Terms of ServiceIf you decide to use the Re:plain Store service, you must read and accept conditions of Re:plain Store services provision contained in this Public Offer about using the Re:plain Store service (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer").
Using Re:plain Store service, you thereby confirm your consent with the Offer. In case of disagreement with the content of the Offer in full or in any part of it, the user should not start using the Re:plain Store service (hereinafter — the Service).
This Offer contains conditions for conclusion of Service Agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement"). Execution of the actions specified in this Offer is a confirmation of the consent of the individual or legal entity to conclude the Service Agreement on terms and conditions, in the manner and in the scope set forth in this Offer.
The text of the Offer set forth below is addressed to individuals and legal entities that meet the criteria of the "User", by the official public offer of Registrar of Domain Names REG.RU LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) to conclude a Service Agreement in accordance with p. 2 cl. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Service Agreement is considered concluded and becomes effective from the moment an individual commits an action to accept the Offer, stipulated in this Offer, and meaning complete and unconditional acceptance by an individual of all the terms of this Offer without any exemptions or restrictions on the conditions of accession.
The use of the Re:plain Store service by the User is regarded by the Service Administrator as an unconditional acknowledgment (presumption) of that (in aggregate) the User is an individual or legal entity and has adequate legal capacity in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation to make payments under the Agreement, and also that the User has independently read and understood all the terms of this Offer, has no objections to them, agrees to adhere to and comply with them in full, and also undertakes, when using the Service, to comply with all applicable laws of the Russian Federation. The User confirms that the Service Administrator has the right to rely on the presumption specified in this paragraph in full.
Terms and definitions: Administrator — Registrar of Domain Names REG.RU LLC company, providing Re:plain Store service. User — any person (physical or legal) who registered the User's Personal cabinet, connected to the Chat-bot or who pressed the button "Pay" in the Chat-bot and has access to the Internet.
Service (Re:plain Store) — means the Administrator's Web sites located on the Internet at
www.replain.cc/store; its application programs (including programs for mobile devices) that provide access to the Database;
Database — is an information and reference system containing information about the Services, intended for potential users of the Services and Users.
Services — a set of actions by the Administrator aimed at ensuring the functioning of the IT infrastructure and implemented by the Administrator in the order and in the amount, according to the conditions and options selected by the User at the time of the application submission.
IT-infrastructure — information system defined by a network address; a website in the "Internet" network owned by the User for whom connection of Services is performed.
Site — the Administrator's website on the Internet, available at
Payment system — any of the payment systems in which the Administrator is registered.
User's Personal cabinet – account in the Messenger assigned to the User and established in the manner prescribed by the instructions posted on the Site at
https://replain.cc/faq and
How to connect operators to Re:plain.
Messenger — program and service for the exchange of information messages over the Internet.
Chat-bot — dialogue account of the User in the Messenger. Available for use in @replainbot account. Serves for the reception of information on Administrator's Applications, as well as for the filing of Applications by the User.
Application — the User's application, submitted via Chat-Bot.
Tariffs — the cost of the Services, placed on the Site at
https://replain.cc/store, and also in the Chat-bot interface.
Reporting period — the period of Service provision, calculated as follows: starting from the day of submitting the Service Application (automatic renewal of the Service) in the relevant calendar month before the same date (day) in the next calendar month after the date of the Service Application (automatic extension of the Service). If the date of Service Application submission (automatic renewal of the Service) falls on 29 (twenty-ninth), 30 (thirty) or 31 (thirty-first) of the corresponding calendar month, so the first day of the next calendar month shall be considered the date of the reporting period start.
1. General provisions 1.1. Administrator grants the User access to the Service and undertakes to provide Services according to the User's Applications, and the User undertakes to accept and pay for them.
1.2. Terms of Services and detailed description of the Services the Administrator places on the Site at
https://replain.cc/store, as well as in Chat-bot section called "Store".
1.3. The cost of services under the Agreement is determined in accordance with the current prices specified in Tariffs. The cost of the service can be changed by the Administrator. Final cost and payment method of the Service are reflected when making a payment and submitting an Application in the Chat-bot.
1.4. Service offers the User access to the Chat-bot, which performs a number of functions. All existing functions at the moment, any of their development or addition of new ones are regulated by this Agreement.
1.5. Current Agreement is considered to be accepted by the User from the moment of creation of the User's Personal cabinet and / or clicking the "Pay" button in the Chat-bot, depending on what action will be performed earlier.
2. Order of rendering services 2.1. In order to receive the opportunity of Services provision, the User needs to complete the registration procedure in the Service, create User's Personal cabinet according to the instructions posted at
https://replain.cc/faq and
How to connect operators to Re:plain, and also connect to the ChatBot, following the instructions posted on the Site.
2.2. When registering the Personal cabinet and after connecting to the Chat-bot, the User enters the necessary, reliable data into the appropriate forms and sends them by clicking the corresponding button in the Messenger interface.
2.3. All actions performed in the Personal cabinet, on the Service and using the tools provided by the Messenger are deemed to be committed by the User in person.
2.4. Administrator renders Services on the basis of the User's Applications submitted by selecting the appropriate items in accordance with the Administrator's instructions in the Chat-bot interface.
3. Cost of services and settlements order 3.1. The cost of the Services for the Reporting period is determined on the basis of the Tariffs and the submitted Application.
3.2. Writing off the cost of the Services according to the current Tariffs is performed at the time of submitting the Application in the corresponding Chat-bot form and clicking the "Pay" button, and also after the end of the Reporting period, at the beginning of the new Reporting period.
3.3. The cost of the Services specified in the Tariffs include VAT in the event that the Administrator applies the appropriate taxation system.
3.4. Tariffs can be changed by the Administrator's decision, but the cost of the Services rendered is evaluated according to the Tariffs in force at the time of the provision of the Services.
3.5. The Administrator notifies of Price changes by posting information on the Website and Store.
3.6. Continuation of the Service use and receipt of the Services after making changes to the Tariffs means acceptance and consent of the User with such changes.
3.7. All settlements are made in Russian rubles, by transferring non-cash funds to the Administrator's account.
3.8. Payment obligations are deemed to be performed from the moment of writing off the funds from the account of the User.
3.9. User can unsubscribe from the Services at any time. In the event of termination of Services use, the Administrator reserves the right not to return the money paid by the User.
4. Obligations of the parties 4.1 The administrator is obliged to:
4.1.1 Provide the User with reimbursable services in accordance with the subject of the Agreement.
4.1.2. Consult the User on issues arising in connection with the implementation of this Agreement.
4.2 The administrator has the right to:
4.2.1. Suspend the provision of services without any claims and penalties from the User, in case of suspicion of the User's conduct of actions using the Service, that may violate the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2.2. Perform the necessary settings of the Service work and Chat-bot with or without disabling it.
4.3. User is obliged to:
4.3.1. On the day of payment, provide the Administrator with the information necessary for the execution of current Agreement (including payment). The information must be complete and reliable. User is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
4.3.2. Independently ensure the confidentiality of passwords and communication channels, bear responsibility for all actions provided for and not provided for by this Agreement, made using the User's passwords and / or communication channels. Independently bear the risk of possible unfavorable consequences for oneself related to loss and / or disclosure of passwords, as well as unauthorized use of the communication channels of the User.
4.3.3. Comply with the requirements of Russian Federation legislation in the execution of the Agreement
4.3.4 Compensate to Administrator the damage caused by various payments that may be exacted from the Administrator because of claims made by third parties in connection with the use of the Service, subject to the provision by the Administrator to the User of relevant documents evidencing the damage caused to the Administrator.
4.4. User has no right to:
4.4.1. Use the Service for any illegal or unauthorized purposes, violating the laws of the Russian Federation and its jurisdiction.
4.4.2. Open, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code, object code, or basic structures, ideas, or algorithms of the Service or any software, documentation or data related to the Service or Services or other related products of the Administrator;
4.4.3. Extract, allocate or use any parts of the source code of the Service or Services for creation any derivative materials, and allow the possibility of their creation by a third party;
4.4.4. Declare that it has any rights, including exclusive right for the Service, any patents, trademarks or design relating to the Administrator;
5. Responsibility 5.1. Parties hereunder are exempted from liability for non-fulfillment or improper performance of obligations under this agreement if proper performance was not possible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary and unavoidable under the given circumstances, such as natural phenomena, fires, military actions, acts of terrorism , counter-terrorist operations, strikes, changes in legislation and other circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties.
5.2. The Administrator is not responsible for rendering services under the Agreement for indirect / indirect losses and / or loss of profit of the User and / or third parties.
5.3. The User is responsible for ensuring the security of the account in the Messenger and the User's Personal Account, and is fully responsible for all actions performed under the User account. The administrator will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the User's inability to ensure the security of his account in the Messenger and the Personal cabinet.
5.4. The User is fully responsible for the content of his IT-infrastructure, as well as for the violation or harm that may arise due to the contents of the IT-infrastructure. When visiting by the user of the Internet any IT-infrastructure working with the involvement of the Services, the user of the Internet takes precautions himself to protect himself from any kind of viruses, malicious programs and other information. The Administrator does not bear any responsibility for any damage caused by the user using an online store.
The guarantees specified in this section of the Agreement apply to the Service and to all related products and services of the Administrator.
5.5. The user guarantees that the content of the IT infrastructure:
5.5.1. Does not violate the confidentiality, rights and interests of third parties;
5.5.2. Does not contain any viruses, worms, malicious programs or other malicious programs;
5.5.3. Does not contain slander, obscene or defamatory information.
5.6. The User is solely responsible for his obligations to third parties that arise as a result of his commercial activity.
5.7. If the legislation of the country of the User does not allow limitation of liability or the Administrator's responsibility will be established by the appropriate decision of the competent court, the Administrator will be liable only for actual damage incurred by the User in connection with the use of the Services if the cause of such damage is related to the guilty actions of the Administrator, or if the damage was due to reasons that the Administrator knew or should have known about. Herewith the maximum amount of the Administrator's liability is limited to the amount paid by the User to the Administrator for the use of the Services.
5.8 All functions are provided in the specified form. The Administrator is not responsible for any delays, failures, incorrect or untimely delivery of information when the User uses the Messenger.
5.9 The Administrator does not guarantee that the functions of the User's Personal cabinet or the Service will meet the expectations and requirements of the User. The Administrator does not guarantee that Chat-bot will work continuously and without errors.
5.10. The Service administration is not liable for any damage that may be caused to the equipment and user data as a result of the use of materials obtained using the Messenger, provided that in this case there is no proven fact of the perpetration of the guilty actions by the Administrator.
6. Order of consideration of claims and disputes 6.1. When transmitting messages via Chat-bot and Messenger, the User is solely responsible for the content of this / these messages.
6.2. The Administrator and the User, taking into account the nature of the Services provided, undertake in case of disputes and disagreements related to the provision of services, to apply pre-trial settlement of the dispute. If it is not possible to resolve the dispute in the pre-trial order, the parties are entitled to apply to the Moscow Arbitration Court.
7. Intellectual property 7.1. All content, all information related to the Service and the Site, including but not limited to source code, software, design, graphics, logos, trademarks, is the property of the Administrator.
7.2. The use of the Service or the Site does not grant the User any rights or licenses to reproduce or otherwise use the Administrator's trademarks.
7.3. Any unauthorized use of the intellectual property rights of the Administrator is a violation of the Agreement and the rights of the Administrator, as well as violation of intellectual property, copyright and trademarks legislation.
8. Change of the terms of the agreement 8.1. Current Agreement may be amended unilaterally by the Administrator. The text of the introduced changes is published on the Site. Specified changes in current Terms come into force from the date of posting the notice on the Site, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. All changes and additions to this Agreement are mandatory for acceptance and execution by the User when further using of the Service and Services. If the User continues to use the Services, he automatically agrees with all changes made to this Agreement.
9. Other provisions
9.1. This Agreement is compiled taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation and international agreements in the field of intellectual property. The law applicable to the interpretation of this Agreement, as well as to all relations arising from the substance of this Agreement is the substantive and procedural law of the Russian Federation.
9.2. If any provision of this Agreement for any reason loses legal force or becomes unenforceable or invalidated by a decision of the competent court, it is considered not to be included in the text of this Agreement, what, however, does not in any way affect legality and obligation of execution of other provisions.
Limited Liability Company Registrar of Domain Names REG.RU (Registrar of Domain Names REG.RU LLC)
Address of location / Mailing address:
123308, Moscow, 3rd Khoroshevskaya str., 2, building 1, floor 1, apartment I, room 12 e-mail:
[email protected]Phone: +7.4955140573