Books by Ragnhildur Helgadóttir
Impeachment in a global context, 2024
Impeachment is very rare in Iceland. It is neither an important nor ordinary part of constitution... more Impeachment is very rare in Iceland. It is neither an important nor ordinary part of constitutional or public life. It does exist on the books and has been utilized both in the case of a judge and of a cabinet minister but never in the case of the president. It is likely that the very existence of such measures – even if seldom used – has a deterring effect. However, the status of the institution of impeachment is very different for the different groups of officials largely due to a recent painful experience with the impeachment of a cabinet minister that left the impeachment of ministers a very debated and criticized phenomenon.
The Limits of the Legal Complex: Nordic Lawyers and Political Liberalism
This chapter confirms whether the theories of a legal complex are mobilized primarily, but not ex... more This chapter confirms whether the theories of a legal complex are mobilized primarily, but not exclusively, for issues that can be classified as classical political liberalism. It describes the political activities of Icelandic lawyers, from the late nineteenth century to the present. It also discusses the three core attributes of political liberalism: a moderate state, civil society, and certain basic legal freedoms. The chapter describes the activities of the Icelandic legal complex, which has been quite active in influencing legislation. It focuses on agency, on individual events, and on the unanimity and influence of the Icelandic legal complex and considers the legal complex formed on the basis of other stories from very different states.
Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag, 2006
co-authored with Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Guðrúnarbók – Guðrún Erlendsdóttir sjötug [Liber Amicorum ... more co-authored with Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Guðrúnarbók – Guðrún Erlendsdóttir sjötug [Liber Amicorum for Guðrún Erlendsdóttir],
Forlagið, 2011
(Helgadóttir, Kjartansson & Magnússon, eds.)
Forlagið, 2011
(Helgadóttir, Kjartansson &Magnússon, eds.)
Afmælisrit Páls Sigurðssonar prófessors [Liber amicorum Páll Sigurðsson], Codex . , 2014
Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag, 2018
Book chapter in in Frálst og fullvalda ríki: Ísland 1918-2018: Free and Independent State: Icela... more Book chapter in in Frálst og fullvalda ríki: Ísland 1918-2018: Free and Independent State: Iceland 1918-2018]
(Guðmundur Jónsson, Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Þorsteinn Magnússon, editors.)
Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag, 2020
Þorgeir Örlygsson et al, eds.
The Limits of the Legal Complex: Nordic Lawyers and Political Liberalism Malcolm Feeley (ed.), Malcolm Langford (ed.), 2021
Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag, 2018
Published in 2017 Global Review of Constitutional Law. (Albert, Landau et al, eds.) Iconnect / C... more Published in 2017 Global Review of Constitutional Law. (Albert, Landau et al, eds.) Iconnect / Clough Center (BU). 2018.
Papers by Ragnhildur Helgadóttir
Conférence doctorale le 16 janvier 2019 à 18h sur le thème « Adaptation des constitutions étrangè... more Conférence doctorale le 16 janvier 2019 à 18h sur le thème « Adaptation des constitutions étrangères : l’emprunt constitutionnel est-il sans problèmes ? » (Bibliothèque Germain Sicard). Mme Helgadottir Ragnhildur est la doyenne de la faculté de droit de Reykjavik (Islande). Elle a été professeure invitée à l’Université de Montréal (2005) et à l’Université d’Ottawa (2007 et 2009). Elle est rédactrice pour « Retfærd », revue universitaire nordique de droit et justice depuis 2007. Mme Ragnhildur..

Revue internationale de droit comparé, 2016
Cet article mettra tout d’abord en lumiere la facon dont le projet constitutionnel islandais «d’o... more Cet article mettra tout d’abord en lumiere la facon dont le projet constitutionnel islandais «d’origine populaire » de 2011 a utilise des textes constitutionnels etrangers. Un grand nombre de provisions, d’institutions et de processus provenant d’autres constitutions a ete emprunte. Pour la plupart, les emprunts constitutionnels dans le projet islandais etaient le resultat de choix reflechis et largement soutenus. C’est pourquoi il est interessant de noter que la principale critique du projet – le rapport de la Commission de Venise et les constitutionnalistes s’interrogeaient sur la maniabilite du projet et demandaient une analyse d’impact approfondie – porte sur l’emprunt constitutionnel. Cet article soutient que meme si certaines difficultes (bien documentees dans la litterature du droit constitutionnel compare) sont inherentes a tous les emprunts constitutionnels, il est beaucoup plus difficile d’emprunter avec succes des dispositions constitutionnelles relatives aux structures constitutionnelles que des dispositions relatives aux droits constitutionnels.
Handbook of Human Dignity in Europe, 2017

International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2011
There is considerably less reluctance regarding judicial review in Iceland than in other Nordic c... more There is considerably less reluctance regarding judicial review in Iceland than in other Nordic countries and, arguably, in Canada and the United States. This article analyzes probable reasons for this. Some are historical and some jurisprudential and they may, to a greater or lesser degree, shed some light on the judicial review debate in other jurisdictions and be relevant also outside Iceland. The main jurisprudential factors are the different conceptualization of questions regarding judicial review on the one hand and a legalistic, almost technocratic, view of judicial review that leads to limited constitutional review and undervalues the role of the courts in the constitutional system on the other. The advantages and disadvantages of these jurisprudential factors as well as other differentiating traits of Icelandic law on this point are discussed as well as to what degree they are transferable to other jurisdictions.
Books by Ragnhildur Helgadóttir
(Guðmundur Jónsson, Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Þorsteinn Magnússon, editors.)
Papers by Ragnhildur Helgadóttir
(Guðmundur Jónsson, Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Þorsteinn Magnússon, editors.)
Í þessari grein verða færð rök fyrir því, að Alþingi hafi heimild til að skipta verkum með ráðherrum með almennum lögum þrátt fyrir að 15. gr. stjórnarskrárinnar leggi þetta vald til forseta Íslands, samkvæmt orðum sínum. Þetta byggist á löggjafarvaldi þingsins, lögmætisreglu stjórnsýsluréttarins og venju.