Resources for the Future
Research Division
Perennial water-logging due to the excessive riverbed sedimentation has become the most menacing crisis to the people of South-West region of Bangladesh. Peripheral embankments, polders, made in 1960 have turned out to be curse while it... more
Bangladesh is a low lying riverine country formed by a deltaic plain at the confluence of the three mighty rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna and their tributaries. Most of the flows of these major rivers are connected to the Bay of... more
The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta is the largest and one of the most significant tide dominated deltas of the world that provides rich and diverse ecosystem . The availability and diversity of the ecosystem resources depend on the... more
Storm surge and sea level rise (SLR) are affecting coastal communities, properties, and ecosystems. While coastal ecosystems, such as wetlands and marshes, have the capacity to reduce the impacts of storm surge and coastal flooding, the... more
The recurrent flood risks on coastal areas in the United States due to storm surge are likely to increase with warmer climate, frequent storms, and increasing coastal population. In addition, the increasing rate of sea level rise (SLR) is... more
The project team is acknowledged for its contributions and thoughtful input throughout the project, and in particular, during the development of this report. We kindly acknowledge the contributions of Eric Messick, Lisa Auermuller, Mike... more
Bangladesh's vulnerability to storm surge and success in reducing their impacts on the coastal communities are well-known. However, global warming is expected to increase both the frequency and the intensity of tropical cyclones. Also,... more