisor please talk to me or her about it.
4. RHS Drama has started the fall production, Robin Hood, and if anyone is interested in joining crew I'm sure Ruth would be happy to have you. You can talk to her or Ms. Pape and their offices are located near the band and choir rooms. Actually they are in the band and choir teacher offices. If you don't plan on helping out, which is understandable, please be sure to go see the play since I'm in it and I rock.
5. Danielle "D'nell" Egge and her colleagues are starting a Napoleon Dynamite club. It will meet in Mr. Garrity's room...although I'm not sure when.
6. If anyone wants to promote any of their clubs this is what this is for, as well as other things like mentioning things like concerts, performances, asb activities, etc. so have fun kids!
[19 Sep 2004|05:58pm] |
Yay! I'm a nerd.
also this will start looking less ugly eventually.