Health promotion in the school is considered one of the important activities for the schoolchildr... more Health promotion in the school is considered one of the important activities for the schoolchildren. The concept of Health Promoting School is developed to promote learning and health and to highlight the importance of health teaching among teachers, community, and leaders. The school curriculum includes basic health related matters from primary school onwards to sensitize children about health. If implemented properly the Health Promoting Schools will enhance children to develop decision making skills.
Objectives:To assess the knowledge of the women on Reproductive and Child Health, practices on fa... more Objectives:To assess the knowledge of the women on Reproductive and Child Health, practices on family planning and the utilization of health services and to find the association between knowledge on RCH with selected variables. Method :Descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among married women of reproductive age group in the selected villages of Udupi district. The study subjects were interviewed through a questionnaire. Result : Out of 120 women majority (84.2%) had a good knowledge on RCH, and are belonged to the age group of 25-30 years(38.3%). Ninety four percent of women had obtained information from health personnel and 77% of women were practicing different kind of family planning methods. Conclusion : The population covered for the study had good knowledge and found 100% utilization of health services during antenatal, natal, postnatal periods and during immunization of children.
International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2019
The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate and adequate protein diet. This diet is used i... more The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate and adequate protein diet. This diet is used in treating difficult to control epilepsy in children. The diet helps the body in utilizing fat than carbohydrate. The liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies replace glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood, a state known as ketosis reduces the frequency of seizure episodes.
Introduction: A Poor vision in childhood affects performance in school and at work and has a nega... more Introduction: A Poor vision in childhood affects performance in school and at work and has a negative influence on the future of the child. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on detection of visual impairments in children, among teachers of primary schools. Methodology: An evaluative research approach was adapted with convenience sampling. The study was conducted among fifty primary school teachers from five primary schools in Udupi, Karnataka. Result: The finding showed that in the pre-test only 26.0% had adequate knowledge whereas in the post-test, 70% had adequate knowledge and in the pre-test all 50 were unskillful whereas in the post-test only 10 were unskillful. The mean post test knowledge score of teachers were significantly higher than that their mean pre-test score (t=8.93, p=0.001). There was significant difference between pre-test and post-test skill scores (Z= 6.17, p=0.001). Hence the video assisted teaching was an effective method of i...
An exploratory survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of Herba... more An exploratory survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of Herbal Remedies (HR) among Kani tribes of Kerala state in India. Kani tribe families of Trivandrum forest division in Kerala was selected by cluster sampling method and interviewed by structured interview schedules. Objectives of the study were to assess the KAP of Kani tribes regarding the use of HR for their common ailments and to find the association between selected variables of the study. The major findings of the study were: Majority (98%) of the sample had good knowledge and favorable att itude (97%) on HR. The least self reported practice of HR was found for animal bite (70%) and fever (71%) and the most practice was found for cut (97%) snake bite (94%) burns (94%) and tooth ache (94%). Significant association were found between the attitude towards HR and previous experience of HR for burns, wound and Animal bite (P value: 0.025, 0.000 and 0.025 respectively), socio economic status a...
Background: Estimated 25 million Indians are affected by Osteoporosis.1 It is eight times more co... more Background: Estimated 25 million Indians are affected by Osteoporosis.1 It is eight times more common in women than in men.2 Objectives:To determine the preventive practice and assessing the risk status (KPR) on osteoporosis, find the association between selected variables and key variables, find the relationship between practice and risk status in each group of women; comparing the mean among the groups on same. Methods:A cross-sectional survey on 110 women, selected by convenience sampling at Hiriadka, Karnataka. Demographic proforma, self reported practice scale and risk assessment tool were used. Results:There was positive correlation between age and risk status (p<0.05) in group1, whereas in group 2 it was negatively correlated. Preventive practices and risk status was negatively correlated in both groups (p<0.05).
Introduction: There has been a growing rate of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) despite the ... more Introduction: There has been a growing rate of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) despite the successful implementation of VAP bundles. Objectives: Objectives were to assess the knowledge and oral care practices of nurses and the clinical outcomes related to poor oral care practices on ventilated patients before and after education on ‘oral care practices’; to identify the effect of educational program for nurses’ knowledge, oral care practices and clinical outcomes on mechanically ventilated patients and to find the relationship between nurses’ knowledge and their selected demographic variables. The clinical outcomes included oral hygienic status and incidence of VAP among ventilated patients. Methods and Materials: The study used a pre-experimental pretest and posttest design on a sample of 30 critical care nurses of a hospital in Dubai. An educational session was taken and an Oral Care Protocol was implemented. Results: Although most of them (46.7%) had an experience of 10 to ...
EBP is an interdisciplinary approach to clinical practice that has been gaining ground following ... more EBP is an interdisciplinary approach to clinical practice that has been gaining ground following its formal introduction in 1992 and .is combining the best research evidence with clinical expertise with patient preference in other to improve practice and patient outcomes AVB=1+2+3 By combining external evidence + internal evidence + patient (value and preferences) 1)-taking external evidence (systematic review, randomized control trials, best practice and clinical practice guidelines that support a change in clinical practice ) 2) - taking internal evidence (evidence from clinical expertise that have been in health care for a very long time and quality improvement projects outcome management initiative) 3) -patient * preferences (the need of the patient) *Patients values (the quality of life) EBP has come to life as a result of top global challenges faced by the health care system in the whole world whether you are in South Africa, in Europe in the United States of America, in Asia and in Australia. The challenge here is to provide evidence-based cost effective quality care that will improve practice and improve patient outcomes.
Descriptive survey was conducted among adults in the selected villages of Udupi district during J... more Descriptive survey was conducted among adults in the selected villages of Udupi district during July 2009- July 2010. The study subjects were interviewed to collect the details with a questionnaire. Total 385 adults were selected by non- probability convenient sampling technique. Data were entered in SPSS11.5 version and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
An evaluative research was carried out by Mrs. Suja Karkada on “A study of compliance of anemic a... more An evaluative research was carried out by Mrs. Suja Karkada on “A study of compliance of anemic adolescent high school girls (AHSG) to iron supplementation and nutritional education and to find the effectiveness of these on scholastic performance, hematological parameters and BMI in selected schools of Udupi district. It was conducted for the award of PhD degree from Manipal University. The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of anemia among adolescent high school girls (AHSG), to find the association between the prevalence of anemia with selected demographic variables (age, number of siblings, birth order, type of family), socio economic status (SES), body mass index (BMI) and attainment of menarche, to identify the demographic variables, scholastic performance, hematological parameters, BMI and SES of AHSG of intervention and control group on the 1st, 45th and 90th day, to find the effectiveness of FeSO4 supplementation and nutritional education in terms of in...
Objectives To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding dietary intake and delineate... more Objectives To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding dietary intake and delineate the factors influencing dietary practices of the high school students of selected schools of Udupi district, Karnataka. Methods The study had adopted a Survey Approach which consisted of two phase. Descriptive survey design was used in the first phase to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dietary intake among 400 high school students from selected English medium schools. Exploratory survey design was used to delineate the factors influencing unhealthy dietary practices among those having unhealthy dietary practices i.e. 34 students. Results From the first phase of the study it was revealed that majority (69.5%) of the students had good knowledge, few (8.5%) had unhealthy dietary practices, only 22.8% had favourable attitude towards unhealthy dietary practice and for 82.5% of the students, parents were the influencing factor in their dietary intake. It was also found t...
Background Nursing students struggle with anatomy and physiology course because of the complicate... more Background Nursing students struggle with anatomy and physiology course because of the complicated terminology and the difficulty in handling large amounts of information. New, innovative instructional strategies must be integrated into nursing education to improve nursing students’ performance in this challenging bioscience course. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of an innovative teaching strategy, the flipped classroom, on the performance and satisfaction of Omani nursing students in an anatomy and physiology course. Methods A quasi-experimental design was used with two classes of 112 first-year nursing students at the College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. Online videos and active-learning activities about the respiratory system were developed and implemented in an anatomy and physiology course with 53 first-semester nursing students. The control group consisted of a previous cohort of 59 students enrolled in the same course but taught with a tradit...
Objectives:to assess the prevalence and knowledge of diabetes and hypertension among adults and t... more Objectives:to assess the prevalence and knowledge of diabetes and hypertension among adults and to find the association between knowledge level and variables. Methods:Descriptive survey was conducted among adults in the selected villages of Udupi district during July 2009- July 2010. The study subjects were interviewed to collect the details with a questionnaire. Total 385 adults were selected by non- probability convenient sampling technique. Data were entered in SPSS11.5 version and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results:Out of 385 adults, 27.8% of adults were females and 72.2% had their education up to primary level. Majority (82.2%) of the adults were having unskilled occupation and 96% of them had exposure to mass media. Majority (50.4%) of them had average knowledge on diabetes mellitus and prevalence was found to be only 5%. Majority (50.6%) of the sample had average level of knowledge about hypertension and the prevalence of hypertension was 19.5%. Re...
International Journal of Nursing Research and Practice (IJNRP)
... Today, it has become a highly effective approach to the clinical teaching of nurs-ing student... more ... Today, it has become a highly effective approach to the clinical teaching of nurs-ing students and an integral part of the orientation of new nurses in the practice setting (Hardyman &amp; Hickey, 2001; Myrick &amp; Barrett, 1992; Usher, Nolan, Reser, Owens, &amp; Tollefson, 1999). ...
International Journal of Nursing Research and Practice (IJNRP)
Introduction: Health and Wellbeing of employees in the work place are important concerns that sho... more Introduction: Health and Wellbeing of employees in the work place are important concerns that should continue to receive attention in any organization. Any kind of work related stress when combined with daily life stress lead to detrimental physical and emotional outcome due to excess physical and mental demand on the human body and mind. The health of nurses is a prime concern for any organization as they are the direct caregivers to the patient and their emotional and physical stability is needed for effective patient care for maintaining their standards in relation to patient safety. Objectives: The review study was mainly aimed at understanding various kinds of occupational hazards and its consequences on the exposed nurses. Methodology: The review used descriptive cross-sectional research design using secondary sources related to occupational health hazards among nurses. Very few studies have focused on the psychological hazards of nurses. The review of articles has provided an insight on various kinds of occupational hazards that the nurses are exposed to, based on the area of work, their experiences, age, Body Mass Index, training and their own negligence. The study mainly excluded radiological hazards and return to work program and employers responsibilities in prevention of these risk and exposure. Results: Each profession has certain amount of occupational risk involved. The health care providers are the third major group who experience high number of work place injuries, as they are direct care providers. Nurses do face considerable amount of risk in varied forms including needle stick injuries, harmful exposures to chemicals and hazardous drug, back injuries, latex allergy, violence and stress. The most common injuries reported are back injury and risk of infection. Conclusion: Nurses are confronted to various kinds of occupational hazards due to their nature of work. Future interventions or a proper occupational infrastructure should be adapted by all the organizations to promote health and well-being of the staff.
Health promotion in the school is considered one of the important activities for the schoolchildr... more Health promotion in the school is considered one of the important activities for the schoolchildren. The concept of Health Promoting School is developed to promote learning and health and to highlight the importance of health teaching among teachers, community, and leaders. The school curriculum includes basic health related matters from primary school onwards to sensitize children about health. If implemented properly the Health Promoting Schools will enhance children to develop decision making skills.
Objectives:To assess the knowledge of the women on Reproductive and Child Health, practices on fa... more Objectives:To assess the knowledge of the women on Reproductive and Child Health, practices on family planning and the utilization of health services and to find the association between knowledge on RCH with selected variables. Method :Descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among married women of reproductive age group in the selected villages of Udupi district. The study subjects were interviewed through a questionnaire. Result : Out of 120 women majority (84.2%) had a good knowledge on RCH, and are belonged to the age group of 25-30 years(38.3%). Ninety four percent of women had obtained information from health personnel and 77% of women were practicing different kind of family planning methods. Conclusion : The population covered for the study had good knowledge and found 100% utilization of health services during antenatal, natal, postnatal periods and during immunization of children.
International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2019
The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate and adequate protein diet. This diet is used i... more The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate and adequate protein diet. This diet is used in treating difficult to control epilepsy in children. The diet helps the body in utilizing fat than carbohydrate. The liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies replace glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood, a state known as ketosis reduces the frequency of seizure episodes.
Introduction: A Poor vision in childhood affects performance in school and at work and has a nega... more Introduction: A Poor vision in childhood affects performance in school and at work and has a negative influence on the future of the child. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on detection of visual impairments in children, among teachers of primary schools. Methodology: An evaluative research approach was adapted with convenience sampling. The study was conducted among fifty primary school teachers from five primary schools in Udupi, Karnataka. Result: The finding showed that in the pre-test only 26.0% had adequate knowledge whereas in the post-test, 70% had adequate knowledge and in the pre-test all 50 were unskillful whereas in the post-test only 10 were unskillful. The mean post test knowledge score of teachers were significantly higher than that their mean pre-test score (t=8.93, p=0.001). There was significant difference between pre-test and post-test skill scores (Z= 6.17, p=0.001). Hence the video assisted teaching was an effective method of i...
An exploratory survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of Herba... more An exploratory survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of Herbal Remedies (HR) among Kani tribes of Kerala state in India. Kani tribe families of Trivandrum forest division in Kerala was selected by cluster sampling method and interviewed by structured interview schedules. Objectives of the study were to assess the KAP of Kani tribes regarding the use of HR for their common ailments and to find the association between selected variables of the study. The major findings of the study were: Majority (98%) of the sample had good knowledge and favorable att itude (97%) on HR. The least self reported practice of HR was found for animal bite (70%) and fever (71%) and the most practice was found for cut (97%) snake bite (94%) burns (94%) and tooth ache (94%). Significant association were found between the attitude towards HR and previous experience of HR for burns, wound and Animal bite (P value: 0.025, 0.000 and 0.025 respectively), socio economic status a...
Background: Estimated 25 million Indians are affected by Osteoporosis.1 It is eight times more co... more Background: Estimated 25 million Indians are affected by Osteoporosis.1 It is eight times more common in women than in men.2 Objectives:To determine the preventive practice and assessing the risk status (KPR) on osteoporosis, find the association between selected variables and key variables, find the relationship between practice and risk status in each group of women; comparing the mean among the groups on same. Methods:A cross-sectional survey on 110 women, selected by convenience sampling at Hiriadka, Karnataka. Demographic proforma, self reported practice scale and risk assessment tool were used. Results:There was positive correlation between age and risk status (p<0.05) in group1, whereas in group 2 it was negatively correlated. Preventive practices and risk status was negatively correlated in both groups (p<0.05).
Introduction: There has been a growing rate of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) despite the ... more Introduction: There has been a growing rate of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) despite the successful implementation of VAP bundles. Objectives: Objectives were to assess the knowledge and oral care practices of nurses and the clinical outcomes related to poor oral care practices on ventilated patients before and after education on ‘oral care practices’; to identify the effect of educational program for nurses’ knowledge, oral care practices and clinical outcomes on mechanically ventilated patients and to find the relationship between nurses’ knowledge and their selected demographic variables. The clinical outcomes included oral hygienic status and incidence of VAP among ventilated patients. Methods and Materials: The study used a pre-experimental pretest and posttest design on a sample of 30 critical care nurses of a hospital in Dubai. An educational session was taken and an Oral Care Protocol was implemented. Results: Although most of them (46.7%) had an experience of 10 to ...
EBP is an interdisciplinary approach to clinical practice that has been gaining ground following ... more EBP is an interdisciplinary approach to clinical practice that has been gaining ground following its formal introduction in 1992 and .is combining the best research evidence with clinical expertise with patient preference in other to improve practice and patient outcomes AVB=1+2+3 By combining external evidence + internal evidence + patient (value and preferences) 1)-taking external evidence (systematic review, randomized control trials, best practice and clinical practice guidelines that support a change in clinical practice ) 2) - taking internal evidence (evidence from clinical expertise that have been in health care for a very long time and quality improvement projects outcome management initiative) 3) -patient * preferences (the need of the patient) *Patients values (the quality of life) EBP has come to life as a result of top global challenges faced by the health care system in the whole world whether you are in South Africa, in Europe in the United States of America, in Asia and in Australia. The challenge here is to provide evidence-based cost effective quality care that will improve practice and improve patient outcomes.
Descriptive survey was conducted among adults in the selected villages of Udupi district during J... more Descriptive survey was conducted among adults in the selected villages of Udupi district during July 2009- July 2010. The study subjects were interviewed to collect the details with a questionnaire. Total 385 adults were selected by non- probability convenient sampling technique. Data were entered in SPSS11.5 version and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
An evaluative research was carried out by Mrs. Suja Karkada on “A study of compliance of anemic a... more An evaluative research was carried out by Mrs. Suja Karkada on “A study of compliance of anemic adolescent high school girls (AHSG) to iron supplementation and nutritional education and to find the effectiveness of these on scholastic performance, hematological parameters and BMI in selected schools of Udupi district. It was conducted for the award of PhD degree from Manipal University. The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of anemia among adolescent high school girls (AHSG), to find the association between the prevalence of anemia with selected demographic variables (age, number of siblings, birth order, type of family), socio economic status (SES), body mass index (BMI) and attainment of menarche, to identify the demographic variables, scholastic performance, hematological parameters, BMI and SES of AHSG of intervention and control group on the 1st, 45th and 90th day, to find the effectiveness of FeSO4 supplementation and nutritional education in terms of in...
Objectives To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding dietary intake and delineate... more Objectives To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding dietary intake and delineate the factors influencing dietary practices of the high school students of selected schools of Udupi district, Karnataka. Methods The study had adopted a Survey Approach which consisted of two phase. Descriptive survey design was used in the first phase to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dietary intake among 400 high school students from selected English medium schools. Exploratory survey design was used to delineate the factors influencing unhealthy dietary practices among those having unhealthy dietary practices i.e. 34 students. Results From the first phase of the study it was revealed that majority (69.5%) of the students had good knowledge, few (8.5%) had unhealthy dietary practices, only 22.8% had favourable attitude towards unhealthy dietary practice and for 82.5% of the students, parents were the influencing factor in their dietary intake. It was also found t...
Background Nursing students struggle with anatomy and physiology course because of the complicate... more Background Nursing students struggle with anatomy and physiology course because of the complicated terminology and the difficulty in handling large amounts of information. New, innovative instructional strategies must be integrated into nursing education to improve nursing students’ performance in this challenging bioscience course. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of an innovative teaching strategy, the flipped classroom, on the performance and satisfaction of Omani nursing students in an anatomy and physiology course. Methods A quasi-experimental design was used with two classes of 112 first-year nursing students at the College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. Online videos and active-learning activities about the respiratory system were developed and implemented in an anatomy and physiology course with 53 first-semester nursing students. The control group consisted of a previous cohort of 59 students enrolled in the same course but taught with a tradit...
Objectives:to assess the prevalence and knowledge of diabetes and hypertension among adults and t... more Objectives:to assess the prevalence and knowledge of diabetes and hypertension among adults and to find the association between knowledge level and variables. Methods:Descriptive survey was conducted among adults in the selected villages of Udupi district during July 2009- July 2010. The study subjects were interviewed to collect the details with a questionnaire. Total 385 adults were selected by non- probability convenient sampling technique. Data were entered in SPSS11.5 version and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results:Out of 385 adults, 27.8% of adults were females and 72.2% had their education up to primary level. Majority (82.2%) of the adults were having unskilled occupation and 96% of them had exposure to mass media. Majority (50.4%) of them had average knowledge on diabetes mellitus and prevalence was found to be only 5%. Majority (50.6%) of the sample had average level of knowledge about hypertension and the prevalence of hypertension was 19.5%. Re...
International Journal of Nursing Research and Practice (IJNRP)
... Today, it has become a highly effective approach to the clinical teaching of nurs-ing student... more ... Today, it has become a highly effective approach to the clinical teaching of nurs-ing students and an integral part of the orientation of new nurses in the practice setting (Hardyman &amp; Hickey, 2001; Myrick &amp; Barrett, 1992; Usher, Nolan, Reser, Owens, &amp; Tollefson, 1999). ...
International Journal of Nursing Research and Practice (IJNRP)
Introduction: Health and Wellbeing of employees in the work place are important concerns that sho... more Introduction: Health and Wellbeing of employees in the work place are important concerns that should continue to receive attention in any organization. Any kind of work related stress when combined with daily life stress lead to detrimental physical and emotional outcome due to excess physical and mental demand on the human body and mind. The health of nurses is a prime concern for any organization as they are the direct caregivers to the patient and their emotional and physical stability is needed for effective patient care for maintaining their standards in relation to patient safety. Objectives: The review study was mainly aimed at understanding various kinds of occupational hazards and its consequences on the exposed nurses. Methodology: The review used descriptive cross-sectional research design using secondary sources related to occupational health hazards among nurses. Very few studies have focused on the psychological hazards of nurses. The review of articles has provided an insight on various kinds of occupational hazards that the nurses are exposed to, based on the area of work, their experiences, age, Body Mass Index, training and their own negligence. The study mainly excluded radiological hazards and return to work program and employers responsibilities in prevention of these risk and exposure. Results: Each profession has certain amount of occupational risk involved. The health care providers are the third major group who experience high number of work place injuries, as they are direct care providers. Nurses do face considerable amount of risk in varied forms including needle stick injuries, harmful exposures to chemicals and hazardous drug, back injuries, latex allergy, violence and stress. The most common injuries reported are back injury and risk of infection. Conclusion: Nurses are confronted to various kinds of occupational hazards due to their nature of work. Future interventions or a proper occupational infrastructure should be adapted by all the organizations to promote health and well-being of the staff.
Papers by Suja Karkada