Papers by Agisilaos Chantzis

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2014
This contribution is an investigation of both the structures and optical properties of a set of 1... more This contribution is an investigation of both the structures and optical properties of a set of 14 diverse, recently synthesized diarylethenes using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) at the ωB97X-D/6-31G(d) level of theory. The linear response (LR) and state-specific (SS) versions of the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) have been adopted to account for the bulk solvation effects and their relative performances were critically accessed. It is shown, for the first time in the case of nontrivial diarylethenes, that TD-DFT provides good agreement between the experimental absorption-fluorescence crossing points (AFCPs) and their theoretical counterparts when a robust model accounting for both geometrical relaxation and vibrational corrections is used instead of the vertical approximation. On the other hand, the theoretical estimates for the Stokes shifts based on the vertical transition energies were found to be in disagreement with respect to experiment, prompting us to simulate the absorption/emission vibronic band shapes. It is proved that difficulties associated with the breakdown of the harmonic approximation in Cartesian coordinates exist for the investigated system, and we show how they can be at least partially overcome by means of a vertical approach including Duschinsky effects. Our results provide a valuable basis to rationalize the experimental vibronic structure of both emission and absorption bands and are expected to be a significant asset to the understanding of the optical properties of diarylethene derivatives.

ABSTRACT The present contribution constitutes an extensive density functional theory (DFT) invest... more ABSTRACT The present contribution constitutes an extensive density functional theory (DFT) investigation of the nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of a large number of molecules belonging to the azobenzene and azothiophene families of photochromic compounds which can act as NLO switches. Toward the design of systems simultaneously presenting both large total nonlinear response values, β tot , and large contrast, β ratio , between the cis and trans isomers, we have focused not only on the monomers but also on azobenzene dimers, the latter containing two NN bonds along the molecular backbone. After it was established that the inclusion of implicit solvation is not important in drawing qualitative conclusions on the NLO switching ability for the investigated systems, gas-phase calculations have shown that for the asymmetric push−pull azobenzene and azothiophene candidates, the combination of strong donating groups such as NPh 2 , N(Ph-OMe) 2 , and N(Ph-NMe 2) 2 with the dicyanoethene group CHC(CN) 2 as an acceptor delivers large β trans (150−217 × 10 −30 esu) and non-negligible β cis (18−55 × 10 −30 esu) values as well as substantial contrast, β ratio (3.9−8.7). For the investigated double azobenzenes, it is found that, with a careful choice of donor and acceptor groups, the contrast, β ratio , can be significantly increased compared to that of the monomers while maintaining large β values that facilitate their detection with standard experimental techniques (e.g., electric-field-induced second-harmonic generation). Our results set the stage on which further theoretical and experimental studies can be based in the search for efficient and versatile NLO switches.
![Research paper thumbnail of UV–vis absorption spectrum of a novel Ru(II) complex intercalated in DNA: [Ru(2,2′-bipy)(dppz)(2,2′-ArPy)]+](
Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2014
The synthesis of a new Ru(II) complex is reported. Its absorption spectrum when interacting with ... more The synthesis of a new Ru(II) complex is reported. Its absorption spectrum when interacting with DNA in water was calculated at the hybrid quantum mechanics molecular mechanics level of theory and compared with experimental data. The vertical transitions were computed using timedependent density functional theory in the linear response approximation. The complex and its environment were treated at the quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical levels, respectively. The effects of the environment were investigated in detail and conveniently classified into electrostatic and polarization effects. The latter were modeled using the computationally inexpensive "electronic response of the surroundings" method. It was found that the main features of the experimental spectrum are nicely reproduced by the theoretical calculations. Moreover, analysis of the most intense transitions utilizing the natural transition orbital formalism revealed important insights into their nature and their potential role in the irreversible oxidation of DNA, a phenomenon that could be relevant in the field of cancer therapy.

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2013
The reliability of the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) for predicting vibrationally resolved abs... more The reliability of the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) for predicting vibrationally resolved absorption and emission spectra of several prototypical conjugated molecules has been addressed by performing a series of extensive theoretical calculations. To this end, we have systematically compared the TDA results with the full Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT), the Random Phase Approximation (RPA), as well as the Configuration Interaction Singles (CIS) methods that are routinely employed for the prediction of optical spectra of large molecules. Comparisons have been made with experimental results for both the band shapes and 0-0 energies. They revealed that TDA is generally able to reproduce the experimental band shapes along with the positions of the absorption and emission peaks. With respect to TDDFT, TDA leads to an underestimation of the relative intensities for most cases but does not alter any other feature of the spectra. For the case of 0-0 energies, it leads to a better agreement between theory and experiment compared to TDDFT for the majority of the molecules studied, at least when combined with the popular B3LYP functional.
ABSTRACT The absorption spectrum of two ruthenium (II) organometallic complexes intercalated into... more ABSTRACT The absorption spectrum of two ruthenium (II) organometallic complexes intercalated into DNA is studied at the quantum mechanic/molecular mechanic level. The macromolecular environment is taken into account as to include geometric, electrostatic and polarization effects that can alter the excitation energy and oscillator strength. The inclusion of DNA base pairs into the quantum mechanic partition allows us for the first time to clearly evidence the presence of charge transfer excited states involving an electron withdraw from DNA base pairs to the organometallic complex.
Papers by Agisilaos Chantzis