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I know this demo is very different from the final game, and that’s exactly why I wanted to check it out. Some interesting concepts are showcased here!

The fov and head bob literally made my eyes hurt.

Very Creepy Game!


Scary Scuffed Games #143

Very scenic game - i liked the athmosphere. The story was very confusing especially since I played the Demo before the Prolouge and I can't see a connection here. Regarding the mechanics I think the Anthology of fear Demo is way better, although the "monster" or antagonist in the Prolouge is more interesting.


Dito: 2.8 out of 5

Twitch Chat rates it :2.92 out of 5

Gameplay em português do Brasil!

Gameplay da nova demo em português do Brasil!

Nice game

(1 edit)

I found it really cool. Looking forward to the full game.

I FINALLY gotten around to playing this game and I am certainly glad I did! Your games are bloody great and after I played ROT.... I knew this one would be great too!

The demo was so good, I literally can't wait for the full game, I made a lets play on the demo, literallllyy a huge fan! Play this if you haven't already!

I think that this game has a lot of potential and I'm really excited for the full version. I wish you luck with the project and hope that you're all staying safe.

Thank you for the experience! Wishing you all the best with this project and the ones coming in the future! 

I loved the game!! I can't wait for more it had a lot of scares and can't wait for more!! Thank you for that fun expierence!! :D

Cool game, can't wait for the rest to come out. I made a video of it if anyone would like to check it out. 

This game is great at creating the creepy atmosphere, no jump scares which was a nice change of pace. Check out my video about it!

This was quite an interesting game! I really liked the visuals and the interface of the game, especially how there are objectives that guide you on what you're supposed to do next. This game has a lot of potential to be good. I did a gameplay and provided a review of the game near the end of the video if anyone is interested in checking that out. Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here:


1. Very beautiful. Picturesque landscapes, interesting characters. I liked the visuals and the realization a lot.

2. I like the mystery that the game is building. You really start to wonder what will happen next.


1. Although, it is interesting to follow the plot, the game seems to be all over the place. Everything is happening too quickly and you don't really have time to get invested. I am pretty sure that in the full game it won't be an issue, though.

2. I would like that player would participate more in the game - for example I would like to get to control the car for a little bit or to explore more at the start and find secrets. At the moment the game seems to be a sequence of finding "hot spots" which gets kinda boring.


The demo was spooky but didn't scare me. It was kinda weird and all over the place but with lots of potential. I think the main issue is the lack of original mechanics. They seem to be repetitive atm. I really want to see how this game will turn out in the full version!

Hope my feedback was useful!

There’s so much to like here! I especially enjoyed the quick cuts; it kept me on my toes. It seems that there is a very intriguing story here; one that dares to be more than the typical psychological horror. Of course, my favorite part of this demo is that it includes some gameplay that’s more than just walking from point A to point B. I’m hoping that the full release will turn the genre on its head a little bit. I can’t wait to see more! 


Enjoyed the creative story so far and look forward to seeing where this goes.

I love the effort and quality that this game has. I've been playing alot of indie horror and most are largely in a low res type environment which makes this game stand out alot for me. Only criticism is the "note message" part near the end. It took me out of the game and felt more tedious than anything. Wish it was a bit more punchy, otherwise great prologue.

I enjoyed it a lot. I am curious to see more out of this game. I really appreciate the episodic style of the game which makes it interesting in the long run. I would say I do wish some items in the game were either a bit more obvious to see. For example, it actually took me a while to find the tombstones because it blended with the background so well.

I enjoyed this game a lot, had me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait for the full release of the game, to play the other two episodes. Thank you for making this game. 

I really loved this game. I actually refrained from editing this too heavily as the atmosphere worked too well to distort it with editing. 

I’m eager to see what the next two chapters are like! Good luck to you creator and please check out my video! 

A great prologue. Loved the atmosphere. 

Waiting for the full release.

A wonderful cinematic experience. The game really knows how to scare you without much jump scares or monsters. Best of luck for the full release!

besides the game being very loud, its very pretty in terms of visuals and the music is AMAZING. i love the refernces from the silent hill games. love it and cant wait to play the full thing

I thought this was a very interesting game! I have played a few indie games here and there but most don't really have any cut scenes in them like yours does and that stood out to me a lot! I'm excited to see where the rest of this story goes!

Storywise, I feel like the prologue reveals almost too little actually, but the game runs perfectly and I'm quite interested how it goes in the full game. I feel like the sounds are little too loud, but maybe it's just me. And yeah, I've made a video where I maybe complain too much, but wishlisted the game on Steam. Also going to check out your other games. :)

Deleted post

This game looks insanely promising! Beautiful landscapes, a captivating story, and just the right amount of tension and suspense to tie it all together. Great game!!


Thank you for playing and for video!

We loved the game and the David Blaine


Thank you for video!

Sheesh, the game honestly looks/runs amazingly. I played it with no lags or anything, but unfortunately had some in my recording. Despite that, I believe it is amazing and the story definitely intrigues me. There is so much left unanswered in the prologue, and the cliffhanger it ends with? CANNOT wait for more!

Thank you for playing and I'm glad you liked it :)
Video is a bit laggy, so it's a pity, but thank you for gameplay anyway! :)

Is this prologue finished and needs no more updates?

Yeah. More history will appear in the full game :)

Good looking game so far, i'll definitely give it a look when its on steam.


Thank you for playing and video! I'm glad you enjoyed. :) 

This was a blast to play! I really want more! XD I can't wait for the full release!

Thaaanks! :)

This was great to play, hope the full game gives more insight on to what is happening. Please keep creating great games like this and I hope I helped in someway to get you noticed in the bigger gaming industry. 

Thank you :)

Happy to do it :) 

this game is beautiful, i enjoyed playing it and really made me want to play the full game!

Thank you! :)

notes under the door lost me... great game though...

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