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There is research of gender specific of adaptation women 40-60 years old for society. Women were tested by BSRI and author's topic -guide. In the research were Australian and Russian women (406 people). We studded how women feel age, how... more
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© Современные исследования социальных проблем (электронный научный журнал), №4(12), 2012  УДК 159.98 ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПРОФИЛАКТИКИ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ ДЕЗАДАПТАЦИИ ЖЕНЩИН 40-60 ЛЕТ Овсяник О.А. Целью исследования... more
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Аннотация. Актуальность рассматриваемой проблемы обусловлена динамичными трансформациями общественных ценностей, отражающихся в сознании подростков и проявляющихся в разнообразных формах девиантного поведения. Целью статьи является... more
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    • Psychology
The importance of the studied problem is determined by a continuous growth of suicidal activity in a majority of economically developed countries of the world. The statistical data on teenage suicides is especially frightening: according... more
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The relevance of the investigated problem is attributed to the fact that in modern Russian society punishment of crime is not only the punishment for a committed offense, but also a method aimed at correction and discipline of the... more
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The relevance of the study is conditioned by the complexity of students’ adaptation to learning at University due to the change of social environment, an alarming feelings about the precise selfdetermination, lack of knowledge in... more
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      PsychologyEnvironmental Science Education
В работе рассматривается особенность социально-психологической адаптации личности. На основании теоретического анализа адаптации предлагается структурная модель адаптации женщин выделенной возрастной группы, названная «адаптационный... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyWomanPsychologie
diisocyanate was challenged with cauliflower vapors and showed no reaction. Cruciferae vegetables are widely distributed. With the exception of food allergy to mustard and rape pollen hypersensitivity (4), allergic reactions to the... more
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      Occupational MedicineAllergensFlourOccupational
It is a case report on a 55-year-old non-smoking female, dental technician, with a 36-year history of cobalt exposure. The patient suffered from dyspnea, coughing and decrease in physical load tolerance about 20 years after the first... more
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      AsthmaDental MaterialsMedicineOccupational Asthma
Objectives: About 5-10% of asthmatics do not respond well to standard treatment plan. Occupational exposure may be one of the factors that can be linked with treatment failure. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of... more
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The aim of the study was to evaluate health effects of occupational exposure to diisocyanates (DIC) among polyurethane foam products factory workers. Material and Methods: Thirty workers had a physical examination, skin prick tests with... more
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      Environmental MonitoringMedicineWorkplaceYoung Adult
Аннотация Цель данной работы заключается в выявлении типов ценностных ориентаций женщинруководителей в России, Великобритании и Индии в зависимости от кросс-культурной группы и гендера. Процедура и методы. Исследование проводилось на базе... more
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The effectiveness of coping behavior depends not only on a successful strategy but also on the individual characteristics of a person. Age, sex, intelligence, social status, gender identity - all these influence the coping ability and... more
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В статье рассматриваются особенности отношения к социально-ролевому репертуару российских женщин, постоянно проживающих в странах с лучшим экономическим развитием. Проводится контент-анализ форумов женщин, проживающих в США и Австралии,... more
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      Political ScienceEmigration
Medical Admission in Russia is by Application only, No entrance examination and No donations. Affordable academic fees and living expenses, high quality of education and excellent academic standard, facilities for study in English medium... more
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