These relationships are defined as toxic due to their nature to degrade you overtime.
So, how do you prevent or stop this type of relationship?
Here's 5 quick tips on preventing/awareness of toxic relationships.
1. Dependent - You find yourself being pressured to spend all of your time with this "friend" or feeling as if you can't do anything without them. WARNING This is toxic!
Solution - Spend time doing things you like alone. Be in control of the time you spend with your friend and if they are unable to understand this, then question if this person is a true friend.
2. Low Self Esteem - Your friend constantly disgraces and discredits you with no constructive criticism. WARNING This is toxic!
Solution - A good friend is an esteem booster and provides constructive criticism. A good friend is truly concerned about your happiness and health.
3. Frequent Arguments - Always fighting verbally or physically with your friend is a clear sign of a toxic relationship.
Solution - Attempt to come to a mutual agreement. If an agreement can't be reached, politely end the friendship.
4. Returning - You cut off a friendship because it was unhealthy and then turned around to go back. We've all been in this situation before and it's a bad sign. WARNING This is toxic.
Solution - When you move on from a relationship, make sure you completely move on and do not look back. In life, you must seek to progress and not digress. Always go forward.
5. Over Protective - Your friend tries to protect you from anything they believe is harmful. While this can appear to be a good thing, it is very toxic. This is the sign of an immensely controlling person who does not like to be disobeyed.
Solution - End this relationship immediately. Over Protective friends have a one track mind and they do not have any plans of compromising.
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