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Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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Weather Domes - 1956 [Jun. 30th, 2021|01:16 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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Gleefully inspired from vintage_ads, the idea of a weather dome probably seemed far-fetched when this magazine ad was published in 1956. The image shows up cropped online without attribution, but a little digging revealed that sponsor was "America's Independent Light and Power Companies"--whoever they are!

Visitors to West Edmonton Mall's World Waterpark or Germany's Tropical Island Resort know that you can make a bit of paradise in cold weather places.


Los Angeles and Unbuilt LA [Jun. 18th, 2021|11:28 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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Журнал «Земля и Вселенная», с 1965 г. [Jun. 17th, 2021|08:57 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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1. # 2 (Март-апрель) 1967

^ ^

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Southern Scenicruiser Santana TM 44 17-SP, 1963 Mexico [Jun. 9th, 2021|12:29 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


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Pierre Cardin's Bubble Palace [Jun. 7th, 2021|07:29 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


Usually known for his futuristic fashions, Pierre Cardin lived his ideals with this fascinatingly futuristic home designed by Hungarian architect Antti Lovag and located on Massif de L’Esterel on the French Riviera. Built between 1975 and 1989, Cardin was surprisingly not the original owner of this sprawling colony!

View dozens of photos of the interior and exterior here:

Pierre Cardin's Bubble Palace, exterior view
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Airplane mail, 1928 [Jun. 8th, 2021|12:53 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


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Radio Controlled Farm of the Future, 1939 [Jun. 7th, 2021|01:55 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


(from Popular Mechanics )

Tomorrow's farmer, if a diorama at the New York World's Fair prophesies are right, will be rather a radio navigator and dispatcher than a tiller of the soil.
The diorama depicts the farm engineer seated in his glass-enclosed radio tower, manipulating switches that transmit radio signals to the robot machines that sow and cultivate, irrigate, harvest, sort and can, freeze and pack the crop, all by remote control.
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Videotape Recorder, 1951 USA [Jun. 7th, 2021|09:55 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


Charles Paulson Ginsburg (July 27, 1920 – April 9, 1992) was an American engineer and the leader of a research team at Ampex which developed one of the first practical videotape recorders.
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Das Universum, Bremen 1996 [Jun. 4th, 2021|10:57 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


Universum Science Center in Bremen, Germany

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2001: A Space Odyssey [Jun. 3rd, 2021|11:12 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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British book art. Cyril Power (1872-1951) [Jun. 3rd, 2021|10:35 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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The Tube Station, 1932

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Tomorrow's living, view from 1944 [Jun. 2nd, 2021|07:04 pm]
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Seagram`s men plans beyond tomorrow ) [Jun. 1st, 2021|06:30 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


1943 - Chemical Bomb Will Destroy Fires

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Summertime in 60s [Jun. 1st, 2021|01:38 pm]
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"Tomorrow's life in Yesterday's ads" (1942-47) [May. 31st, 2021|01:42 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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the middle-class lifestyle of the future

1945-10-01 Luxurious air cruises

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1947. Yesterday's Ads Predicted Today's Tech [May. 31st, 2021|01:12 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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1947-06-23 Jet-engined boats

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Futuristic City in 1940s`s ads [May. 31st, 2021|09:23 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


1943-04-12 High-speed amphibious cars

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A day on board an Airship, 1945 [May. 27th, 2021|10:39 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


Goodyear's Luxury Dirigible of the Future

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"Floating islands" in the middle of the Atlantic, early 1930s [May. 26th, 2021|09:20 am]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism


In the February 1931 issue, Popular Mechanics reported on the dawn of transatlantic flight.

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Prediction 1954: The Television You Can Hang On Your Wall [May. 25th, 2021|07:28 pm]
Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism

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General Electric scientists predict your TV-picture screen in 1964 may be so thin that it can be hung like a painting on the wall or mounted like a vanity mirror in a table model.
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