Papers by Teymur Zulfugarzade

Amazonia Investiga, 2019
This article is concerned with the features and role of legally significant messages on the Inter... more This article is concerned with the features and role of legally significant messages on the Internet within the functioning of e-government. A special role in creating e-government is played by legal documents and legally relevant information available online. Only legally significant information leads to the emergence and development of legal relations governed by rules of law. However, it is difficult to determine legally relevant data in a large information flow. The main objective of this article is to examine the role of electronic communication in operating e-government. While writing this article, the authors used methods of collecting and studying certain facts; generalization methods; methods of scientific abstraction; methods of cognizing regularities. The authors of the article have concluded that legally relevant information available on the Internet is information that has certain forms of external manifestation, entails legal consequences and somehow contributes to governing citizens' legal relations. The authors have suggested their definition of e-government, which is the concept of public administration inherent in the information society. This concept is based on the capabilities of information and telecommunication technologies and the values of an open civil society. E-government consists of three main modules: services for citizens; services for institutions and organizations; services for state bodies. When rendering services, the authorities exchange legally relevant e-information with citizens. The use of new Internet technologies by government bodies can decrease costs for maintaining and financing activities of the state apparatus, increase savings of taxpayers and improve the openness and transparency of government bodies.

Ataman Nikolai Ivanovich Svyatopolk-Mirsky came under harsh criticism, targeted by his contempora... more Ataman Nikolai Ivanovich Svyatopolk-Mirsky came under harsh criticism, targeted by his contemporaries from the liberal camp, as a persecutor of enlightenment who “has failed to completely abolish science, but not thanks to the lack of enthusiasm.” On the other hand, today's historians urge the academic community to re-assess the figure of the ataman who contributed to opening several new educational institutions on the Don. In our paper, we tried to throw light on the situation by deliberately focusing on the policy of N.I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky in education. As a result, we found out that numerous close-downs of gymnasiums, initiated by the ataman, and reduced number of students can be explained not so much by political considerations but by criminal and educational reasons, and the process began after 1885, when a gymnasium principal fled Novocherkassk following an attack by his students. At the same time, instead of closed gymnasiums, N.I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky established technical and vocational schools that were long urgently needed. Our primary conclusion is that although N.I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky pursued a logical and reasonable educational policy in general, he made a number of mistakes – he excessively cut enrolment in gymnasiums and failed to provide the region with graduates from the network of vocational schools he created.

Development of State Social Credit Scheme Legal Support in Modern China, 2019
В статье определены основные направления и концептуальные подходы в сфере правового обеспечения н... more В статье определены основные направления и концептуальные подходы в сфере правового обеспечения надлежащего функционирования системы определения социальной кредитоспособности по законодательству КНР, позитивные возможности и перспективы ее внедрения, а также юридической оптимизации регулятивных мер, направленной на снижение рисков, которые возникают и могут возникнуть в последующем, что может повлечь за собой нарушение прав личности, прежде всего права на защиту персональных данных. Методика исследования основана на определении и конкретизации нарушений, учитываемых при определении текущего социального рейтинга граждан, в их непосредственной связи с защитой прав и охраняемых законом интересов личности. Научную новизну исследования определяют предложения автора, направленные на совершенствование правового обеспечения рассматриваемого в работе социального рейтингования применительно к действующему китайскому законодательству, а также к законодательному регулированию аналогичных видов рейтингов в других индустриально развитых странах, внедривших элементы такой системы и продолжающих их развитие. In the article defines the main directions and conceptual approaches in the field of legal support for the proper functioning of the system of social creditworthiness under the legislation of the PRC, positive opportunities and prospects for its implementation, as well as legal optimization of regulatory measures aimed at reducing the risks that arise and may arise in the future, which may entail a violation of the rights of the individual, especially the right to protection of personal data. The research methodology is based on the definition and specification of violations taken into account in determining the current social rating of citizens, in their direct connection with the protection of rights and legally protected interests of the individual. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the author's proposals aimed at improving the legal support of the social rating considered in the work in relation to the current Chinese legislation, as well as to the legislative regulation of similar types of ratings in other industrialized countries that have introduced elements of such a system and continue their development.
Финансовая экономика, 2019
Раскрываются общие закономерности и особенности правового обеспечения современной концепции смарт... more Раскрываются общие закономерности и особенности правового обеспечения современной концепции смарт-государства, происходящие в современных условиях глобализации и цифровизации экономики, оказывающих существенное влияние на деятельность органов публичной власти, а также способствующих развитию институтов гражданского общества в целом и установлению сетевого нейтралитета, способствующего развитию электронной коммерции в том числе.

Refereed Journal: History and Archaeology in Countries of Black Sea Basin, 2017
The article on the basis of historiographical and archival material is reviewed the raiding tacti... more The article on the basis of historiographical and archival material is reviewed the raiding tactics of the circassians in the period of the Caucasian war. The article is paid attention to all main components of the raiding operation, namely: the preparation for the invasion, exploration, raid and return process of squad involved in the raiding. As sources there were attracted the documents from russian and foreign archives, namely the central state historical archive of Georgia and the state archive of the Krasnodar region. The study methods were the principles of objectivity, historicism, systematic, integrated consideration of socio-subjective in the subject of study and the maximum possible neutrality of the relationship of the researcher to interpret and evaluate factual material. The principle of historicism allows the authors to see the important phenomena and processes associated with raiding tactics of the сircassians during the Caucasian War on the basis of diverse facts obtained in the course of practical work with archival documents. In conclusion, the authors note that the conducting of the raid required the considerable efforts. The important attention was paid to the selection of personnel, intelligence service, the synchronicity of actions, military cunning, and also trick riding (“dzhigitovke”). The success of the raid was rapidity, so the operation was carried out only for one day. However, despite this readiness, the raid on the russian territory was not always a win-win deal, and sometimes led to the complete destruction of the raiding group.
Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis, 2018
Austrian historian A. Kappeler suggests that a detailed comparison of Russian Cossack troops and ... more Austrian historian A. Kappeler suggests that a detailed comparison of Russian Cossack troops and the Austrian Militärgrenze (Military Frontier) will be extremely revealing. The paper shows that such comparison was ventured as early as in 1860 by a Russian general, N. I. Krasnov. He demonstrated that non-regular troops in a European state of the nineteenth century were doomed to extinction for economic reasons. Based on archival materials on Cossacks and Grenzers in the Russian State Military Historical Archive, State Archive of the Rostov Region and the Manuscripts Department at the National Library of Russia, we show that forecasts made by N. I. Krasnov were substantiated. The result of the paper is the conclusion that in the 1860s, non-regular troops of the classical type were doomed.
Bitcoin, Lifecoin, Namecoin: The Legal Nature of Virtual Currency (Kirillova Elena Anatolyevna, Z... more Bitcoin, Lifecoin, Namecoin: The Legal Nature of Virtual Currency (Kirillova Elena Anatolyevna, Zulfugarzade Teymur E., Pavlyuk Albert Valentinovich, Mikhaylova Irina Aleksandrovna, Zenin Sergey Sergeevich)
The article explores the history of the highland schools (Gorskaya shkola) in the Caucasus that c... more The article explores the history of the highland schools (Gorskaya shkola) in the Caucasus that covers the period from the 1850s to the 1860s. Established in 1859 and originally planned to function as a pilot project for four years, they proved to be effective, so the experiment continued. This paper also examines the legal status of highland schools.
В работе приведены краткие результаты исследования особенностей правового обеспечения смарт-контр... more В работе приведены краткие результаты исследования особенностей правового обеспечения смарт-контрактов и непосредственно связанных с ними вопросов осуществления майнинга, размещения токенов, оборота квазифиатных средств (криптовалют) в современных условиях развития цифровой экономики и экономики свободного доступа; внесены предложения по совершенствованию правового обеспечения смарт-контрактов, выпуска токенов и оборота криптовалют. The paper presents brief results of the features of legal support of smart contracts and directly related issues of mining, token placement, circulation of quasi-funds (cryptocurrencies) study in the modern conditions of the digital economy and the economy of free access development; made proposals to improve the legal support of smart contracts, token issuance and turnover of cryptocurrencies.

This paper attempts to analyze the educational work of Stanislav Shatskii which was aimed at the ... more This paper attempts to analyze the educational work of Stanislav Shatskii which was aimed at the formation and development of pupil government. His first pedagogical experiments were carried out in the early twentieth century. He made a great contribution to the development of pedagogical theory and practice. The russian educator Stanislav Shatskii paid a lot of attention to the formation of a children's team, the development of pupil government in the learning process. He organized educational and research work in experimental school-colonies. Its purposes, structure and functions were one-of-a-kind in the world. The educational model of Stanislav Shatskii can serve as a basic matrix for the specialized education of modern Russia, as it contains the grounds, means and mechanisms for the implementation of learning and educational strategies that meet the interests of society, mentality and social basis of the russian people.

The paper addresses the introduction of literacy schools for the lower ranks in the Russian army.... more The paper addresses the introduction of literacy schools for the lower ranks in the Russian army. The study primarily focuses on the teaching process, as well as on the used instructional techniques aimed to improve the education efficiency. The materials include army orders, as well as publications by Russian officers in the Russian Empire's central military edition – the Voennyi Sbornik (" Military Collection ") journal. The methodological basis for the study is formed by principles of historicism and objectivity, traditional for this kind of research. It also employed analytical, probabilistic, statistical, typological and comparative methods. The method of historicism allowed for the use of diverse facts, uncovered in field work with sources, and subsequent identification of important phenomena and processes related to the organization of the teaching process in company schools. The paper also paid attention to the instructional techniques that were applied in the teaching process. In conclusion, the authors note that the company literacy schools established in 1857 boosted the number of literate lower ranks. Classes in company schools were carried out in periods when military units were stationed in winter quarters. The term of study was no more than 3 years in these schools. The curriculum included a limited range of subjects such as reading, writing, 414 arithmetic and Scripture knowledge. The teaching was performed by regimental officers who were given complete freedom in choosing methods to instruct learners.

The present situation in Russia is characterized by the fact that the number of young people part... more The present situation in Russia is characterized by the fact that the number of young people particular susceptible to developing addictions like alcoholism and drug addiction is continuously growing, and this cannot but adversely affect their socialization, the way they learn and follow the norms and beliefs of society, and increases the risk of further development of this tendency in the country. The purpose of this study was to examine and elucidate the addictive behavior determinants from the standpoint of social philosophy and social psychology. The major approach to explore the problem is a systemic-activity based approach that allowed us to consider determination problem and causality of addictive behavior on the basis of people’s involvement into certain types of activities that contribute to the formation of addictive behavior. The paper discusses the main challenges that human civilization faces, changes in the industrial and information age, as well as the challenges that people face in the rapidly changing conditions and forms of their own lives and activities. all negative factors that cause dissatisfaction and collapse of person’s identity like loss of values once considered positive and conventional, spiritual and emotional crisis, lack of clear prospects and confidence in the future, growing individualism, selfishness and hedonism, contribute into creating a fertile ground for addictive behavior spread. Addictive behavior is understood as a specific kind of activity, the social importance of which is negative and destructive, but it is of special significance for the people involved in it.

The paper reviews the project of reforms in the Don education, which were proposed by prominent p... more The paper reviews the project of reforms in the Don education, which were proposed by prominent public figures in the early 1860s., namely by A.M. Dondukov-Korsakov, Kh.I. Popov and N.I. Krasnov. Based on archival materials and publications by these authors, which in some cases have not been previously used in scientific studies, the paper shows that it was the different visions of the future Don education, which revealed a very clear and representative distinction between Don conservative “Kazakomans,” (from Kazakomanstvo – Cossack-mania) and liberal “Progressists”. Kazakomans counted on consistent reforms addressing the most pressing and obvious issues of the Don education. Contrary to them, Progressists believed that these issues would sort themselves out following the system reforms of the Cossack society, which would eliminate it as a purely military estate. Unfortunately, due to the political struggle, neither Progressist nor Kazakoman version of the reforms saw the light of the day, which had a negative impact on further development of the Don education.

The paper reviews the project of reforms in the Don education, which were proposed by prominent p... more The paper reviews the project of reforms in the Don education, which were proposed by prominent public figures in the early 1860s., namely by A.M. Dondukov-Korsakov, Kh.I. Popov and N.I. Krasnov. Based on archival materials and publications by these authors, which in some cases have not been previously used in scientific studies, the paper shows that it was the different visions of the future Don education, which revealed a very clear and representative distinction between Don conservative “Kazakomans,” (from Kazakomanstvo – Cossack-mania) and liberal “Progressists”. Kazakomans counted on consistent reforms addressing the most pressing and obvious issues of the Don education. Contrary to them, Progressists believed that these issues would sort themselves out following the system reforms of the Cossack society, which would eliminate it as a purely military estate. Unfortunately, due to the political struggle, neither Progressist nor Kazakoman version of the reforms saw the light of the day, which had a negative impact on further development of the Don education.
This article considers the problems of fighting crimes on the Internet, and defines new criminal ... more This article considers the problems of fighting crimes on the Internet, and defines new criminal acts committed by means of global computer networks. The aim of the study is to develop a categorical conceptual instrument, to separate a new type of cybercrime. The methodological basis of the study was the dialectic, comparative legal, sociological, systemic-structural and statistical methods as well as case study method – the method of active problem-situation analysis, by means of which the identification, selection and problem-solving in order to combat cybercrime was performed. The conducted study allows to offer the authors' definition of cyberterrorism and to identify the distinctive features of cyberterrorism, to allocate it in an independent kind of a crime and offer to include it in the Convention on Cybercrime as a separate article.

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of higher and secondary education of the Don Cossacks... more The article is devoted to the peculiarities of higher and secondary education of the Don Cossacks in 1850–1860 and the influence of these peculiarities on the public discussion between the "progressists" and "Cossack men". The author shows that a significant part of the educated Cossacks, including those of non-noble origin, studied outside the Don Host Land, using special openings for the Don natives in higher and secondary educational institutions, that were covered by public and state. The openings in Kharkov University were of particular importance. Its graduates were the pioneers of the Don journalism and founded the first scientific institution in the Don region, the Novocherkassk Statistical Committee. The author also criticizes the opinion, according to which poorly educated people prevailed among the "Cossack men" (supporters of preserving the traditional Cossack way of living) in the 1860's. He shows that the general level of education wasn't the determining factor, but the place of studying.

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of higher and secondary education of the Don Cossacks... more The article is devoted to the peculiarities of higher and secondary education of the Don Cossacks in 1850-1860 and the influence of these peculiarities on the public discussion between the "progressists" and "Cossack men". The author shows that a significant part of the educated Cossacks, including those of non-noble origin, studied outside the Don Host Land, using special openings for the Don natives in higher and secondary educational institutions, that were covered by public and state. The openings in Kharkov University were of particular importance. Its graduates were the pioneers of the Don journalism and founded the first scientific institution in the Don region, the Novocherkassk Statistical Committee. The author also criticizes the opinion, according to which poorly educated people prevailed among the "Cossack men" (supporters of preserving the traditional Cossack way of living) in the 1860's. He shows that the general level of education wasn’t the determining factor, but the place of studying.
The author analyses the problematic issues of improving the legal and regulatory documentation su... more The author analyses the problematic issues of improving the legal and regulatory documentation support of land-use planning in Canada taking into account the laws, regulations and customs prevailing in the European Union and the United States.
Optimization Methods for the Purposes of the Company Resource Utilization Efficiency Improvement:... more Optimization Methods for the Purposes of the Company Resource Utilization Efficiency Improvement: Monograph / S. E. Metelev, G. I. Kolke, L. N. Goncharenko et al. — Warsaw: Higher School of International Relations and American Studies, 2017. — P. 129. The monograph highlights theoretical and methodological basics of the cumulative costs’ development and distribution. The emphasis is made on the discussion of various methodological approaches to the cost accounting.
Findings of the cost optimization studies and data processing are provided in order to improve company resource utilization based on the company activities.
In this monograph peculiarities of the company pricing policy are also discussed.
The Monograph is of interest for master and bachelor course students, economics and managers.
Базовые положения, закрепляющие основы государственно-правового и финансового обеспечения здоровь... more Базовые положения, закрепляющие основы государственно-правового и финансового обеспечения здоровья населения и, в том числе, устанавливающие, что в Российской Федерации (далее также – РФ) «поощряется деятельность, способствующая укреплению здоровья человека, развитию физической культуры и спорта», закреплены в ч. 2 ст. 41 Конституции РФ.
Papers by Teymur Zulfugarzade
Findings of the cost optimization studies and data processing are provided in order to improve company resource utilization based on the company activities.
In this monograph peculiarities of the company pricing policy are also discussed.
The Monograph is of interest for master and bachelor course students, economics and managers.
Findings of the cost optimization studies and data processing are provided in order to improve company resource utilization based on the company activities.
In this monograph peculiarities of the company pricing policy are also discussed.
The Monograph is of interest for master and bachelor course students, economics and managers.
Авторский коллектив: Курбанов Рашад Афатович, Абузярова Найра Абдулкадыровна, Зульфугарзаде Теймур Эльдарович, Озоженко Светлана Ильинична, Свечникова Наталья Викторовна, Слободяник Виктор Владимирович, Дарькина Мария Михайловна, Шведкова Ольга Владимировна, Гуреев Владимир Александрович, Налетов Кирилл Игоревич, Новицкая Людмила Юрьевна, Гурбанов Рамин Афад-оглы, Рогалева Ирина Юрьевна, Белялова Асия Мидихатовна, Азарова Светлана Анатольевна
Предлагаются методические рекомендации по подготовке и оформлению проектов нормативных правовых актов в Аппарате Правительства Российской Федерации и в федеральных органах исполнительной власти. Сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию организационно-правовых основ ведомственного нормотворчества.
Издание предназначено руководителям органов исполнительной власти, сотрудникам их юридических служб. Может быть полезно научным и практическим
работникам для использования представленных научно-аналитических материалов в их деятельности; студентам, аспирантам, обучающимся по направлениям «Юриспруденция», «Государственное и муниципальное управление», а также преподавателям при подготовке к занятиям по дисциплинам «Административное право», «Административный процесс», «Административная деятельность», «Право государственной службы», «Система государственного и муниципального управления».
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Выходные данные журнала: Скуднов В.М. Инновационные технологии в спортивных тренировках // Actualscience. – 2015. – № 1, (T. 1). – С. 57-65.
Учредитель журнала: НИЦ «Актуальность.РФ».
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Высокая значимость профессии юриста и политолога в современном обществе определят особое отношение к формированию требований по их подготовке. Наши студенты - юристы учатся применять законы на основе конституционных положений, анализировать судебную и иную правоприменительную практику, быть профессионально готовыми защищать права человека и гражданина.
На Юридическом факультете Плехановского университета осуществляется подготовка бакалавров, которые на старших курсах будут изучать ряд юридических дисциплин на английском языке.
Количество мест (бакалавриат):
Юриспруденция - 15 бюджет (в т.ч. 2 места для лиц, имеющих особые права) / 15 внебюджет (260 тыс. руб. в год)
Политология - 15 бюджет (в т.ч. 2 места для лиц, имеющих особые права) / 15 внебюджет (210 тыс. руб. в год)
Количество мест (магистратура):
Юриспруденция, для лиц, имеющих базовое юридическое образование - бакалавр юриспруденции либо юрист (специалитет): 5 бюджетных мест / 5 внебюджетных мест (200 тыс. руб. в год).
Тел.: 8(499)237-87-83
Мы ждем Вас - Вас ждет интересное будущее!
В. М. Платонов встретился со студентами, преподавателями РЭУ в 251 аудитории 1 корпуса и прочитал им лекцию на тему: «20 лет Конституции РФ. Особенности Российского парламентаризма».
По её завершению Председатель Мосгордумы В. М. Платонов пообщался с присутствующими в свободном формате.
Так на вопрос – какое чувство у него вызвало посещение РЭУ, он ответил - «чувство гордости и восхищения».
В открытой лекции, прочитанной Председателем Московской городской Думы В. М. Платоновым, приняли участие студенты и преподаватели факультета права, под руководством декана факультета права РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова Теймура Эльдаровича Зульфугарзаде.
Рецензентом выступил известный российский юрист - профессор кафедры теории и истории государства и права юридического факультета Российского университета дружбы народов (РУДН), доктор юридических наук Олег Петрович Сауляк."
В студенческом научно-исследовательском клубе «Друзья КонсультантПлюс» состоялось подведение итогов конкурса студенческих научно-исследовательских проектов «Пути совершенствования правового регулирования в сфере финансов РФ», организованного по инициативе Клуба, Компании «КонсультантПлюс» и факультета права РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова среди студентов финансового факультета (декан: д.э.н. профессор Алексей Ильич Болвачев).
Участниками соревнования стали несколько десятков молодых исследователей.
Наиболее удачными были признаны научно-исследовательские работы следующих, нижеперечисленных студентов финансового факультета РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова:
Зайцевой Натальи на тему: «Роль финансово-правовой ответственности в сфере укрепления финансовой дисциплины»;
Сарычевой Ольги на тему: «Проблемы правового регулирования банковских операций в РФ»;
Труновой Анастасии на тему: «Правовые проблемы управления государственным долгом»;
Озовой Асият на тему: «Проблемы правового регулирования расходов бюджета РФ»;
Романовой Юлии на тему: «Проблема определения предмета финансового права».
Все победители были отмечены Почетными грамотами деканата факультета права РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова.
Замечательный оратор, интересный рассказчик, Михаил Юрьевич поведал студентам о том, как начинал свою карьеру адвоката.
Неоднократный гость передач Владимира Соловьева, радиостанции "Эхо Москвы", телеканала "Дождь", Михаил Барщевский сравнил адвоката с актером, ведь именно этот специалист подходит к делу подзащитного творчески.
Были обсуждены также последние политические события в нашей стране.
Дискуссия получилась жаркой.
Студенты факультета права Плехановки проявили интерес, задавая актуальные вопросы, а Михаил Юрьевич отвечал на них когда серьезно, а когда шутил, проявляя тем самым действительно свои недюженные актерские способности.
Красной линией его выступления стало напутствие студентам - усердно учиться. Ведь, как известно, политологам и юристам крайне важно иметь широкий кругозор и глубокие знания."""
В мероприятии приняли участие студенты четырех факультетов РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова: факультетов бизнеса; маркетинга; математики, экономики и информатики и финансового факультета.
В ходе деловой игры команды моделировали реальные ситуации, связанные с распространением и использованием информации в Интернете и рекламе, а также находили ответы на возникающие правовые вопросы.
Правильность ответов оценивала экспертная комиссия, состоящая из преподавателей МГЮУ им. О. Е. Кутафина, РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова и представителей компании "КонсультантПлюс".
Игра прошла динамично и позитивно.
Победителем игры стала команда факультета математики, экономики и информатики. Им вручены подарки и диплом в номинации за победу в игре и творческий подход в представлении кейса.
Остальные команды отмечены в номинациях:
команда факультета маркетинга - "За сплоченность и волю к победе";
команда факультета бизнеса - "За лучшую презентацию и высокий командный дух";
команда финансового факультета - "За глубокую проработку материала при подготовке кейсов".
Всем участникам, экспертам и организаторам вручены грамоты и подарки компании "КонсультантПлюс"."