? ?

Hi; I come bearing fic :D
Blades - cute
Hello~ I know this comm is kinda small and quiet, but some of you are not on my flist, so I thought I'd share...

I come to you with gifts of fic X3

Title: As Society Dictates
Word count: 1948
Status: Complete
Rating: G
Continuity: Rescue Bots
Character(s): Mainly Chase and Blades, with mentions of everybody else.
Summary: After a chain reaction of disasters that's kinda sorta maybe Blades' fault, Chase attempts to cheer him up. It doesn't go as badly as one might think.
Notes: Plot bunny struck. I ran with it.

This takes place sometimes after the events of "The Lost Bell."

The title was supposed to be part of Chase's dialogue but never made it in. I liked it anyway, so it remained the title.

Shipping if you squint. It's not meant to be shippy, but...I ship it.


Though it was entirely the fault of the puffin, Blades –naturally- blamed himself.

Title: Off the Record
Word count: 2682
Status: Complete
Rating: G
Continuity: Rescue Bots
Character(s): Dani, Blades/Chase
Summary: “Dani.” He nodded minutely, “We were not expecting you home until later.” He sounded as if that simple statement should have explained everything about why they were cuddled together.
Notes: Shipping, definitely. It's just so gosh darn cute!

(The day had started off normal enough, only to veer off in strange and unusual directions when it was drawing to a close.)

New episode tomorrow!
I hope everyone is excited for the return of Rescue Bots!

Under the cut you'll find the titles and descriptions of the next four upcoming episodes:
spoilers!Collapse )

Edit: And another one just in, which doesn't yet have a description but has a very interesting title:
Read more...Collapse )

Episode 7: Four Bots and a Baby Discussion Post.
New Rescue Bots aired today! Did you watch it? Episode 7, Four Bots and a Baby discussion post below. What did you think about this week's episode? Be warned - spoilers may lie a head. Remember, if you forgot to watch this week's episode, the Hub will upload it on Thursday!

(no subject)
Rescue Bots will be returning this Saturday. Here's a list and description of new episodes a head!

Under the cutCollapse )


Episode 6 Discussion Post: "Cody on Patrol."
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This week's episode discussion of "Cody on Patrol".

Also, this will mark the last new Rescue Bot episode for a while. It seems like it will be taking a mini-hiatus.

Episode 5 Discussion Post
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This is rescue_bots's first weekly episode discussion! Tomorrow's new episode is episode 5, "The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock". There could be some possible spoilers. Keep that in mind while discussing. Remember, tomorrow it airs at 9:30 am on the Hub.

Season 2 is announced for Rescue Bots!
According to, Rescue Bots is confirmed for a second season in 2013! To read more information about it, please check out More episodes only means a good chance of more toys!

Welcome to Rescue_Bots!
Welcome to livejournal's first and *only* fan community dedicated to Hasbro's/The Hub's newest Transformers series; Rescue Bots. Please read the rules before posting. We welcome pretty much anything and everything here as long as it relates to Rescue Bots. We will hold weekly episode discussions, contests, friending memes and all sorts of community activity. Feel free to suggest active ideas below!

To pimp out this community:

Transformers: Rescue Bots

Transformers: Rescue Bots