It doesn't fit because the big kicker moment, "And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am" into swirly strings
does not fit any of my OTPs.
Let us recap-
Kira Nerys/Odo: Neither of the give two figs about what the world thinks. Their problems are all character-based. See one of them being a freedom fighter and the other one having been a collaborator.
Susan Ivanova/Marcus Cole: Again, the problem is all character-based. He loves her, people three universes over know this. She knows this. She probably loves him but won't admit it because everyone she loves dies. Or worse.
Aeryn Sun/John Crichton: Their problem is really not the other one not knowing who they are. It's that one of them is a super-soldier (or not far short) for the Peacekeepers, who are really misnamed, in a way, and the other one contains the secrets of wormhole technology and everyone wants to kill him. They have ... cultural differences.
Zechs/Noin: Okay, so yes, Zechs doesn't want the world to know who he really is. For good reason. But Noin is one of the people who knows. She, quite literally, already knows who he is. And doesn't care. It really doesn't fit.
Fai/Kurogane: (Spoilers) No, Fai really doesn't want Kurogane to know who he is. He doesn't want anyone to know who he is. Because damn right, they wouldn't understand. Well okay, it turns out that they do but ... plot. Plot! Kurogane is exactly who he says he is, so that point is moot.
Rogue/Gambit: Oddly like Fai/Kurogane, no, Gambit really doesn't want Rogue to know about his past. He would like to disown it, if possible, or you know, do something to wipe it off the ledger. Rogue doesn't give a damn re: the world but has huge problems with regard to her mutant power and what that means. So while the big sweeping chorus doesn't work, I will willingly agree that the opening verse
"And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now"
works for them.
Comment here or on Dreamwidth, wherever you prefer.
No offence intended for those who like 'ships I don't like. I'm a firm believer in your ship is not my ship and that's okay. With some of my 'ships, you kind of have to be ;)
1. Bram/Magnus 2. Mystique/Magneto 3. Fai/Kurogane 4. Tosh/Owen 5. Autolycus/Atalanta (from the 2014 Hercules. Yes, I know.) 6. Rogue/Gambit
Three ships you liked, but don’t like anymore
7. Tony/Steve in MCU 8. American Wolves 9. Aiden/Nolan
Four ships you never liked
10. Thor/Loki 11. Mycroft/Lestrade 12. Daniel/Emily in Revenge 13. Iron Man/Loki
Two ships you're curious about, but don’t actually ship
A meme - Make a list of your favorite pairings and explain who would pick up the socks and why.
Zechs/Noin - They're both military, the pick up their own socks. They're also both OZ so refinement is important and I think refinement covers the picking up of your socks.
Ivanova/Marcus Cole - We've seen Ivanova's room, and it's reasonably tidy, and it's neater than both her commanding officers's. I like that I can tell you for certain that Jeffrey Sinclair picks up his own socks and washes them, and I choose to believe that this has lead to a Minbari ritual of the same kind.
Rogue/Gambit - they're both schlubs. The socks sort of pile up until they get yelled at by Scott.
Kira Nerys/Odo - Kira knows that being tidy is vital when you have an enemy tracking you. Odo doesn't wear socks. Kira picks up any socks that are existant.
Fai/Kurogane - They both pick up any socks in the vicinity. However, Fai is the one that spends hours arguing about what kind of washing powder to use.
Flair/Orton - Orton doesn't like tidying up after himself, it's one of the many reasons he hated being a Marine. Ric thinks that tidying up socks is someone else's job. Randy ends up doing it. He's not happy about this.
This was going to be a sober sensible post before I saw that.
So about two weeks ago, I was on my way to the Leicester Open (which is in Stratford for reasons to complicated to explain) when the news said that Joerg Haider had died. And I couldn't join in the general celebrating, not because I agreed with anything he ever said or did, but because I couldn't help but think about his poor aged mother.
And given that the first time he came to any great power, I was old enough to remember him, meant that from an early age I know not to trust excessively charismatic people and that just because someone's popular, doesn't mean they're right.
Of course, the main problem is that he was actually not as right wing as his possible successors so the FPO and whatever his new party was called are only going to go further right, and I fear people might still vote for them. Gah!
The gym thing is going well, if we ignore that I've done the interesting thing to my wrist again, which I am. The other problem is that the weight doesn't go from the places it needs to go, my stomach, back and bottom, but from useful places like my face and hips, and I need my hips to keep my trousers up. But never mind.
Lab thing is all going wrong, enjoying it though. All I want is one PCR reaction to go right.
A local to home 6th form college is the best in the country and Leicester is the 16th best uni in the country and the 153rd best in the world. Which is cool.
Two memes stolen from various people:
1) One line stories! Name a pairing (that I know something about) and I will write one line of a story for it, or rather a sentance since we all know that my sentences have been known to be very long, and much with the subclauses.
2) Character Meme Ask me my opinion on any character from any fandom, and I will give it. If I do not know the fandom, I will say what I think I know based on fannish osmosis.
With the extra warning that this is me and I ramble on.
And now for a response to one from Biorythm.
Name six songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words or even if they're any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions and then list the six artists and the songs in your LiveJournal. Then tag six other people to see what they're listening to.
1 - Jesus of Suburbia - Green Day 2 - Golden Touch - Razorlight 3 - Shot Me Down - Nancy Sinatra and whoever 4 - don't know it's name but it's a rap song that has Diamonds are Forever as a sample. 5 - Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself - White Stripes 6 - Smile Like You Mean It - the Killers.
Anyone want to get tagged, because if not I shall tag Missy, Lizzie and anyone else who wants to.
There are times when I hate my brain. It gives me these ideas that all on the same storyline, but doesn't give me the linking bits. And four linked HBP (and one pre-HBP) ficlets is a bit of an odd thing to write. Give me a long fic or give a short fic, brain, but don't give me this bizarrely broken up long fic.
Randy should wear a suit more often. Starts the campaign for less splatting of Regal. Word to Batista - you are now Dave until such time as you stop with the silly posing. And also desist with the splatting of Jericho.
Sorry that there's not more of them but the Prisoner was on and I like that programme far too much. That and Glastonbury coverage featuring Franz Ferdinand who I think I love now.
TOTP had them on as well, along with Razorlight. Why yes, I grew up during the Britpop era and am enjoying the revival. Also Razorlight > Libertines, any day of the week with their hands tied behind their backs and blindfolded. Okay maybe not by that much but still way better.
I'm trying to decide if JC Chasez's new song "All Day I Dream About Sex" is the worst thing ever recorded or actually quite good. The confusion comes about because it is electropop and I love electropop. Really. New Romantics, Gary Neuman, anything.
Only saw one match of TNA - Redshirts and Abyss v AMW and AJ Styles. But I was happy enough because there was also random bits of Rowdy Roddy Piper just before, a recap of other things that had happened. And Kid Kash annoying Trinity, who I think I like if only for the comment about all the TNA guys being up themselves.
I read Powerslam, which is a wrestling mag, and someone wrote in and asked "Are Randy Orton and Batista married in real life?" You can guess where my mind went with that one.
The entire family love Munch. Even if my Mum calls him, 'oh the cadaverous looking one'.
And it was spot the B5 star out of homeground today, what with Richard Biggs who played Dr. Franklin turning up on CSI playing the anti-Stephen, and Jason Carter appearing on Charmed. Who have an entirely different character called Cole, but it was distracting.
But yes, if anyone who watched B5 remembers how Marcus always looked borderline unhinged, well this character had no hinges what so ever. And he look throughly disreputable and seethed a lot.
Which brings me on to pairings that I 'ship. I was thinking about it because most people have something that they're all 'no, you will not split them up' about, and I've got a couple. The worrying thing is that they're both het couples.
LiveJournal is celebrating New Year! Time to recall this year's moments in the holiday photochallenge. Get 5 random photos uploaded to the blog in 2024 and share them with the audience! Have an…
Let's celebrate the anniversary together! Learn more about the number 25 in the '25 facts about 25' project. Tell about yourself and your blog in the #LJ25 hashmob.…
I was at a European haematology conference, which was filled with Italians who winced every time football was mentioned. By the end of the Germany match, the Germans were joining them.
Time to recall this year's moments in the holiday photochallenge. Get 5 random photos uploaded to the blog in 2024 and share them with the audience!
Have an…
Let's celebrate the anniversary together! Learn more about the number 25 in the '25 facts about 25' project. Tell about yourself and your blog in the #LJ25 hashmob.…