? ?
Journal created:
on 9 February 2004 (#2159245)
on 12 June 2016
Connecticut, United States
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated

So this is a place to tell everyone else what sucks and what doesn't. You can write about something you bought, a band you saw/heard, stuff like that.


"Rules"? I dont do those.

But, please..

Steer clear of "debate" stuff, like religion, politics etc. This is meant to be an informational community, not a debate club. No swearing or attacking a reviewer like an animal, please. Be mature.

I mean basically, the only 'rule' is to keep the subject and opinions based on the interests listed below.

Just use your best judgement!! :o)


A few suggestions to include in your reviews:
-the price of a product.
-where you got it.
-the pros AND cons of it.
-don't be vague... i.g. "this sucks. the end."
-don't be afraid to tell exactly what you think.

It's also really awesome to add a picture of whatever you're reviewing. [But out of courtesy-- if you have more than 2 pictures, please put them in an lj-cut.]

Anyone can join!!
