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redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this

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[Links:| by yerself yer own truck! unleash the beast ]

(no subject) [Sep. 4th, 2006|07:08 pm]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this

Do you love to go hunting and fishing? Do you ever wish you could show your trophy kill off to everyone you wanted, any time you wanted? Join and share your hunting trophies with the world!

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kudzu [Aug. 10th, 2006|03:16 pm]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this


attack of the killer kudzu!
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(no subject) [Aug. 9th, 2006|12:21 pm]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this

[Tags|, , ]
[mood |fullgassy]
[music |straylight run]

i pee on you

the random hick

real rednecks mod everything
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launchin squirrels [Aug. 7th, 2006|08:31 pm]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this

[Tags|, ]
[music |beatbox]

not redneck, but it's cool anyway.
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(no subject) [Aug. 7th, 2006|07:58 pm]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this

[Tags|, , , , ]
[mood |lonelykinda bored, almost depressed]
[music |something corporate]

what is it about rednecks and trucks? what is it that makes them so inseparable? there's always a truck involved with rednecks. and when you think about that relation, there's usually rock and roll, more specifically heavy metal involved. like metallica, but more specifically stuff like van halen, the scorpions, whitesnake, poison, etc......

i like it.

bytheway check this out

almost as good as monster.... oh wait.... the lost drink is made by monster. what a coinkidink.
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(no subject) [Aug. 6th, 2006|07:51 pm]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this

[Tags|, , , , ]
[Current Location |fezz's house]
[mood |hottoo darn hot without a/c]
[music |the animal- movie]

hey i really like this pic. i know it's already on the userinfo page but here you go.

hey ya'll watch this!
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new community [Aug. 6th, 2006|07:30 pm]
redneck customs- ya'll are gon love this

[Tags|, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
[Current Location |fezz's house]
[mood |hota/c would be nice right now]
[music |watching "the animal" with rob schneider]

hey ya'll. me and crash are starting this community for those who like both rednecks and customs. anything that has to do with these two things and are willing to talk about things that pertain to these can join. post pics of cool trucks, cars, trails, wheels, parts, duct tape, mullets, anything!
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