Papers by Dr. Kenneth Enoch Okpala

Structured Abstract Purpose: Keen competition among producers in the breweries industry had led t... more Structured Abstract Purpose: Keen competition among producers in the breweries industry had led to the search for production strategy and cost management technique to survive and outwit competitors. The relationship between target costing and competition among firms in Nigerian breweries industry was investigated in this study as a means of addressing the above issue. Methodology: A case study research design was employed. Six organizations with 1,451 senior staff members. Among them were Chief Accountants, Management Accountants, Marketing / Sales Managers Production Managers, Purchase Manager, Maintenance Engineers and Supervisors in their respective organizations were used as the study's population. Total enumeration was used. 1,242 usable copies of the questionnaire were collected and analyzed representing 86% response rate. Four hypotheses formulated were tested using regression analysis with the aid of SPSS. Findings: The result of the analysis indicated that there were significant impact among the independent sub-variables and their aggregate on the variables of the dependent as follows: Value engineering on cost of production (R = .571, R 2 =.497, p = < .05); Lean manufacturing on customer satisfaction (R =.687, R 2 =.610, p =. < .05); Supply chain management on efficient product delivery (R =.751, R 2 =.698, p = < .05); Kaizen philosophy on continuous product quality improvement (R =.534, R 2 =.478, p = < .05). The result obtained was in line with a priori expectation. Research limitations: This study concentrated on the breweries industry which is in the amanufacturing subsector of the Nigerian economy. This is due to the level cut throat computation among firms and the importance of the sector to the manufacturing industry in Nigeria. It was suggested that other researchers should conducted further studies to replicate and confirm the results in other manufacturing sub ectors. This would enable the integration of these results with a view to establish the general impact of costing on the completion in Nigerian manufacturing industry. The study will provide a platform for comparative analysis and industry decision template.

Structured abstract Purpose: The limited research interest in the hospitality industry has preven... more Structured abstract Purpose: The limited research interest in the hospitality industry has prevented the conclusion on the relationship between management accounting reports and the industry development in Nigeria. This study examines the effect of management accounting reports on the development of the quoted hotels in Nigeria. Design/Methodology/approach: This paper made use of primary data collected from 164 selected management staff of the four quoted hotels in Nigeria. A response rate of 112 copies of questionnaire representing 68.29% was achieved. Regression analysis technique was employed to measure the strength of the association between the variables. Findings: The results revealed that management accounting reports has a significant relationship with the development experienced by quoted hotels in Nigeria. Research limitations: This study suffers from some limitations. The first is the small size of the population. Secondly, the study concentrated on quoted hotels in Nigeria which account for about 3% of the hotels in Nigeria. Result may differ if other hotels are included in the study. Practical implications: The study concluded that management accounting reports has given quoted hotels a competitive advantage. Originality/ Value: The few existing studies conducted on development of hotels in Nigeria were measured in terms of overall guest satisfaction with services rendered. This study took a step further to analyze the effects of service pricing, optimal liquidity and service contribution determination on the quoted hotels client base, investment behaviour and profitability leading development of the subsector in Nigeria. These issues were omitted in the previous studies.

The freedom of choice permitted by IFRS where accounting policy alternatives applies has resulted... more The freedom of choice permitted by IFRS where accounting policy alternatives applies has resulted in undue flexibility leading to the adoption and application of accounting policy for selfish interest as in the case of tax liability and earnings management. This paper highlighted 8 such accounting policy choices where management may exercise their right. The objective of the study was to evaluate the factors influencing the choice of accounting policies in the Airline General Sales Agent companies. Correlational research design was employed. 201 senior staff of 10 GSA companies registered with the Association of GSA companies in Nigeria was used as the study population. The sample size consists of 5 GSAs with 121 staff who received copies of questionnaire.101 useable copies of questionnaire were returned and analyzed using Correlation and One-Way ANOVA analysis methods The result concluded that firm's size has no significant relationship with accounting policy choice (r = 254, p = 057 > .05). Firm's earning motive and tax liability objective have significant relationships with accounting policy choice (r =717, p = 000 < .05); (r = 688, p = 000 < .05). It was concluded that firm's earning and tax liability goals had influenced the choice of accounting policy in GSA companies in Nigeria. The study recommended that GSAs companies irrespective of the motives for choosing accounting policy should be mindful of the financial statements' true and fair view. Appropriate committees of International Accounting Standards Board should also look into certain items in the financial statements considered as critical policies but subjective. This would limit the freedom of choice and undue flexibility.

Due to the frequent business failure coupled with incessant malpractices and increase in fraud te... more Due to the frequent business failure coupled with incessant malpractices and increase in fraud techniques, there is a need for auditors to improve audit quality to address these negative occurrences. This study investigated the application of Stamatis generic model as a continuous quality improvement technique to influence audit quality in Nigeria. The population consists of 916 licensed auditing firms in Nigeria and 683 was the sample size upon which questionnaire was administered. 641 copies of questionnaire were returned representing a response rate of 94%. The questionnaire was validated by certified quality management. The reliability and internal consistency of the instrument for data collection was confirmed by the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficients (Rc) of 82% obtained from pilot study. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to confirm the research hypotheses. The result obtained showed positive correlations and statistically significant relationships among the level of Stamatis generic model awareness and degree of implementation (r =.752; p =.000) and the application of Stamatis generic model and audit quality (r =.630; p =.000). Findings show that though the model theoretically predicted audit quality but are yet to be implemented by auditors in Nigeria as a result of ignorance, inexperience and low level of firms’ resources. The study concluded that Stamatis generic model will improve the quality of auditor’s reports if implemented and through multiplier effect, influences the integrity of financial statements and stakeholders’ decision. It was recommended that audit firms should adopt SGM to have quality output and satisfied clients.
Keywords: Audit quality, Audit practice, Stamatis generic model, Quality improvement

The low level of the country’s stock of infrastructure, poor degree of economic development and c... more The low level of the country’s stock of infrastructure, poor degree of economic development and citizens’ standard of living has triggered research on their causes and effects. This study investigated the influence of budget approval timing on the degree of implementation as a means of addressing the above issues in Nigeria. A cross sectional design was used and the population of the study consists of 288 senior staff of federal government ministries, departments and agencies randomly selected in March, 2015. 229 valid questionnaire administered were received (79.5% responses rate). The structured questionnaire was developed from the conceptual, theoretical and empirical framework from previous studies and validated by professionals. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted with Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients of Reliability (Rc) and the result obtained for the constructs are 0.701 and 0.812 which confirm the instrument’s reliability. Regression technique was used to measure the relationship between the variables. The findings showed that there is a statistically significant relationship: between preliminary approval timing and the degree of implementation (r=0.762, p=.000) and legislative approval timing and the degree of implementation (r=0.250, p=.017). The study concluded that undue delay in budget approval timing is responsible for poor degree of budget implementation in Nigeria. It was recommended that (i) 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should be amended to define the timeframe for each stage in the budget process (ii) executive should preparation and presentation budget early to the parliament for adequate deliberations and timely approval and the adopted Medium term budgeting framework should be properly implemented to overcome the problems of annual budget. This will enhance full implementation and economic development in Nigeria.

The need for competent employees in both private and public sector of any economy has become obvi... more The need for competent employees in both private and public sector of any economy has become obvious in the face of competition and demand for quality goods and services to maximize profit or citizens’ welfare. This study investigated the relationship between employees’ competency management (ECM) and job performance (JP) in the Nigerian public sector. A cross-sectional survey research design was employed. The working population of the study consists of 175 randomly selected HR Management staff of key federal ministries based on the researcher’s experience. The instrument for direct data collection was structured questionnaire. The response rate was 97 representing 55.43% copies of the questionnaire administered. The instrument was validated by human resources management experts. Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to test the reliability of the instrument and the Rc obtained was 0.832. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square analysis technique for hypothesis validation with the aid of SPSS IBM version 21software. The findings revealed that there is no statistically significant relationship between ECM and workers’ productivity (p=.617), quality of service rendered (p=.645), and service cost savings (p=.523) in the Nigerian public sector. The study concluded that ECM which is the basis for job performance did not reliably predict superior job performance in the Nigerian public sector. This is due to the absence of employees’ competence management best practices in the Nigerian public sector.

The paper investigated the relationship that existed between Capital Expenditure Budget Size (CEB... more The paper investigated the relationship that existed between Capital Expenditure Budget Size (CEBS)
and Power Infrastructural Development (PID) in Nigeria. The study adopted a cross sectional survey
research design where primary data were collected through a structured questionnaire at a point in
time and analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Regression. The results of the analysis showed that
there was no significant relationship between CEBS and PID in Nigeria (p>0.05) indicating an acceptance
of null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between CEBS and PID. Also, the correlation
coefficient (R) results of .025 showed positive but weak correlation between the variables and
R-squared of the regression of -.001 as the fraction of the variation in the dependent variable PID as
predicted by independent inference CEBS means -.1%. The study concluded that power infrastructural
development in Nigeria was not commensurate with size of capital expenditure budget. This was
attributed to poor implementation policy, inadequate budget execution, corruption and weak accountability
in Nigerian public sector.

The use of physical cash as a medium of exchange apart from its numerous weaknesses is also out o... more The use of physical cash as a medium of exchange apart from its numerous weaknesses is also out of date with the global economic development, hence the CBN cashless policy to keep pace with trend. This study investigated the influence of cashless policy on the economy of Lagos State. The population consists of the randomly selected 220 employees and customers of the 22 money deposit banks in Nigeria with either head office or branch in Lagos as at April, 2014 and response rate achieved was 176 representing 80%. A cross-sectional survey research design was employed and structured questionnaire was developed to elicit primary data from the respondents. The instrument was validated by experts and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted for the reliability test with the aid of Cronbach‟s Alpha reliability coefficients. The test obtained for all constructs of the instrument ranged from 0.701 to 0.810. Data elicited was analyzed using descriptive statistics, simple bivariate and multivariate regression analyses to confirm the hypotheses of the study. The findings revealed that the relationship between cashless policy and quality of banks‟ services to customers (r=0.639, p=.000); bank cash robbery (r=0.711, p=.000); and cost of bank service provisions (r=0.0522, p=.000) in Lagos state positively correlates and are statistically significant. It was concluded that cashless policy has positively predicted economic development in Lagos state. The study recommended that both the private sector and the government should improve on infrastructure to enhance e-payment system and cashless policy be extended to parts of the country to achieve a cashless economy

International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Jun 1, 2014
ABSTRACT: The inadequacy of annual budget system has in recent times forced many countries’ gover... more ABSTRACT: The inadequacy of annual budget system has in recent times forced many countries’ government into search for a more appropriate framework that supports the reform of policy makers degree of planning, improves inter and intra-sectoral resource allocation by effectively prioritizing all expenditures and dedicating resources only to the most important activities as well as developing accuracy of revenue estimation. Medium term expenditure framework (MTEF) seems to be the framework that best meets these criteria. This research paper investigated the concept of MTEF and its relationship with budget effectiveness in Nigeria public sector. The study adopts a cross sectional survey research design. Six-point rating scaled structured questionnaire starting from highly ineffective to highly effective was used to elicit primary data from 258 selected members of the population which consists of senior staff of accounting, finance and internal audit department of federal Ministry of finance, Fiscal responsibility commission and CBN. The result shows that the MTEF positively and significantly correlates with budget process, sectoral planning, aggregate discipline and revenue estimation in Nigeria public sector. The study concluded that MTEF has influenced budget effectiveness by overcoming the shot sighted planning, irresponsible resource allocation, and has coordinated the linkage between policy, planning and budgeting which led to improved service delivery in Nigeria public sector

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Nov 30, 2013
The idea of a lean business culture has greatly improved business results in terms of product qua... more The idea of a lean business culture has greatly improved business results in terms of product quality, customer satisfaction, product market share and profitability in the advance countries in recent times. This exploratory research paper attempted to investigate the application of lean accounting as a strategy to achieve lean business philosophy in Nigeria manufacturing firms. The study population consists of 53 manufacturing firms listed in the Nigeria stock exchange with 2,246 employees selected based on the researcher’s criteria. 50% of the population used as sample frame was selected at random. The formulated hypotheses were confirmed and the result obtained revealed that lean accounting correlated positively with lean business philosophy but due to ignorance, implementation is insignificant in Nigeria. The study suggested the need for full implementation of lean business culture and lean accounting to gain the total benefit of lean business philosophy which in turn through the multiplier effect will influence Nigeria economy positively

Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, Dec 4, 2013
The literature perception demonstrates that both theoretical and empirical studies present contra... more The literature perception demonstrates that both theoretical and empirical studies present contradictory predictions about the association between level of capital and lending behaviour in the banking system of developed countries. Based on this fact, this study examined the effect of bank recapitalization on lending activities in Nigeria banks. Twenty-two (22) banks that finally emerged from the recapitalization exercise were the banks used for the study. Structured questionnaire were administered to two top echelons of each bank and data collected was analyzed with the aid SPSS. Regression analysis and Correlation co-efficient (r^2 ) confirmed the formulated propositions. Results revealed that bank recapitalization has influenced the ways and manners banks react to lending and that well capitalized bank is procyclical to borrower because they suffer less from non performing loans. The study concluded that recapitalization has enhanced lending to the productive sector of Nigeria economy and therefore recommended that the exercise should be review in the future to keep peace with trend.

International Journal of Business and Social Science, Nov 30, 2013
Inadequate capital and low liquidity level in recent times within the banking sector has created ... more Inadequate capital and low liquidity level in recent times within the banking sector has created room for financial
crises negatively affecting investments and limiting banks’ ability to finance transactions that requires huge
investment outlay especially in multinational arena. This study investigated the association between consolidation
and business valuation and their effect on capital and liquidity level of banks in Nigeria. The population of the
study consists of twenty-two (22) banks with randomly selected staff strength of 220 who are independent of age
and sex. Data were collected through structured questionnaire and analyzed. Person product moment correlation
“r” was employed to validate the research questions and hypotheses of the study. Results revealed that
consolidation exercise increased bank capital without liquidity due business valuation methods used. The result obtained confirmed that there is significant positive association between consolidation and business valuation but could not influenced liquidity. This is contrary to the already established banks risk absorption hypothesis and risk-transformation role that stated which that higher capital enhances banks’ ability to create liquidity. The study concluded that consolidation did not positively influenced liquidity level in Nigeria bank

American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, Oct 28, 2013
Manufacturing small- and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) are reluctant to the implementation Lean... more Manufacturing small- and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) are reluctant to the implementation Lean and Six sigma methodologies (LSS) all the over world. This is traced to the impeding factors which seem stronger than motivating factors coupled with lack of proper documented evidence of LSS’s successful implementation in many MSMEs. This paper investigated the influence of LSS on the profitability of MSMEs in Nigeria. The population of the study consists of 450 manufacturing SMEs with 2250 employees. The sample frame is made up of 225 MSMEs with 1026 staff se- lected at random upon which copies of structured questionnaire were administered. 1002 valid responses received were analyzed. Pearson product moment correction (PPMC) confirmed the formulated propositions with negative association between awareness, achievement CSFs and LSS implementation and the profitability level of MSMEs. The result ob- tained shows that LSS implementation among MSMEs in Nigeria is almost none existing and has no influence on the profit level. The study recommended that CEOs of MSMEs should undertake training on LSS to enable them to provide a strong leadership and support the initiative, LSS consultants should be engaged to help drive the quality improvement approach and MSMEs should focus on the impeding factors to reduce the effect on the LSS implementation and achieve continual quality improvement, customers’ satisfaction, increase sales volume at a minimized cost to attain targeted market share and profit level.

Asian Journal of Empirical Research
The research work attempts to assess the relationship between capital base and profitability of d... more The research work attempts to assess the relationship between capital base and profitability of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The research analysis used published audited accounts of seventeen (17) out of twenty-five (25) banks that emerged from the consolidation exercise and data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The research denotes year 2003 to 2005 as the pre-consolidation and 2006 to 2008 as post-consolidation periods for our analysis. Data used for the work were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The two hypotheses formulated were tested using regression analysis and correlation co-efficient ). The result of the analysis revealed that there is no significant relationship between pre and post mergers and acquisitions capital base of commercial banks and level of profitability. Based on this finding, it can be concluded that consolidation exercise through mergers and acquisitions has not improved the profitability performances of banks significantly. Finally, the study recommends that to generate more profit, the bank need a good regulatory environment that will enable them to expand their scope of businesses but strictly within the financial service industry; the government should provide necessary infrastructure in order to reduce the cost of doing business to allow banks to make profit.

International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management
Tax evasion and avoidance are both phenomena that are probably as old as taxation itself. Literat... more Tax evasion and avoidance are both phenomena that are probably as old as taxation itself. Literature revealed that tax avoidance and evasion represent some of the perplexing problems facing the Nigerian economy. The result of tax evasion and avoidance is tax revenue loss which may cause serious damage to the proper performance of the public sector, threatening its capability to finance public expenditure. Therefore, this study examined the factors that are influencing tax evasion and tax avoidance in Nigeria. The study adopts a survey research design. Six-point rating scaled questionnaire starting from strongly agree to strongly disagree was used to collect primary data from 120 selected small and medium scale businesses in Lagos. The results of the analysis revealed that the low quality of the service in return for tax does significantly influence tax avoidance and evasion in Nigeria. Furthermore, tax system and perception of fairness, low transparency and accountability of public institutions, and high level of corruption do significantly influence tax avoidance and evasion in Nigeria. The study recommends that urgent steps should be taken by public office holders to live up to expectation when it comes to transparency, accountability and the war against corruption

Asian Economic and Financial Review
Most Real Estate Property Management Companies (PMC) struggles with service charge funds (SCF) to... more Most Real Estate Property Management Companies (PMC) struggles with service charge funds (SCF) to provide amenities for tenants living in their serviced apartments after budget has been carefully prepared and approved and payments made by occupants. This paper investigated the effect of motivational aspect of budgetary control on the service charge management performance in PMCs in Nigeria. The sample frame consists of 4 major PMC with 380 staff stratified into two groups - group 1 (Luxurious) and group 2 (commercial). The sample size is made up of 95 staff representing 25% of the frame selected at random. Data was collected through structured questionnaire and analyzed. Z-test was used for hypotheses confirmation. Findings proved that budgetary control has significant influence on workers motivation which leads to savings in the service charge expenditure but not effectively employed in the subsector hence the inefficiency in Service charge expenditure (SCE) management. The study recommended that budgetary control should be intensified to motivate employees to embark on service cost minimization to gain savings or at least achieve a state of breakeven. This will promote tenancy relationship in the managed estates and the achievement of PMC financial objective.

Asian Journal of Empirical Research
The research work attempts to assess the relationship between capital base and profitability of d... more The research work attempts to assess the relationship between capital base and profitability of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The research analysis used published audited accounts of seventeen (17) out of twenty-five (25) banks that emerged from the consolidation exercise and data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The research denotes year 2003 to 2005 as the pre-consolidation and 2006 to 2008 as post-consolidation periods for our analysis. Data used for the work were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The two hypotheses formulated were tested using regression analysis and correlation co-efficient ). The result of the analysis revealed that there is no significant relationship between pre and post mergers and acquisitions capital base of commercial banks and level of profitability. Based on this finding, it can be concluded that consolidation exercise through mergers and acquisitions has not improved the profitability performances of banks significantly. Finally, the study recommends that to generate more profit, the bank need a good regulatory environment that will enable them to expand their scope of businesses but strictly within the financial service industry; the government should provide necessary infrastructure in order to reduce the cost of doing business to allow banks to make profit.

International Journal of Business and Management; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly (PAC) is one of the highly empowered committee... more Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly (PAC) is one of the highly empowered committees established by the standing orders of both houses to examine federal government (FGN) accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted to meet the public expenditure and the Auditor's report thereon. This study was carried out to probe the effectiveness of the Committee’s oversight function on audited reports of FGN to address the significant financial indiscipline and wastages of national resources in Nigeria public sector. The population of the study consists of 496 members of National Assembly, 29Ministries and 5 Commissions. The sample size is made up of 150 staff selected at random. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit response and Z-test confirmed the hypothesis. The result reveals that PAC has not effectively exercise her oversight function due to late submission of audited reports by Auditor General of the Federation, weak regulatory framework and poor committee members’ qualification and experience. The study recommended that: PAC members’ appointment should be based on professional competence and cognate experience, regulatory framework should be overhauled and time frame for submission of financial and audited reports as well as PAC examination should be strictly in line with the 1999 constitution with punishment awarded for non-compliance

Asian Economic and Financial Review, Mar 30, 2013
Most Real Estate Property Management Companies (PMC) in most cases struggles with service charge ... more Most Real Estate Property Management Companies (PMC) in most cases struggles with service charge funds (SCF) to provide amenities for tenants living in their serviced apartments after budget has been carefully prepared and approved and payments made by occupants. This paper investigated the effect of motivational aspect of budgetary control on the service charge management performance in PMCs in Nigeria. The sample frame consists of 4 major PMC with 380 staff stratified into two groups - group 1 (Luxurious) and group 2 (commercial). The sample size is made up of 95 staff representing 25% of the frame selected at random. Data was collected through structured questionnaire and analyzed. Z-test was used for hypotheses confirmation. Findings proved that budgetary control has significant influence on workers motivation which leads to savings in the service charge expenditure but not effectively employed in the subsector hence the inefficiency in Service charge expenditure (SCE) management. The study recommended that budgetary control should be intensified to motivate employees to embark on service cost minimization to gain savings or at least achieve a state of breakeven. This will promote tenancy relationship in the managed estates and the achievement of PMC financial objective.

Venture Capital and the Emergence and Development of Entrepreneurship: A Focus on Employment Generation and Poverty Alleviation in Lagos State, Nov 15, 2012
Entrepreneurship is a vital force in the economy of
any nation because of the strategic role it ... more Entrepreneurship is a vital force in the economy of
any nation because of the strategic role it plays in the
achievement of macro-economic objectives and national
development but is confronted with many Impediments
such as the dearth of start up and working capital for
expansion. Venture capital (VC) came into the financial
market to bridge the gap created by the scarcity of long
term and cheap finance which is considered appropriate
for SMEs. VC is attractive due to low rate of interest
coupled with investor’s technical input. This research
paper investigated the effect of VC on emergence and
development of entrepreneurship as an aid to employment
creation and poverty alleviation in Lagos State. Findings
revealed that the venture capital in Lagos State exists but
not effective. The study concluded that ineffective VC
activity has resulted in the low number entrepreneurship
emergence, underdevelopment of the sector, high level of
unemployment and huge poverty in the state.
Papers by Dr. Kenneth Enoch Okpala
Keywords: Audit quality, Audit practice, Stamatis generic model, Quality improvement
and Power Infrastructural Development (PID) in Nigeria. The study adopted a cross sectional survey
research design where primary data were collected through a structured questionnaire at a point in
time and analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Regression. The results of the analysis showed that
there was no significant relationship between CEBS and PID in Nigeria (p>0.05) indicating an acceptance
of null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between CEBS and PID. Also, the correlation
coefficient (R) results of .025 showed positive but weak correlation between the variables and
R-squared of the regression of -.001 as the fraction of the variation in the dependent variable PID as
predicted by independent inference CEBS means -.1%. The study concluded that power infrastructural
development in Nigeria was not commensurate with size of capital expenditure budget. This was
attributed to poor implementation policy, inadequate budget execution, corruption and weak accountability
in Nigerian public sector.
crises negatively affecting investments and limiting banks’ ability to finance transactions that requires huge
investment outlay especially in multinational arena. This study investigated the association between consolidation
and business valuation and their effect on capital and liquidity level of banks in Nigeria. The population of the
study consists of twenty-two (22) banks with randomly selected staff strength of 220 who are independent of age
and sex. Data were collected through structured questionnaire and analyzed. Person product moment correlation
“r” was employed to validate the research questions and hypotheses of the study. Results revealed that
consolidation exercise increased bank capital without liquidity due business valuation methods used. The result obtained confirmed that there is significant positive association between consolidation and business valuation but could not influenced liquidity. This is contrary to the already established banks risk absorption hypothesis and risk-transformation role that stated which that higher capital enhances banks’ ability to create liquidity. The study concluded that consolidation did not positively influenced liquidity level in Nigeria bank
any nation because of the strategic role it plays in the
achievement of macro-economic objectives and national
development but is confronted with many Impediments
such as the dearth of start up and working capital for
expansion. Venture capital (VC) came into the financial
market to bridge the gap created by the scarcity of long
term and cheap finance which is considered appropriate
for SMEs. VC is attractive due to low rate of interest
coupled with investor’s technical input. This research
paper investigated the effect of VC on emergence and
development of entrepreneurship as an aid to employment
creation and poverty alleviation in Lagos State. Findings
revealed that the venture capital in Lagos State exists but
not effective. The study concluded that ineffective VC
activity has resulted in the low number entrepreneurship
emergence, underdevelopment of the sector, high level of
unemployment and huge poverty in the state.
Keywords: Audit quality, Audit practice, Stamatis generic model, Quality improvement
and Power Infrastructural Development (PID) in Nigeria. The study adopted a cross sectional survey
research design where primary data were collected through a structured questionnaire at a point in
time and analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Regression. The results of the analysis showed that
there was no significant relationship between CEBS and PID in Nigeria (p>0.05) indicating an acceptance
of null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between CEBS and PID. Also, the correlation
coefficient (R) results of .025 showed positive but weak correlation between the variables and
R-squared of the regression of -.001 as the fraction of the variation in the dependent variable PID as
predicted by independent inference CEBS means -.1%. The study concluded that power infrastructural
development in Nigeria was not commensurate with size of capital expenditure budget. This was
attributed to poor implementation policy, inadequate budget execution, corruption and weak accountability
in Nigerian public sector.
crises negatively affecting investments and limiting banks’ ability to finance transactions that requires huge
investment outlay especially in multinational arena. This study investigated the association between consolidation
and business valuation and their effect on capital and liquidity level of banks in Nigeria. The population of the
study consists of twenty-two (22) banks with randomly selected staff strength of 220 who are independent of age
and sex. Data were collected through structured questionnaire and analyzed. Person product moment correlation
“r” was employed to validate the research questions and hypotheses of the study. Results revealed that
consolidation exercise increased bank capital without liquidity due business valuation methods used. The result obtained confirmed that there is significant positive association between consolidation and business valuation but could not influenced liquidity. This is contrary to the already established banks risk absorption hypothesis and risk-transformation role that stated which that higher capital enhances banks’ ability to create liquidity. The study concluded that consolidation did not positively influenced liquidity level in Nigeria bank
any nation because of the strategic role it plays in the
achievement of macro-economic objectives and national
development but is confronted with many Impediments
such as the dearth of start up and working capital for
expansion. Venture capital (VC) came into the financial
market to bridge the gap created by the scarcity of long
term and cheap finance which is considered appropriate
for SMEs. VC is attractive due to low rate of interest
coupled with investor’s technical input. This research
paper investigated the effect of VC on emergence and
development of entrepreneurship as an aid to employment
creation and poverty alleviation in Lagos State. Findings
revealed that the venture capital in Lagos State exists but
not effective. The study concluded that ineffective VC
activity has resulted in the low number entrepreneurship
emergence, underdevelopment of the sector, high level of
unemployment and huge poverty in the state.
market to bridge the gap created by the scarcity of long term and cheap finance which is considered appropriate for SMEs. VC is attractive due to low rate of interest coupled with investor’s technical input. This research paper investigated the effect of VC on emergence and development of entrepreneurship as an aid to employment creation and poverty alleviation in Lagos State. Findings revealed that the venture capital in Lagos State exists but
not effective. The study concluded that ineffective VC activity has resulted in the low number entrepreneurship emergence, underdevelopment of the sector, high level of unemployment and huge poverty in the state.