Was up until 2 yesterday watching Smackdown. Couldn't see it at it's normal time because I was watching Sports Relief. Which was worth it, even if there's no way football is the better sport.
And in praise of Bradshaw this week and last I must say he does a stunning impression of a campaigning politician. Anyone who's ever sat through one of Tony Blair's interviews might recognise the style. (Really, I wish I were joking. He does the pauses and insincere grin exactly the same way.)
Then I get dragged out of bed at 8 o'clock and go to the gym.
Saw the end of Heat - Regal v Stevie Richards. Very good.
And on top of that, I might be getting a job. I've got an interview for the cinema. Stroke of good luck that - I asked if they had any jobs going, they say no but hand in your CV, we'll keep it on file and grab you when we have a job going. I hand in my CV (the most cackhanded thing ever written) and think, oh well, that's that.
This afternoon I get a call saying am I still interested. I say yes. He says do I mind the job only being till September. I say no, because I go back to uni then. He says he's glad to hear it.
A cinema job would be perfect because they keep the same hours I do i.e. no early mornings and only finish late.
Plus this week with added Rob Conway. Who was wearing speedos in the ugliest shade of purple you have ever seen. But yes, Mark Lloyd was going off on one about how La Resistance were bad because they mocked American culture and the American people.
Which did force me to say that that was precisely why I loved them.
Oh and if anyone could tell me if the Jimmy Yang guy who fought Tommy Dreamer is the same one that used to be a Yung Dragon I would be most grateful.
Lets just say I've just discovered how useful it is to have someone already at a uni when you're first going. I'll have to bug David tomorrow and get his recommendation for which halls of residence to put down.
In a similar vein, I hate filling in forms.
Now for a Smackdown review -
Rey and Kidman v Team Angle was good, good, good. And I love how Team Angle get announced as the 'self-proclaimed' Greatest Tag Team in the World.
Shaniqua and Nidia in one ring is enough to make me make high-pitched noises. Shaniqua in those boots acting all evil makes me very, very happy. One question, why is Linda Miles/Shaniqua, who seems to be able to wrestle, stuck on SD where the Divas don't wrestle?
Sky didn't show the APA :( They also didn't have Cena rapping before his match. Didn't he make with the rap, or are they short-changing us again.
Benoit being all touchy-feely freaks everyone out.
Poor Spanky. Got to love his attitude though.
I'm assured other stuff happened after this, but I'm ignoring it.
Onto RAW
Jericho and Nash also make me squeak.
Would Randy Orton cease and desist in flinging himself into harms way to protect Ric Flair. I really hate the elimination chamber.
Apparently they want Kane to get boos and boos alone since they're teaming him with Bischoff.
That's probably the one thing RAW has over Smackdown, a decent tag division.
Watched Angels in Outfield which is one of those family films that no one over the age of 5 is supposed to like. Of course I love it in all its schmaltzy glory. And yes, it makes me wibbly.
Plus, and I've only just noticed this, there's a young Adrien Brody in it. Playing the world's most useless batter.
1) The UK Eurovision entry needs to stop spinning round me head. 2) LJ not letting me update. 3) HHH being far too slashy with everyone, most notably Stone Cold. 4) Same as above but with Piper in place of HHH. May be forced to make a Piper icon or two.
Seeing the RAW highlights reminded me of something that I sometimes stupidly forget, Ric Flair is da man.
From Heat, either Ivory is wearing very, very lowcut underwear or she's braver than I ever could be. Because those trousers weren't very forgiving as far as staying up went.
From Smackdown - The FBI continue to amuse me. 'Brock, Rock, Schmock, forgetaboutit.' O'Haire's evil laugh is a thing of beauty. Kiltmania rules, although I was fully expecting the debut of Mr. Scotland next week.
Stone Cold interrogating Lance Storm was brilliant. Comedy gold.
Was there any fallout from Kevin Nash smashing HBK into the wall at JD? Or are they pretending it never happened? Ditto Kane and RVD.
If you get Heat watch it this week, there's a really good women's championship match on. And Molly's new outfit is, well it has lacing up, and is blue, and is very, very nice to look at.
BTW in what parallel universe is Victoria not hot. Smacks all those who say she isn't.
I was watching Smackdown, and the Brock and Benoit bit was so good. But, is it me, or is Benoit rather sinister for a good guy. I keep expecting him to run out and smack Brock with a steel chair.
MARK JINDRAK!!!! And even though I realise that Sean O'Haire is injured, they're still on the same roster, and dude, there's always the hope that they end up tag teaming.
I have said that they're like my favourite frelling tag team ever.
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I was at a European haematology conference, which was filled with Italians who winced every time football was mentioned. By the end of the Germany match, the Germans were joining them.
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