Volume 8: Issue 9 by John Abraham

SciDoc Publishers, 2021
Background: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) or COVID-19 was characte... more Background: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) or COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic before been declared asa Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The outbreak has affected more than 148 million people affecting the respiratory system, skin, and digestive system. Hence, the present study aims tofind the preponderance of oral manifestations of COVID-19and to suggest the management of those affected with the same. Method: In the present review, search engines such as PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science were used. Gray literature was also included by performing a manual search on Google Scholar. All the articles that were published till April 25, 2021, were included. The search keywords include: "Symptoms", "Oral Manifestation", "Mouth disease", "COVID-19", "SARS-CoV-2", and "India". Results: The most common oral manifestations are: sore throat (25.43%) followed by dysgeusia (27.84%). The other common symptoms are enanthema (58.5%), oral lesions (48.5%), and oral bleeding (22.95%). Chlorhexidine mouthwash, topical or systemic corticosteroids,normal saline gargling, and artificial saliva are used in managing the manifestations. Conclusion: Looking out and identifyingthe oral manifestation can help in timely diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.So, Therefore,it is important to include dentists in the multidisciplinary team assisting the COVID-19 patients.
Papers by John Abraham

Scientific Reports
Adolescent mental health problems have been recognised as a major issue in low-income countries i... more Adolescent mental health problems have been recognised as a major issue in low-income countries including India. Through a meta-analytic approach, the present review delineate the overall prevalence of each of the most discussed mental health problems among rural adolescents in India, comprising depression, anxiety disorders, generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety, social anxiety disorder, suicidality, hyperactivity, emotional problems, conduct problems and peer problems. The review also presents the potential determinants of such mental health problems. Using PRISMA guidelines, a total of thirty-five studies were finalized from databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, JSTOR, Web of Science, Google Scholar and ProQuest. From the findings, it is observed that male and female adolescents does not differ significantly in the prevalence of most mental health problems. However, social anxiety was found to be more prevalent among females when compared to males. ...

Psyche: A Journal of Entomology
The life cycle of the invasive alien insect pest, fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E... more The life cycle of the invasive alien insect pest, fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), was studied using a colony established from field-collected larvae. Eggs, neonate larvae, and newly emerged adult moths were used in experiments to investigate the basic biology of the FAW. Adult females laid up to 1184 eggs with a mean of 469 ± 22 eggs per female. The incubation period of eggs and percentage hatchability were 2-3 days and 80–87%, respectively. The mean larval lengths from the first to the sixth instar were 4.63, 6.60, 9.76, 15.86, 25.13, and 27.81 mm, respectively. The mean larval weights were 0.003, 0.019, 0.045, 0.050, 0.060, and 0.067 g, respectively, for the six instars. The mean width of the head capsule of the sixth instar larva was 2.76 mm. The total larval duration throughout the six instar stages was 16–18 days, while the mean pupal weight was 0.25 ± 0.001 g and 0.35 ± 0.011 g for males and females, respectively. The mean pupal length was 14.3 ± 0.16 ...

African Entomology
Tephritid fruit flies, including Ceratitis ditissima, often invade citrus orchards. These flies c... more Tephritid fruit flies, including Ceratitis ditissima, often invade citrus orchards. These flies cause economic losses to farmers and can prevent farmers from exporting their fruits to foreign markets. To detect the presence of fruit flies in citrus orchards, traps are baited with synthetic lures, which are often expensive for smallholder farmers. Farmers in developing or financially less-endowed countries have to import such synthetic baits, raising the cost of pest monitoring and control. Therefore, we evaluated the potential of palm wine and three other food-based mixtures for trapping C. ditissima and the proportion of non-target flies they trap. Transparent deli cup traps were baited with four different food-based baits, namely palm wine, sugarcane spirit-wine mixture, apple cider vinegar and yeast-sugar mixture. The traps were placed within a citrus orchard on fruit-bearing trees. The content of each trap was collected after one week and evaluated. This was repeated for eight c...

The life cycle of the invasive alien insect pest, Fall armyworm (FAW), was studied using a colony... more The life cycle of the invasive alien insect pest, Fall armyworm (FAW), was studied using a colony established from field-collected larvae. Eggs, neonate larvae and newly emerged adult moths were used in the experiments to determine the basic biology of the FAW. Matured females laid up to 1184 eggs with mean fecundity of 469 ± 22 eggs per female. Incubation period of eggs and percentage hatchability were 2–3 days and 80–87% respectively. Larval lengths from first to sixth instar were 4.63, 6.60, 9.76, 15.86, 25.13 and 27.81 mm respectively. Larval weights were 0.003, 0.019, 0.045, 0.050, 0.060 and 0.067 g respectively for six instars. The mean head capsule of the sixth instar larva was 2.76 mm. Total larval duration throughout the six instar stages was 16–18 days, while pupal weight and length were 0.16 g and 1.9 cm respectively. Pupal duration was between 8 and 14 days with a mean of 10.35 ± 0.26 days, with percentage emergence reaching a maximum of 94, and with a mean of 80.25%. To...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

The Breast Journal, 2020
The emotional and psychosocial stress experienced by cancer patients can significantly impact tre... more The emotional and psychosocial stress experienced by cancer patients can significantly impact treatment outcomes and overall quality of life. Standard methods of screening for psychosocial distress have been established, including the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) distress screening thermometer and problem list. Limited data is available elucidating the distress that Veterans with cancer face. This report provides an overview of the results of a distress screening program at a single VA institution Materials/Methods: We reviewed 413 consecutive patients undergoing cancer treatment during the period 1/26/17 to 3/19/2019. The goal of this review was to understand the physical, emotional, practical, family, and spiritual difficulties veterans with cancer experience, as reflected by their responses to a standard evidence-based screening tool. Screenings were completed utilizing the NCCN distress thermometer at first consultation in Radiation Oncology and Hematology/Medical Oncology clinics Results: Mean age of the patient population was 68.5 and 96.1% were male. The treatment population was 55.2% Caucasian, 40.6% African American, 3.6% Hispanic, 0.6% other. The most prevalent cancer diagnoses were prostate 48.4%, lung 11.8%, head and neck 8.9%, hematologic 7.5%, GI 4.8%, breast 2.4%, and CNS 1.1%. Skin and other malignancies comprised 15%. Screenings were completed on > 90% of patients at first visit. 54% of patients screened scored at or above the numerical distress value of 4, indicating moderate to severe distress. Significant mental health comorbidities were identified: 43.3% addictive disorder, 20.8% PTSD, 15% depressive disorder, 10.10% adjustment disorder. 53.5% of patients experienced at least 1 practical problem, 16.2% at least 1 family problem, 62.2% at least 1 emotional or spiritual problem. 40.4% of the population experienced fatigue and 39.2% experienced pain. Referrals to the Oncology Psychology team were placed in 42.4% of the treatment population. Conclusion: These results support the utility of the distress screening process in identifying psychosocial and physical conditions experienced by Veterans undergoing cancer treatment. The screening process, implemented by the interdisciplinary treatment team, consistently facilitated referrals to both embedded mental health specialty care within Oncology (Oncology Psychology) and to the medical center's general mental health service. Further data is being collected to investigate the effect of interventions by mental health professionals on veteran reported distress Author Disclosure: I. Jan: None. M.D. Kelly: in charge of the oncology program and the radiation therapy services; VHA. G.A. Dawson: None.

PloS one, 2017
The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of four monofloral and one multifloral of Thai honeys produ... more The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of four monofloral and one multifloral of Thai honeys produced by Apis cerana, Apis dorsata and Apis mellifera were analyzed by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The floral sources were longan, sunflower, coffee, wild flowers (wild) and lychee. Honey originating from longan had more VOCs than all other floral sources. Sunflower honey had the least numbers of VOCs. cis-Linalool oxide, trans-linalool oxide, ho-trienol, and furan-2,5-dicarbaldehyde were present in all the honeys studied, independent of their floral origin. Interestingly, 2-phenylacetaldehyde was detected in all honey sample except longan honey produced by A. cerana. Thirty-two VOCs were identified as possible floral markers. After validating differences in honey volatiles from different floral sources and honeybee species, the results suggest that differences in quality and quantity of honey volatiles are i...

International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 2009
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Methods for developing country level estimates of the incidence of deaths and non-fatal injuries from road traffic crashes
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 2010

International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 2018
Purpose/Objective(s): Many patients with metastatic disease receiving palliative radiation die sh... more Purpose/Objective(s): Many patients with metastatic disease receiving palliative radiation die shortly after completing prolonged radiotherapy (RT) schedules. This suggests that radiation oncologists (ROs) are not able to accurately predict patient survival and may be overly optimistic about patient prognosis. Established guidelines stipulate that patients with limited life expectancy are more appropriately treated with fewer fractions to reduce the treatment burden at the end of life, but adherence to these guidelines is variable. The purpose of this study is to determine whether palliative RT fractionation schedules correlate with time until death (TUD) after RT and evaluate demographic and patient related factors to predict prognosis in metastatic patients. Materials/Methods: This retrospective study included patients treated with palliative RT for metastatic cancer to the brain, spine, and bone between January 1, 2016 and June 30, 2016 at either a safety-net hospital (SNH) or adjacent private academic hospital (PAH). Variables analyzed included treatment location, gender, age, race, language preference, socioeconomic score, comorbidity, Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), and intended number of fractions (NOF). NOF was treated as a binary variable with patients categorized as receiving either 5 or fewer fractions or greater than 5 fractions. Univariable analysis (UVA) and multivariable analysis (MVA) were performed by using the Cox proportional hazards regression model. All p-values were two-sided. Hazard ratios (HRs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals and p-values were estimated. Results: 145 patients were eligible for inclusion in this study. 34.5% (50) patients were treated for brain metastases and 65.5% (95) patients were treated for metastases to the bone or spine. 80.0% of patients were treated at the PAH, and 20.0% of patients were treated at the SNH. 46.9% of patients identified as Hispanic, 32.4% of patients identified as non-Hispanic White, and 18.6% of patients identified as non-Hispanic Black. Ten percent of brain patients and 17.9 of spine/bone patients had a KPS 60. Two percent of brain patients and 17.9% of spine/bone patients received 5 or fewer fractions. Upon MVA, poor KPS (60) vs. good KPS (90) was associated with shorter TUD in both brain (HR 8.72, p Z 0.02) and spine/ bone (HR 7.25, p < 0.01) palliative radiation patients. Planned number of fractions had no relationship with TUD in either disease site. Conclusion: These results are consistent with other studies that link poor functional status with a shorter TUD. There was no correlation between fractionation schedule and TUD, which is consistent with ROs not properly tailoring their radiation schedules for patients' poor prognoses. To improve this, ROs should elevate the importance of performance status when determining fractionation schedules and be more conscious of not giving prolonged courses of treatment to patients with limited life expectancy. Prospective trials to evaluate and improve this metric are necessary.

Oncogene, 1997
A novel polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method was used to identify candidate genes whose e... more A novel polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method was used to identify candidate genes whose expression is altered in cancer cells by ionizing radiation. Transcriptional induction of randomly selected genes in control versus irradiated human HL60 cells was compared. Among several complementary DNA (cDNA) clones recovered by this approach, one cDNA clone (CL68-5) was downregulated in X-irradiated HL60 cells but unaected by 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate, forskolin, or cyclosporin-A. DNA sequencing of the CL68-5 cDNA revealed 100% nucleotide sequence homology to the reported human Csa-19 gene. Northern blot analysis of RNA from control and irradiated cells revealed the expression of a single 0.7-kilobase (kb) messenger RNA (mRNA) transcript. This 0.7-kb Csa-19 mRNA transcript was also expressed in a variety of human adult and corresponding fetal normal tissues. Moreover, when the eect of X-or ®ssion neutronirradiation on Csa-19 mRNA was compared in cultured human cells diering in p53 gene status (p537/7 versus p53+/+), downregulation of Csa-19 by X-rays or ®ssion neutrons was similar in p53-wild type and p53null cell lines. Our results provide the ®rst known example of a radiation-responsive gene in human cancer cells whose expression is not associated with p53, adenylate cyclase or protein kinase C.

Laboratory Investigation, 2012
We previously reported frequent truncating mutations of the RNA-binding protein gene, La ribonucl... more We previously reported frequent truncating mutations of the RNA-binding protein gene, La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member-7 (LARP7) in gastric cancers (GCs) with frequent microsatellite instability. LARP7 negatively regulates positive transcription elongation factor-b (p-TEFb) by binding to and stabilizing 7sk RNA. p-TEFb has been linked to proliferation and de-differentiation in various tissues. Therefore, we reasoned that loss of LARP7 may contribute to gastric tumorigenesis. In this study, we evaluated LARP7 mRNA expression in 18 GCs, their corresponding non-neoplastic gastric tissues (N GC), and 18 normal gastric tissues from healthy individuals (N N). We also assessed the effects of transient small interfering (siRNA)-mediated LARP7 knockdown in immortalized non-neoplastic gastric epithelial cells. LARP7 mRNA was significantly decreased in GCs (median 2.5) relative to N N s (median 14.9, Po0.01) as well as relative to their corresponding N GC s (median 8.1, Po0.01). Transfection of an siRNA directed against LARP7 (anti-LARP7 siRNA) into nonneoplastic gastric epithelial cells decreased 7sk levels by 72% relative to a control siRNA (Po0.01). Furthermore, anti-LARP7 siRNA transfection increased cell proliferation by 23% (Po0.01) and cell migration by 22% (Po0.001) relative to control siRNA transfection. Taken together, these findings suggest that LARP7 downregulation occurs early during gastric tumorigenesis and may promote gastric tumorigenesis via p-TEFb dysregulation.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 1996
cfield M. may be as with anAel ris of hui cancr: biut the p l dab is limited and: controversiaL W... more cfield M. may be as with anAel ris of hui cancr: biut the p l dab is limited and: controversiaL We ineigated the h ei that 60-Hz MF action at the ceular level produces changes in gene exprssion that can result in neoplatic aion. Twentyfour hour 200 uT continuona MP eposure prodq tivresls in to tndda 0r Urlo a Fp s out Fpost... : I. .. .. .. e ton a chemical ?ro.ot... Ti ..prspe aiexrnaazzxofpevulyreore coded: and uncoded analysesws negatie fior : an M P t UsI uthe pos c ons as in the transformation studies, no MF-induced cangein o Address correspondence to E.

Clinical Cancer Research, 2019
Purpose: Barrett's esophagus is the only known precursor of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). ... more Purpose: Barrett's esophagus is the only known precursor of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). Although endoscopy and biopsy are standard methods for Barrett's esophagus diagnosis, their high cost and risk limit their use as a screening modality. Here, we sought to develop a Barrett's esophagus detection method based on methylation status in cytology samples captured by EsophaCap using a streamlined sensitive technique, methylation on beads (MOB). Experimental Design: We conducted a prospective cohort study on 80 patients (52 in the training set; 28 in the test set). We used MOB to extract and bisulfite-convert DNA, followed by quantitative methylation-specific PCR to assess methylation levels of 8 previously selected candidate markers. Lasso regression was applied to establish a prediction model in the training set, which was then tested on the independent test set. Results: In the training set, five of eight candidate methylation biomarkers (p16, HPP1, NELL1, TAC1, and A...
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2011

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009
Abstract A predictive theory is presented which is capable of providing quantitative results for ... more Abstract A predictive theory is presented which is capable of providing quantitative results for the heat transfer coefficients in round pipes for the three possible flow regimes: laminar, transitional, and turbulent. The theory is based on a model of laminar-to-turbulent transition which is also viable for purely laminar and purely turbulent flow. Fully developed heat transfer coefficients were predicted for the three regimes. The present predictions were brought together with the most accurate experimental data known to the authors as well as with several algebraic formulas which are purported to be able to provide fully developed heat transfer coefficients in the so-called transition regime between Re = 2300 and 10,000. It was found that over the range Re > 4800, both the present predictions and those of the Gnielinski formula [V. Gnielinski, New equations for heat and mass transfer in turbulent pipe and channel flow, Int. Chem. Eng. 16 (1976) 359–367] are very well supported by the experimental data. However, the Gnielinski model is less successful in the range from 2300 to 3100. In that range, the present predictions and those of Churchill [S. Churchill, Comprehensive correlating equations for heat, mass, and momentum transfer in fully developed flow in smooth tubes, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 16 (1977) 109–116] are mutually reinforcing. Heat transfer results in the development region have also been obtained. Typically, regardless of the Reynolds number, the region immediately downstream of the inlet is characterized by laminar heat transfer. After the breakdown of laminar flow, a region characterized by intermittent heat transfer occurs. Subsequently, the flow may become turbulent and fully developed or the intermittent state may persist as a fully developed regime. The investigation covered both of the basic thermal boundary conditions of uniform heat flux (UHF) and uniform wall temperature (UWT). In the development region, the difference between the respective heat transfer coefficients for the two cases was approximately 25% (UHF > UWT). For the fully developed case, the respective heat transfer coefficients are essentially equal in the turbulent regime but differ by about 25% in the intermittent regime. The reported results are for a turbulence intensity of 5% and flat velocity and temperature profiles at the inlet.
Heat Transfer Engineering, 2003

The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2010
This paper presents a detailed numerical simulation of the fluid flow characteristics of a synthe... more This paper presents a detailed numerical simulation of the fluid flow characteristics of a synthetic jet. The fluid motion is caused by an oscillating piston within a circular channel which is connected to a larger cavity. The oscillating piston utilized a sawtooth forcing profile, and the solution encompassed the channel geometry, the cavity, and the fluid domain external to the cavity. Momentum fluxes through the orifice and over the exterior of the cavity are calculated. The contribution of the external flow to the induced momentum, by means of the co-flow, is investigated numerically. These findings support previous experimental and computational investigations of the existence of co-flow and its overall contribution to mass and momentum flowrates. The effects of the asymmetric forcing profile on the net and instantaneous momentum fluxes, as well as the co-flow mass flux, are presented. Of particular note, it was found that the shape of the sawtooth profile has a significant impact on direction of momentum transferred to the fluid, however, the absolute magnitudes of this momentum flowrate were found to be negligible compared to the momentum flowing through the orifice.
Volume 8: Issue 9 by John Abraham
Papers by John Abraham
encounter during studying. It affects their mental health, academic performance, and even everyday activities. A lack of time management was once thought to be the cause of procrastination. Procrastination, however, has been linked to mood control, according to recent studies. Decision-making is also a factor that is influenced by emotion or a person’s affect. The present study aims to find whether decision-making and affective styles influence academic procrastination among Indian students. The participants (N = 211) who are currently studying any discipline in a regular mode and who are between the ages of 17 to 30 years (mean = 21.10 & SD = 2.168) were selected using purposive sampling, and data was collected online using Academic Procrastination Scale, General Decision-Making Style Instrument and Affective Style Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, along with multiple regression analysis. Results found a significant inverse correlation between rational decision-making and academic procrastination and a weak inverse correlation between adjusting affective style and academic procrastination. A significant positive correlation between avoidant decision-making and academic procrastination was also found. Through regression analysis avoidance, decision-making
has been found as a positive predictor of academic procrastination along
with rational decision-making, and spontaneous decision-making as negative predictors. No significant correlations were found for academic procrastination with intuitive, dependent, spontaneous, concealing, and tolerating styles. The current results contribute to the existing literature on academic procrastination and the development of effective strategies to reduce academic procrastination by managing unhealthy decision-making styles.
Keywords: academic procrastination; decision-making styles; affective styles.