Moshe Segal
Retired Electronics Engineer. 40 years experience in Electronics Industry in Israel and USA. B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Technion. Haifa, Israel.
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Videos by Moshe Segal
ignite interest in carrying over a suitable experiment which might prove that Electromagnetic (EM) waves from separate sources can and do consolidate.
This video adds further support to the statement that EM waves from separate sources can consolidate, support that everybody can experience, from everyday experience, which can also be recorded on photos.
However, if EM waves from separate sources do consolidate, this causes paradoxes, which must be addressed.
This provides support to the claim that an experiment to implement and test such consolidations of EM waves from separate sources and provide explanations to the paradoxes involved in this scenario, is an important endeavor.
Papers by Moshe Segal
On the other hand, Physics is about providing explanations about the Existence and the Universe, and it is expected that the Physics explanations should be accompanied by reason and proof.
However, Physics does still contain statements which are presented as Axioms, even though, such statements are usually the basis, or the corner stones, of structures, which are built over these statements.
This paper addresses this issue, about some of such statements that Physics presents as Axioms, and this paper also intends to provide an additional tentative explanation for one of these statements, which might help in providing additional validity to these statements.
such a scenario, Newton's Second Law of Motion should be replaced by a different Law.
In addition to the above, additional more significant and revolutionary implications, regarding how Humans should perceive, the very Nature of the entities of Space and Time, also arise, if the Electric Field might be also recognized as a form of acceleration, which also might provide an answer to the question: why Electric Charges attract or repel each other? That question is still a mystery today, although the answer to the question: why Massive Bodies attract each other? is already provided by Einstein's General Relativity theory. The above might also provide a lead to achieve a simple Unification between Gravity and Electricity, a quest which the nowadays Science of Physics is still struggling with, without achieving yet satisfactory results.
In addition to presenting very convincing arguments that the Electric Field might be also recognized as a form of acceleration, based on Structural Identities between Newton's Universal Gravitational Law and Coulomb's Law, this article also proposes a relatively simple experiment, which if implemented, it might physically prove, (or disprove) that Qeios, CC-BY 4.0 · Article, January 16, 2024
Qeios ID: 4VBWL7.3 · https://doi.org/10.32388/4VBWL7.3 1/21
the Electric Field should be also recognized as a form of Acceleration.
Parts of this paper also exist in additional preprints, by the author of this paper, which are already posted on the web.
But this paper contains additional materials, relating mainly to additional more significant implications, if the Electric Field will be also recognized as a form of Acceleration. The discussion, in this paper, starts with an introduction presenting why Gravity is already recognized as a form of acceleration, and then, continues to the arguments why the Electric Field should be also recognized as a form of
and the maximum possible velocity, a claim that was presented by Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory as an axiom, without any proof.
The above demonstrates the uniqueness of the velocity of Light.
But it should be also emphasized that the velocity of Light also presents a severe peculiarity, which is presented as follows: When a moving Human spectator measures the velocity value of any tangible substance, for example, the velocity of a moving Mass body, the velocity, and the direction of motion of this spectator, relative to the velocity and the direction of motion of this Mass body, does affect the
measured velocity value of this Mass body, by this Human spectator.
But, when a moving Human spectator, measures the velocity value of a Light beam, the velocity, and the direction of motion of this spectator, relative to the direction of motion of this Light beam, does not affect at all, the measured velocity value of this Light beam, by this Human spectator, which always results in a constant Light velocity value, which is also the maximum velocity value that Humans can measure.
This should be regarded as a severe peculiarity, in any velocity value measurements of Light beams, by Humans, which must be also explained.
This paper provides a tentative explanation to the uniqueness related to the velocity of Light and to the severe peculiarity related to the velocity of Light that are presented above. This explanation is based on a prediction that Space and Time, as Humans perceive these notions, do not really exit.
The author of this paper presented this prediction in an additional paper titled: “A discussion related to the existence of the entities of Space and Time” (12) which is referenced in this paper. The details related to this prediction are also presented in this paper. That referenced paper (12) also suggests an experiment, which if implemented, and its result will be successful, might provide validity, or disprove, the predictions presented in that referenced paper, and, as a result, also might provide validity, or disprove, what is presented in this paper
ignite interest in carrying over a suitable experiment which might prove that Electromagnetic (EM) waves from separate sources can and do consolidate.
This video adds further support to the statement that EM waves from separate sources can consolidate, support that everybody can experience, from everyday experience, which can also be recorded on photos.
However, if EM waves from separate sources do consolidate, this causes paradoxes, which must be addressed.
This provides support to the claim that an experiment to implement and test such consolidations of EM waves from separate sources and provide explanations to the paradoxes involved in this scenario, is an important endeavor.
On the other hand, Physics is about providing explanations about the Existence and the Universe, and it is expected that the Physics explanations should be accompanied by reason and proof.
However, Physics does still contain statements which are presented as Axioms, even though, such statements are usually the basis, or the corner stones, of structures, which are built over these statements.
This paper addresses this issue, about some of such statements that Physics presents as Axioms, and this paper also intends to provide an additional tentative explanation for one of these statements, which might help in providing additional validity to these statements.
such a scenario, Newton's Second Law of Motion should be replaced by a different Law.
In addition to the above, additional more significant and revolutionary implications, regarding how Humans should perceive, the very Nature of the entities of Space and Time, also arise, if the Electric Field might be also recognized as a form of acceleration, which also might provide an answer to the question: why Electric Charges attract or repel each other? That question is still a mystery today, although the answer to the question: why Massive Bodies attract each other? is already provided by Einstein's General Relativity theory. The above might also provide a lead to achieve a simple Unification between Gravity and Electricity, a quest which the nowadays Science of Physics is still struggling with, without achieving yet satisfactory results.
In addition to presenting very convincing arguments that the Electric Field might be also recognized as a form of acceleration, based on Structural Identities between Newton's Universal Gravitational Law and Coulomb's Law, this article also proposes a relatively simple experiment, which if implemented, it might physically prove, (or disprove) that Qeios, CC-BY 4.0 · Article, January 16, 2024
Qeios ID: 4VBWL7.3 · https://doi.org/10.32388/4VBWL7.3 1/21
the Electric Field should be also recognized as a form of Acceleration.
Parts of this paper also exist in additional preprints, by the author of this paper, which are already posted on the web.
But this paper contains additional materials, relating mainly to additional more significant implications, if the Electric Field will be also recognized as a form of Acceleration. The discussion, in this paper, starts with an introduction presenting why Gravity is already recognized as a form of acceleration, and then, continues to the arguments why the Electric Field should be also recognized as a form of
and the maximum possible velocity, a claim that was presented by Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory as an axiom, without any proof.
The above demonstrates the uniqueness of the velocity of Light.
But it should be also emphasized that the velocity of Light also presents a severe peculiarity, which is presented as follows: When a moving Human spectator measures the velocity value of any tangible substance, for example, the velocity of a moving Mass body, the velocity, and the direction of motion of this spectator, relative to the velocity and the direction of motion of this Mass body, does affect the
measured velocity value of this Mass body, by this Human spectator.
But, when a moving Human spectator, measures the velocity value of a Light beam, the velocity, and the direction of motion of this spectator, relative to the direction of motion of this Light beam, does not affect at all, the measured velocity value of this Light beam, by this Human spectator, which always results in a constant Light velocity value, which is also the maximum velocity value that Humans can measure.
This should be regarded as a severe peculiarity, in any velocity value measurements of Light beams, by Humans, which must be also explained.
This paper provides a tentative explanation to the uniqueness related to the velocity of Light and to the severe peculiarity related to the velocity of Light that are presented above. This explanation is based on a prediction that Space and Time, as Humans perceive these notions, do not really exit.
The author of this paper presented this prediction in an additional paper titled: “A discussion related to the existence of the entities of Space and Time” (12) which is referenced in this paper. The details related to this prediction are also presented in this paper. That referenced paper (12) also suggests an experiment, which if implemented, and its result will be successful, might provide validity, or disprove, the predictions presented in that referenced paper, and, as a result, also might provide validity, or disprove, what is presented in this paper
also need the entities of Space and Time to calculate values that Humans attribute to Motions, such
as Velocity or Acceleration. The entities of Space and Time are also the entities that compose the
four-dimensional Interwoven Space/Time entity, introduced by Einstein’s General Relativity
theory, which provided an explanation of the origin of the attraction between Mass bodies.
However, although the notions of Space and Time, as Humans perceive these notions, do provide
the significant explanation of the origin of the attraction between Mass bodies, via Einstein’s
General Relativity theory, the notions of Space and Time, as Humans perceive these notions, are
not sufficient for providing explanations to additional similar unanswered questions, such as : what
is the origin of the attraction or the repulsion between Electrically Charged bodies? Or, why the
velocity of Light, measured by Humans, always results in a constant value and the maximum
velocity that Humans can measure?
This paper presents the following prediction: Electric (or Magnetic) Fields are forms of
Accelerations, like the Gravitational Field, which is already recognized as a form of Acceleration.
This prediction also leads to the following thesis: Changes and Movements are the result of
Interactions between Energies, and the entities of Space and Time are not entities that exist.
The entities of Space and Time are notions (or entities), invented by Humans, because Humans
need such notions to perceive Changes and Motions.
For some Interactions between Energies, which result in Changes or Motions, Humans can
attribute, to these Interactions, attributes of Space and Time, which will assist in providing
explanations to why these Changes or Motions are the result of these Energies Interactions.
However, this paper predicts, that different sets of Interactions between Energies, should be
assigned separate and independent attributes of Space and Time, different and independent from
the Space and the Time attributes, assigned to other sets of Interactions between Energies, to
provide an explanation for the origin of motions which are yet unexplained, such as: what is the
origin of the attraction or the repulsion between Electrically Charged bodies?
Because different and independent Space and Time attributes should be assigned to different sets
of Interactions between Energies, then, Space and Time, as Humans perceive these notions, cannot
exist, because the above implies, that there should be multiple, independent notions of Space, and
multiple, independent notions of Time, and not just one universal Space entity, and just one
universal Time entity, as Humans perceive the Space and the Time entities.
By abandoning the conclusion that the entities of Space and Time exist, and by concluding that
Changes and Motions are only the results of Interactions between Energies, the origin of attraction
or repulsion between Electrically Charged bodies can be explained, in addition to the explanation,
already provided by Einstein’s General Relativity theory, relating to the origin of the attraction
between Mass bodies.
Also, by abandoning the conclusion that the entities of Space and Time exist, and by concluding
that Changes and Motions are only the results of Interactions between Energies, a possible partial,
tentative explanation might be also provided to the question: why the velocity of Light, measured
by Humans, always results in a constant value and the maximum velocity that Humans can
The prediction that the entities of Space and Time do not really exist sounds as an extraordinary,
unbelievable, and out of line statement, at first. This is because, as presented above, the notions
of Space and Time are crucial notions, which Humans need them, to perceive, understand and
calculate Motions and Changes.
However, this paper also proposes a relatively simple experiment, which if implemented, and its
results will be successful, as this paper predicts, this will either validate or disprove, what is
presented in this paper.