Research and Development
A study of all of the "Constantines" during the 5th through 10th centuries AD.
Covers Bear myths and cults, Bull and the Goddess, Bulls (in general), Catal Hüytik in Anatolia, Cows, and Grave mythology (in both the Paleolithic and Neolithic). Compares and contrasts the nature and naming of "The Seven Ancient... more
Within Arthuriana, a study of the Goddess, Alchemical Essentials, Elements and their Beings, Planets and Days (in the ancient associations, not modern Germanic-based days/planets), Planetary Linkages, Zodiacals in Sabbath Order, Zodiacals... more
Presents the origins of Dragons, their widespread appearance, the possibility of their real existence, Middle Eastern Dragons, Western Dragons, Greek Dragons, Chinese Dragons, and other Dragon-like Creatures.
Tracks the history of The Muses and shows their associations through Maiden, Mother, and Matron.
One can only do one's best in recounting the distant events in the order they occurred. There may be several temporal discrepancies, but the events themselves should be inclusive. All of these events are appropriate to mention. Unsure... more
Was there a Saint Stephen's (Seynt Stefenys) in Camelot? Certainly not in Chrétien, but the church does appear throughout the Vulgate cycle and limitedly in Post-Vulgate. Echoes can be seen in Henry Lovelich's History of the Holy Grail,... more
Timelines are a tricky proposition with the best of data. While considering the inclusion (or exclusion) of Tom a Lincolne and Tom Thumbe, it became apparent that the terms Early Modern and Truly Modern are not easily nor consistently... more
Nentres (in English) is King of Garlot(h) [Carlot?]. His wife is Elayne (Elain) in Malory. She is Blasine in the Prose Merlin and other "Merlin" texts. In still other texts, he is the husband of Belisent (Bellicent) [as in Vita Merlini],... more
The poet Thomas of Britain (Thomas de Bretagne), also known as Thomas d' Angleterre (Thomas of England), wrote his Old French poem Tristran(s) after AD 1155 (no later than 1175, some say by AD 1170). Mary Dominica Legge claims the poem... more
Béroul, a Norman or Breton poet of the 12 th Century AD, is said to be the primary author of Tristan (also known as Tristan et Yseut, Le Roman de Tristan et Yseut, or Le Roman de Tristan) c 1170 to 1190 (or after AD 1191). Written in a... more
I have several pages of notes on various topics within Circle of Logres. This document is one of many genealogical suppositions and likely the most skeptical of the lot. Take this document with a pinch of salt or vinegar. I welcome... more
The document is a comprehensive paper on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Ethics, co-authored by a human, Glyn Hnutu-healh, and an AI, Ranagonda. It covers the following key areas: Robotics: The paper discusses the design,... more
The primary aim of this study was to evaluate if it is possible to detect the energy embedded in a Null electromagnetic wave, which is an electromagnetic wave that does not contain any electric or magnetic fields. In three different... more
- by Moshe Segal
CC. 4 INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION Page156 E instein's General Relativity Theory explains why two Mass Bodies Attract each other according to Newton's Gravitation Law: F = G⋅(m 1 ⋅m 2)/ r^2 The General Relativity Theory concluded that a... more
This article presents the statement that a Null Electromagnetic (EM) Wave, which is a propagating EM wave which contains no Electric or Magnetic fields at all, can be feasible. The common existing notion held by physicists is that such a... more
- by Moshe Segal
This article presents the statement that a Null Electromagnetic (EM) Wave, which is a propagating EM wave which contains no Electric or Magnetic fields at all, can be feasible. The common existing notion held by physicists is that such a... more
- by Moshe Segal
This article presents the statement that a Null Electromagnetic (EM) Wave, which is a propagating EM wave which contains no Electric or Magnetic fields at all, can be feasible. The common existing notion held by physicists is that such a... more
The common notion is that Electromagnetic (EM) waves cannot consolidate. Contrary to that, an article [2] published by the author of this article, presented a scenario which argues that EM waves can and do consolidate. Another article [1]... more