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Journal created:
on 13 December 2003 (#1550642)
on 20 November 2010
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Welcome to the Riverside University High School Community. Meet up with fellow students, graduates, staff, and just about anybody who is affiliated with the school. You'll need to join in order to post here. If you have an account already, get going! If you need one, LJ is now code-FREE, so go ahead and make an account!

When joining, I ask you have some affiliation with Riverside. The following are sorts of things I'm looking for:

Staff, alumni, current students, previous or transferred students, teachers, other employees, or basically anyone involved with the school.

Joining is now open to anybody. If you don't fit the Riverside spirit, be careful. We want the REAL Tigers!

If you are a member, feel free to post daily rants, school issues, memories of Riverside, or anything else you feel is appropriate.

Thanks for visiting! Good luck!
