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November 3rd, 2010

11:17 pm - The Scent of a Soul
Title: The Scent of a Soul
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG
Genre: Southern Vampire Mysteries
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Southern Vampire Mysteries. I wouldn't mind owning Eric, but that'd only make him more smug than he already is.
Summary: Eric analyzes one of the reasons he's attracted to Sookie.

The Scent of a SoulCollapse )

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October 24th, 2010

02:05 am - I Know Enough of Hate
Title: I Know Enough of Hate
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG
Genre: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Unless I turn into JKR, I will never own the rights to Harry Potter.
Summary: After being raised to hate, Draco learns a new emotion.

I Know Enough of HateCollapse )

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March 28th, 2009

03:01 am - List of Fics
Harry Potter:
Son of a Death Eater
I Know Enough of Hate


One Shot Fics:
Adventures Forever Lost (Peter Pan, 2003 movie)
The Scent of a Soul (Southern Vampire Mysteries)

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March 1st, 2007

04:58 pm - Son of a Death Eater
Title: Son of a Death Eater
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG-13, though may progress to R in later chapters.
Genre: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Until I turn into JKR, I will never own the rights to Harry Potter.
Summary: This is a (humorous) journal that Draco keeps during his years at Hogwarts. This was inspired from Lamentations of a Starry Eyed Twit by She's a Star (from, although it does not coincide with her story.

Chapter 2: The First DayCollapse )

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04:45 pm - Generations
Title: Generations
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG
Genre: Labyrinth
Disclaimer: Except for a few of the characters, the Jim Henson company owns the rights.
Summary: It has been twenty years since Sarah left the Labyrinth. Now her daughter has vanished into the Labyrinth. How will Sarah get her back? Will she be able to stand up to Jareth again?

Chapter 6: ShellsCollapse )

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04:43 pm - Generations
Title: Generations
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG
Genre: Labyrinth
Disclaimer: Except for a few of the characters, the Jim Henson company owns the rights.
Summary: It has been twenty years since Sarah left the Labyrinth. Now her daughter has vanished into the Labyrinth. How will Sarah get her back? Will she be able to stand up to Jareth again?

Chapter 5: Straying From the PathCollapse )

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04:19 pm - Generations
Title: Generations
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG
Genre: Labyrinth
Disclaimer: Except for a few of the characters, the Jim Henson company owns the rights.
Summary: It has been twenty years since Sarah left the Labyrinth. Now her daughter has vanished into the Labyrinth. How will Sarah get her back? Will she be able to stand up to Jareth again?

Chapter 4: WaitingCollapse )

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04:18 pm - Generations
Title: Generations
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG
Genre: Labyrinth
Disclaimer: Except for a few of the characters, the Jim Henson company owns the rights.
Summary: It has been twenty years since Sarah left the Labyrinth. Now her daughter has vanished into the Labyrinth. How will Sarah get her back? Will she be able to stand up to Jareth again?

Chapter 3: The Adventure BeginsCollapse )

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04:10 pm - Generations
Title: Generations
Author: piperredfern
Rating: PG
Genre: Labyrinth
Disclaimer: Except for a few of the characters, the Jim Henson company owns the rights.
Summary: It has been twenty years since Sarah left the Labyrinth. Now her daughter has vanished into the Labyrinth. How will Sarah get her back? Will she be able to stand up to Jareth again?

Chapter 2: ChoicesCollapse )

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03:57 pm - Confessions
Title: Confessions
Author: piperredfern
Genre: Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Alas, JK Rowling owns the rights. I own nothing of the world of Harry Potter (except, maybe, in my imagination! ::winks::)

Chapter 3: The Truth RevealedCollapse )

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