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how do i make Pepino run?

¿Puedes hacer una versión para android

how do i get the custom hud that is unique for every class? I see it used on youtube but when i play the mod it just uses the normal hud

nvm i got it


I hace seen that for some reason, the ui stuff only shows in the minimap and not where it is supposed to be. So basically, the rage stuff for melty man and other character mechanics custom ui isn't where it is supposed to be and I want to know how to fix it.

press minus while in game

I just saw it before, disregard it

Hurt me plenty, this is peak. Change my mind.

How to play for the Pig - remix class, in version 2.0?


The all in one file is up. Let me know if it doesn't work at all.


BYOC v2.0 for GZDoom when?


Later this year.


GOD! I love BYOC V2.0!


when i try multiplayer and it works it brings me up to a full-srceen BYOC with no multiplayer what do i do?

Where's the 2.0 download?

Deleted 48 days ago
Deleted 48 days ago
Deleted 48 days ago

Hold up nvm

Deleted 48 days ago
(1 edit)

Mid again jk BYOC is still so dope.  Stop making Gammu shorter though :(

Seriously though you guys have done an outstanding job on this.

this is just peak

I have a question normally in gzdoom you input a command to create lobbies and join lobbies. If you're playing byoc doom does inputing the commands as usual work? and can you play with other people as the byoc characters?

how do I start the game cuz I'm in a screen full of texts for 10 minutes now

(1 edit)

can anyone tell me how to restore the player colors back to its default colors?

bro i dont understand these .pdf and.pk3 files what the fuck.

i hope someone wold make a another mod like this

i cant see the custom HUD's for each character its just the default one

click the plus button or minus button :)


wait where exactly?

on your keyboard


Kind of wish there were some devlogs or something. Maybe the wait just killing me.

I'll think about thise...

(1 edit)

I think everyone's starting weapon should be able to trigger hitscan-activated switches because some characters' starting weapons are not hitscan, and it could mess up certain levels.

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i'm pretty dense and don't know doom modding very well but, i was wondering if i could perhaps play this with other wads/mods

(nvm, found out how)

(mainly because i wanted to see meltyman running through myhouse.wad)


iam playing as pizza tower guy unuse character in final game

where the fuck did you get these sprites bro

i was downloading a pizza tower mod and found this in the files :)

Where'd the vertices go!?

(2 edits)

hey idk if this is a problem for me specifically but when i open the game its vertical? (i do have a second monitor so that could be the cause but idk) could someone help me fix this?

Is there any way to play this with a controller?

Nevermind! I figured it out!

(1 edit) (+1)

i can confirm this works with freedoom on gz

can you make your own character

nope, only if the creators leave you make ur own character

aw shucks

this question can be either really stupid or really idiotic but you should open character suggestions :D

If we weren't doing this in our spare time we'd love to, but making a class can take a while and you gotta feel like doing it.

understandable then

Help Im stuck in this screen


Its probebly because your using freedoom not doom 2

Im using doom 2

What platform and what app are you using

nevermind I found the right version


i wonder if heres gonna be a all in one gzdoom verison

help i cant load map

get the og doom 2 wad.


Cool. Works on Delta Touch. 2X Cool.

yeeeey, now I'm not the only player of bring your own class on mobile

Nice to know more delta touch players

it would be cooler when it's not a mod

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