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The paper deals with the Horn system of hypergeometric differential equations. We consider the associated D-module and construct an explicit basis in the space of holomorphic solutions to the Horn system under some assumptions on its... more
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      AlgebraComplex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsSpecial functions
This book, authored jointly with A.Tsikh, treats modern analytic aspects of hypergeometric theory in a multidimensional complex space.
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      Complex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsSpecial functionsHypergeometric functions
We undertake the study of bivariate Horn systems for generic parameters. We prove that these hypergeometric systems are holonomic, and we provide an explicit formula for their holonomic rank as well as bases of their spaces of complex... more
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      Algebraic GeometryComplex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsHypergeometric functions
We study the Horn system of partial di erential equations which generalizes the ordinary hypergeometric di erential equation to the case of several complex variables. Using one of the variants of the Laplace transform we associate a... more
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      Complex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsSpecial functionsHypergeometric functions
We study Fuchsian differential equations with prescribed singularities and branching of solutions.
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      Ordinary Differential EquationsFuchsian groupMonodromy Group
The paper deals with the notion of analytic complexity introduced by V.K. Beloshapka. We give an algorithm which allows one to check whether a bivariate analytic function belongs to the second class of analytic complexity. We also provide... more
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      Complex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsAlgebraic (Symbolic) ComputationComplexity Theory
We consider algebraic functions satisfying generic algebraic equations with independent symbolic coefficients. Solutions of such algebraic equations are known to satisfy holonomic systems of linear differential equations with polynomial... more
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      Algebraic GeometryPartial Differential EquationsAlgebraic (Symbolic) ComputationSpecial functions
This paper deals with singularities of nonconfluent hypergeometric functions in several complex variables. Typically such a function is a multi-valued analytic function with singularities along an algebraic hypersurface. We describe such... more
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      Geometry And TopologyComplex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsSpecial functions
Typically a hypergeometric function is a multi-valued analytic function with algebraic singularities. In this paper we give a complete description of the Newton polytope of the polynomial whose zero set naturally contains the singular... more
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      Complex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsSingularity TheorySpecial functions
A discrete version of the classical Riemann–Hilbert problem is stated and solved. In particular, a Riemann–Hilbert problem is associated with every dessin d'enfants. It is shown how to compute the solution for a dessin that is a tree.... more
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      Complex AnalysisPartial Differential EquationsAlgebraic (Symbolic) ComputationRiemann Surface
This is a conference poster presenting results on the optimal properties
of amoebas of multivariate hypergeometric polynomials.
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      Complex AnalysisPartial Differential Equations
In this paper we study the simulation model of interaction between Telecommunication Companies and their customers in the way where customers’ personal data and services data (customer’s consumption level) are used for... more
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      Formal Concept Analysis (Data Mining)Business rules
In this paper we study Business rules management system (BRMS) approach in Enterprise information systems (EIS) development. The approach is closely connected with Enterprise decision management (EDM) concept and usage of EIS in business... more
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      Data MiningBRMS
In this paper, we discuss business rules management systems (BRMS) and their use in bank scoring models. Business rules are considered as an effective tool in determination of trustworthiness and solvency of... more
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This article describes use of specific business rules management systems in Russian telecommunications sector. Hypothesis of this study is the assumption of need to automate the selection of sets of communication services taking into... more
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      Decision MakingTelecommunicationsBusiness Rules & Processes
Статья посвящена вопросам роли высшей школы в подготовке высококачественных кадров. В работе анализируется динамика роста подготовки профессиональных кадров за последние годы в РЭУ им. Г.В. Пле-ханова для отечественных нужд, а также для... more
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      Higher EducationRatingsHigh Schoolвысшая школа
Messengers are popular today on mobile devices and traditional computers. Starting as a small text messaging service, they have turned into effective communication channels for both private and corporate users, becoming more than just an... more
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      Computer ScienceBusiness Informatics
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In this paper, we discuss Data Driven Marketing (DDM) and its use in different segments of business. We suggest DDM as an effective tool in determination of a strategic part of business management from the point of data analysis. There... more
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With the growth of wireless Wi-Fi traffic, detecting known and unknown attacks in networks remain challenging. Machine learning algorithms and neural networks support efficient tools for traffic analysis and intrusion detection. However,... more
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