K (csandiegooo) wrote in relationhelp,

From the end of March through Mid-May I had a fling with a man. Very intense and passionate. Around May 20th, I left and came back to my home country (where I will be for the forseeable future). Even after I left for the first few days he continued correspondence via Facebook. I didn't respond to any of these until finally I told him I was going to write him a letter.

So, I wrote him a letter, and in it I explicitly stated I wanted to see him again as soon as possible. That I couldn't stop thinking about him. To let me know if he feels the same way. I sent it from New York City on June 3rd, to Rome, Italy. Italy is notorious for having an incredibly slow/mixed-up postal system, but I figured since he lives in a major city that could help.

Still, I haven't yet heard anything back from him and I am worried.

How long should I give this until I contact him via Facebook asking if he got the letter? And when I do contact him, what should I say? I know it seems simple such as "did you get my letter?" but since I am essentially asking him to be in a long distance relationship with me, it's a sort of delicate situation. If he has received my letter, I don't want to make him feel pressured into responding, and if he hasn't received it, then I have just wasted this month of time and risked hurting him by not delivering...with the added bonus of my romantic gesture looking completely stupid but asking him about a letter via a much more effective means of communication.

I know this all seems a little contrived, but I am genuinely worried and hope you understand my confusion about what step to take!

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