This was cross posted at the dh_spoil site too and it case it gets deleted or whatever I wanted to post it here too, because I think this included ALL HP fans.
[The original post]:
Now, I was going through the old posts and such here, and while this may seem rude, I saw this post and it truly pissed me off for some reason:
((Anonymous)) wrote in spoil_me_dh on July 19th, 2007 at 10:45 pm
Ummm. What exactly is it that you think she owes you? This is her sandbox, her world, her characters. She can do any damn thing she wants with them. If you do not like what she has done, don't buy the book. How many of you who are bitching and moaning still plan on buying the book?
Now, I'm sorry - I can't let this go without saying something...I probably shouldn't get as angry about this as I am but I can't help it - NO ONE deserves to be talked fown to like that. So here's what I have to say to the oh-so-mature Anonymous:
For one thing, I am not a fanatic - I got plenty of other things going on in my life and I'm a writer as well; if you don't like how people re-act when they are disappointed in something that they have followed loyally and respected a great deal (what you call "fanatic", oh-so-sutle-one) then you can piss off.
If you don't like this whole line of discussion, don't come here talking down to people like they are lower than you - because that's exactly what you are doing; talking down to us like we are shit.
As a writer, yes, you are suppose to write for yourself and what you want - but that doesn't mean completely disregarding your fans on a number of levels and reasons.
Get it? Maybe instead of telling us we need to "get a life" you need to stop being such an ass-hole.
Oh, and by the way, do you around to other LJ comm.s talking down to people from your pedestal under "anonymous" instead of having enough balls to post under your name and take responsibility for what you say?
Sorry if this is against the rules or whatever, but I think it needed to be said and I wanted everyone to know that.
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