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In Python, variables are symbolic names that refer to objects or values stored in your computer’s memory. They allow you to assign descriptive names to data, making it easier to manipulate and reuse values throughout your code. You create a Python variable by assigning a value using the syntax variable_name = value
By the end of this tutorial, you’ll understand that:
- Variables in Python are symbolic names pointing to objects or values in memory.
- You define variables by assigning them a value using the assignment operator.
- Python variables are dynamically typed, allowing type changes through reassignment.
- Python variable names can include letters, digits, and underscores but can’t start with a digit. You should use snake case for multi-word names to improve readability.
- Variables exist in different scopes (global, local, non-local, or built-in), which affects how you can access them.
- You can have an unlimited number of variables in Python, limited only by computer memory.
To get the most out of this tutorial, you should be familiar with Python’s basic data types and have a general understanding of programming concepts like loops and functions.
Don’t worry if you don’t have all this knowledge yet and you’re just getting started. You won’t need this knowledge to benefit from working through the early sections of this tutorial.
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Interactive Quiz
Variables in Python: Usage and Best PracticesIn this quiz, you'll test your understanding of variables in Python. Variables are symbolic names that refer to objects or values stored in your computer's memory, and they're essential building blocks for any Python program.
Getting to Know Variables in Python
In Python, variables are names associated with concrete objects or values stored in your computer’s memory. By associating a variable with a value, you can refer to the value using a descriptive name and reuse it as many times as needed in your code.
Variables behave as if they were the value they refer to. To use variables in your code, you first need to learn how to create them, which is pretty straightforward in Python.
Creating Variables With Assignments
The primary way to create a variable in Python is to assign it a value using the assignment operator and the following syntax:
variable_name = value
In this syntax, you have the variable’s name on the left, then the assignment (=
) operator, followed by the value you want to assign to the variable at hand. The value in this construct can be any Python object, including strings, numbers, lists, dictionaries, or even custom objects.
Note: To learn more about assignments, check out Python’s Assignment Operator: Write Robust Assignments.
Here are a few examples of variables:
>>> word = "Python"
>>> number = 42
>>> coefficient = 2.87
>>> fruits = ["apple", "mango", "grape"]
>>> ordinals = {1: "first", 2: "second", 3: "third"}
>>> class SomeCustomClass: pass
>>> instance = SomeCustomClass()
In this code, you’ve defined several variables by assigning values to names. The first five examples include variables that refer to different built-in types. The last example shows that variables can also refer to custom objects like an instance of your SomeCustomClass
Setting and Changing a Variable’s Data Type
Apart from a variable’s value, it’s also important to consider the data type of the value. When you think about a variable’s type, you’re considering whether the variable refers to a string, integer, floating-point number, list, tuple, dictionary, custom object, or another data type.
Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that variable types are determined and checked at runtime rather than during compilation. Because of this, you don’t need to specify a variable’s type when you’re creating the variable. Python will infer a variable’s type from the assigned object.
Note: In Python, variables themselves don’t have data types. Instead, the objects that variables reference have types.
For example, consider the following variables:
>>> name = "Jane Doe"
>>> age = 19
>>> subjects = ["Math", "English", "Physics", "Chemistry"]
>>> type(name)
<class 'str'>
>>> type(age)
<class 'int'>
>>> type(subjects)
<class 'list'>
In this example, name
refers to the "Jane Doe"
value, so the type of name
is str
. Similarly, age
refers to the integer number 19
, so its type is int
. Finally, subjects
refers to a list, so its type is list
. Note that you don’t have to explicitly tell Python which type each variable is. Python determines and sets the type by checking the type of the assigned value.
Because Python is dynamically typed, you can make variables refer to objects of different data types in different moments just by reassigning the variable:
>>> age = "19"
>>> type(age)
<class 'str'>
>>> subjects = {"Math", "English", "Physics", "Chemistry"}
>>> type(subjects)
<class 'set'>
Now, age
refers to a string, and subjects
refer to a set object. By assigning a value of a different type to an existing variable, you change the variable’s type.
Working With Variables in Python
Variables are an essential concept in Python programming. They work as the building blocks for your programs. So far, you’ve learned the basics of creating variables. In this section, you’ll explore different ways to use variables in Python.
You’ll start by using variables in expressions. Then, you’ll dive into counters and accumulators, which are essential for keeping track of values during iteration. You’ll also learn about other common use cases for variables, such as temporary variables, Boolean flags, loop variables, and data storage variables.
In Python, an expression is a simple statement that Python can evaluate to produce and return a value. For example, consider the following expressions that compute the circumference of two different circles:
>>> 2 * 3.1416 * 10
>>> 2 * 3.1416 * 20
Each of these expressions represents a specific computation. To build the expressions, you’ve used values and the multiplication operator (*
). Python evaluates each expression and returns the resulting value.
Note: To dive deeper into expressions and operators, check out the Operators and Expressions in Python tutorial.
The above expressions are sort of rigid. For each expression, you have to repeat the input values, which is an error-prone and repetitive task.
Now consider the following examples:
>>> pi = 3.1416
>>> radius = 10
>>> 2 * pi * radius
>>> radius = 20
>>> 2 * pi * radius
In this example, you first define variables to hold the input values. Then, you use those variables in the expressions. Note that when you build an expression using variables, Python replaces the variable by its value. As shown in the example, you can conveniently reuse the values in different expressions.
Another important point to note is that now you have descriptive names to properly identify the values used in the expressions.
To summarize, variables are great for reusing values in expressions and running computations with data that varies over time. In general, variables let you name or label objects so that you can reference and manipulate them later in the program. In the following sections, you’ll see use cases of variables in practice.
Object Counters
A counter is an integer variable that allows you to count objects. Counters typically have an initial value of zero, which increments to reflect the number of times a given object appears. To illustrate, say that you need to count the objects that are strings in a given list of objects. In this situation, you can do something like the following:
>>> str_counter = 0
>>> for item in ("Alice", 30, "Programmer", None, True, "Department C"):
... if isinstance(item, str):
... str_counter += 1
>>> str_counter
In this example, you create the str_counter
variable by initializing it to 0
. Then, you run a for
loop over a list of objects of different types. Inside the loop, you check whether the current object is a string using the built-in isinstance()
function. If the current object is a string, then you increment the counter by one.
At the end of the loop, str_counter
has a value of 3
, reflecting the number of string objects in the input list.
Note: The highlighted line in the above example uses the expression str_counter += 1
, which is a shortcut for str_counter = str_counter + 1
. The +=
operator is known as the augmented addition operator.
You reuse the expression str_counter += 1
in each iteration of the loop to increment the value of str_counter
, making it change over time. This dynamic updating is a key feature of variables. As the name variables suggests, they are designed to hold values that can vary over time.
Accumulators are another common type of variable used in programming. An accumulator is a variable that you use to add consecutive values to form a total that you can use as an intermediate step in different calculations.
A classic example of an accumulator is when you need to compute the sum of numeric values:
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> total = 0
>>> for number in numbers:
... total += number
>>> total
In this example, the loop iterates over a list of numbers and accumulates each value in total
. You can also use accumulators as parts of larger computations, for example to calculate the mean of a list of numbers:
>>> total / len(numbers)
Then, you take advantage of total
to compute the average using the built-in len()
function. You could have used an object counter instead of len()
. Similarly, Python comes with several accumulator functions that you can often use instead of explicit accumulators. For example, you can use sum()
instead of calculating total
as above.
Temporary Variables
Temporary variables hold intermediate results that you need for a more elaborate computation. A classic use case for a temporary variable is when you need to swap values between variables:
>>> a = 5
>>> b = 10
>>> temp = a
>>> a = b
>>> b = temp
>>> a
>>> b
In this example, you use a temporary variable called temp
to hold the value of a
so that you can swap values between a
and b
. Once you’ve done the swap, temp
is no longer needed.
Note: In Python, there’s a clean and elegant way to swap values between variables without using temporary variables. You’ll learn about this topic in the section on iterable unpacking.
For a more elaborate example of using temporary variables, consider the following function that calculates the variance of a sample of numeric data:
>>> def variance(data, degrees_of_freedom=0):
... return sum((x - sum(data) / len(data)) ** 2 for x in data) / (
... len(data) - degrees_of_freedom
... )
>>> variance([3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 2, 9, 4, 1, 3])
The expression that you use as the function’s return value is quite involved and challenging to understand. It’s also difficult to debug because you’re running multiple operations in a single expression.
To make your code easier to understand and debug, you can take advantage of an incremental development approach that uses temporary variables for intermediate calculations:
>>> def variance(data, degrees_of_freedom=0):
... number_of_items = len(data)
... mean = sum(data) / number_of_items
... total_square_dev = sum((x - mean) ** 2 for x in data)
... return total_square_dev / (number_of_items - degrees_of_freedom)
>>> variance([3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 2, 9, 4, 1, 3])
In this alternative implementation of variance()
, you calculate the variance in several steps. Each step is represented by a temporary variable with a meaningful name, making your code more readable.
Boolean Flags
Boolean flags help you manage control flow and decision-making in your programs. As their name suggests, these variables can be either True
or False
. You can use them in conditionals, while
loops, and Boolean expressions.
Suppose you need to perform two different actions alternatively in a loop. In this case, you can use a flag variable to toggle actions in every iteration:
>>> toggle = True
>>> for _ in range(4):
... if toggle:
... print(f"✅ toggle is {toggle}")
... print("Do something...")
... else:
... print(f"❌ toggle is {toggle}")
... print("Do something else...")
... toggle = not toggle
✅ toggle is True
Do something...
❌ toggle is False
Do something else...
✅ toggle is True
Do something...
❌ toggle is False
Do something else...
Every time this loop runs, the conditional checks the value of toggle
to decide which course of action to take. At the end of the loop, you change the value of toggle
using the not
operator. The next iteration will run the alternative action.
Flags are also used as function arguments. Consider the following toy example:
>>> def greet(name, verbose=False):
... if verbose:
... print(f"Hello, {name}! It's great to see you!")
... else:
... print(f"Hello, {name}!")
>>> greet("Pythonista")
Hello, Pythonista!
>>> greet("Pythonista", verbose=True)
Hello, Pythonista! It's great to see you!
In this example, the verbose
argument is a Boolean variable that lets you decide which greeting message to display.
You’ll find that a few Python built-in functions use flag arguments. The sorted()
function is a good example:
>>> sorted([4, 2, 7, 5, 1, 6, 3])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
>>> sorted([4, 2, 7, 5, 1, 6, 3], reverse=True)
[7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
The sorted()
function takes an iterable as an argument and returns a list of sorted objects. This function has a reverse
argument that is a flag and defaults to False
. If you set this argument to True
, then you get the objects sorted in reverse order.
In practice, you’ll find that Boolean variables are often named using the is_
or has_
naming pattern:
>>> age = 20
>>> is_adult = age > 18
>>> is_adult
In this example, the is_adult
variable is a flag that changes depending on the value of age
. Note that the is_
naming pattern allows you to clearly communicate the variable’s purpose. However, this naming convention is just a common practice and not a requirement or something that Python reinforces.
Loop Variables
Loop variables help you process data during iteration in for
loops and sometimes in while
loops. In a for
loop, the variable takes the value of the current element in the input iterable each time you go through the loop:
>>> colors = [
... "red",
... "orange",
... "yellow",
... "green",
... "blue",
... "indigo",
... "violet"
... ]
>>> for color in colors:
... print(color)
In this example, you iterate over a list of colors using a for
loop. The loop variable, color
, holds the current color in each iteration. This way, you can do something with the current item while you iterate over the data.
Python’s for
loops can have multiple loop variables. For example, say that you want to map each color with its index. In this case, you can do something like the following:
>>> for index, color in enumerate(colors):
... print(index, color)
0 red
1 orange
2 yellow
3 green
4 blue
5 indigo
6 violet
In this example, you use the built-in enumerate()
function to generate indices while you iterate over the input data. Note how this loop has two variables. To provide multiple loop variables, you use a comma-separated series of variables.
You can also use variables to control while
loops. Here’s a toy example:
>>> count = 5
>>> while count:
... print(count)
... count -= 1
In this example, the loop variable works as a counter that defines the number of iterations. Inside the loop, you use the augmented subtraction operator (-=
) to update the variable’s value.
Data Storage Variables
Data storage variables allow you to work with containers of values, such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, or sets. For example, say that you’re writing a contact book application that uses a list of tuples to store the information of your contacts:
>>> contacts = [
... ("Linda", "111-2222-3333", "[email protected]"),
... ("Joe", "111-2222-3333", "[email protected]"),
... ("Lara", "111-2222-3333", "[email protected]"),
... ("David", "111-2222-3333", "[email protected]"),
... ("Jane", "111-2222-3333", "[email protected]"),
... ]
This contacts
variable allows you to manipulate your data using a single and descriptive name. You can use the variables in a loop, for example:
>>> for contact in contacts:
... print(contact)
('Linda', '111-2222-3333', '[email protected]')
('Joe', '111-2222-3333', '[email protected]')
('Lara', '111-2222-3333', '[email protected]')
('David', '111-2222-3333', '[email protected]')
('Jane', '111-2222-3333', '[email protected]')
>>> for name, phone, email in contacts:
... print(phone, name)
111-2222-3333 Linda
111-2222-3333 Joe
111-2222-3333 Lara
111-2222-3333 David
111-2222-3333 Jane
The first loop iterates over the items in the contact list and prints them as tuples. The second loop uses three loop variables to process every piece of data individually.
Note that inside the loop, you can use the variables as needed. You don’t need to use all the variables or use them in the same order. However, when you have an unused variable, then you should name it using an underscore to point out that it’s a throwaway variable.
So, you could rewrite the loop header to look like this: for name, phone, _ in contacts:
. In this case, the underscore represents the email variable, which you aren’t using in the body of the loop.
Naming Variables in Python
The examples you’ve seen so far use short variable names. In practice, variable names should be descriptive to improve the code’s readability, so they can also be longer and include multiple words.
In the following sections, you’ll learn about the rules to follow when creating valid variable names in Python. You’ll also learn best practices for naming variables and other naming-related practices.
Rules for Naming Variables
Variable names in Python can be any length and can consist of uppercase letters (A-Z
) and lowercase letters (a-z
), digits (0-9
), and the underscore character (_
). The only restriction is that even though a variable name can contain digits, the first character of a variable name can’t be a digit.
Note: Python currently has full Unicode support, and you can use many unicode characters in variable names. For example, the following variable names are valid:
>>> α = 45
>>> β = 90
>>> δ = 180
>>> π = 3.14
These variable names may be uncommon in Python code, but they’re completely valid. You can use them in code that performs scientific calculations when you want the code to reflect the notation used in the target discipline.
All of the following are valid variable names:
>>> name = "Bob"
>>> year_of_birth = 1970
>>> is_adult = True
These variables follow the rules for creating valid variable names in Python. They also follow best naming practices, which you’ll learn about in the next section.
The variable name below doesn’t follow the rules:
>>> 1099_filed = False
File "<input>", line 1
1099_filed = False
SyntaxError: invalid decimal literal
The variable name in this example starts with a number, which isn’t allowed in Python. Therefore, you get a SyntaxError
It’s important to know that variables are case-sensitive. Lowercase and uppercase letters aren’t treated the same:
>>> age = 1
>>> Age = 2
>>> aGe = 3
>>> AGE = 4
>>> age
>>> Age
>>> aGe
>>> AGE
In this example, Python interprets the names as different and independent variables. So, casing is something to consider when you’re creating variable names in Python.
Nothing stops you from creating two different variables in the same program called age
and Age
, or, for that matter, agE
. However, this practice isn’t recommended because it can confuse people trying to read your code and even yourself after a while. In general, you should use lowercase letters when creating your variable names.
The use of underscore characters is also significant. You’ll use an underscore to separate multiple words in a variable name:
>>> first_name = "John"
>>> pen_color = "red"
>>> next_node = 123
In these variable names, you use the underscore character as a separator for multiple words. This is a way to improve the readability of your code by substituting the space character with an underscore. To illustrate this, consider how your variables would look without the underscores:
>>> firstname = "John"
>>> pencolor = "red"
>>> nextnode = 123
Even though these names are technically valid, they can be challenging to read and understand at a glance. The lack of separation makes it harder to grasp the meaning of each variable quickly, and they require more effort to interpret. Using underscores improves the clarity of your code and makes it more maintainable.
Best Practices for Naming Variables
You should always give a variable a descriptive name that clearly explains the variable’s purpose. Sometimes, you can find a single word to name a given variable:
>>> temperature = 25
>>> weight = 54.5
>>> message = "Hello, Pythonista!"
Variables always refer to concrete objects, so their names should be nouns. You should try to find specific names for your variables that uniquely identify the referred object. Names like variable
, data
, or value
may be too generic. While these names can work for short examples, they’re not descriptive enough for production code.
In general, you should avoid single-letter names:
>>> t = 25 # Don't do this
>>> temperature = 25 # Do this instead
Single-letter names may be hard to decipher, making your code difficult to read, especially when you use them in expressions with other similar names. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, if you’re working with nested lists, then you can use single-letter names to identify indices:
>>> matrix = [
... [9, 3, 8],
... [4, 5, 2],
... [6, 4, 3],
... ]
>>> for i in matrix:
... for j in i:
... print(j)
It’s common to use letters like i
, j
, and k
to represent indices, so you can use them in the right context. It’s also common to use x
, y
, and z
to represent point coordinates, so these are also okay to use.
Using abbreviations to name variables is discouraged, in favor of using the complete name:
>>> doc = "Freud" # Don't do this
>>> doctor = "Freud" # Do this instead
It’s best practice to use a complete name instead an abbreviated name because it’s more readable and clear. However, sometimes abbreviations are okay when they’re widely accepted and used:
>>> cmd = "python -m pip list"
>>> msg = "Hello, Pythonista!"
In these examples, cmd
is a commonly used abbreviation for command and msg
is commonly used for message. A classic example of a widely used abbreviation in Python is the cls
name, which you should use to identify the current class object in a class method.
Sometimes, you need multiple words to build a descriptive variable name. When using multi-word names, you can struggle to read them if there isn’t a distinguishable boundary between words:
>>> numberofgraduates = 200
This variable name is difficult to read. You have to pay close attention to figuring out the words’ boundaries so that you can understand what the variable represents.
The most common practices for multi-word variable names are the following:
- Snake case: Lowercase words are separated by underscores. For example:
. - Camel case: The second and subsequent words are capitalized to make word boundaries easier to see. For example:
. - Pascal case: Similar to camel case, except the first word is also capitalized. For example:
The Style Guide for Python Code, also known as PEP 8, contains naming conventions that list suggested standards for names of different object types. Regarding variables, PEP 8 recommends using the snake case style.
When you need multi-word names, it’s common to combine an adjective as a qualifier with a noun:
>>> initial_temperature = 25
>>> current_file = "marketing_personel.csv"
>>> next_point = (2, 4)
In these examples, you create descriptive variable names by combining adjectives and nouns, which can dramatically improve your code’s readability. Another point to consider is to avoid multi-word names that start with my_
, like my_file
, my_color
, and so on. The my_
part doesn’t really add anything useful to the name.
Flag variables are another good example of when to use a multi-word variable name:
>>> is_authenticated = True
>>> has_permission = False
In these examples, you’ve used an underscore to separate the words, making their boundaries visible and quick to spot.
When it comes to naming lists and dictionaries, you should use plural nouns in most situations:
>>> fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
>>> colors = {
... "Red": (255, 0, 0),
... "Green": (0, 255, 0),
... "Blue": (0, 0, 255),
... "Yellow": (255, 255, 0),
... "Black": (0, 0, 0),
... "White": (255, 255, 255),
... }
Using plural nouns in these examples makes it clear that the variable refers to a container that stores several objects of similar types.
When naming tuples, you should consider that they’re commonly used to store objects of different types or meanings. So, it’s okay to use singular nouns:
>>> color = (255, 0, 0)
>>> row = ("Jane", 25, "Python Dev", "Canada")
Although these tuples store multiple objects, they represent a single entity. The first tuple represents an RGB (red, green, blue) color, while the second represents a row in a database table or some other tabular data.
Public and Non-Public Variable Names
A widely used naming convention for variables in Python is to use a leading underscore when you need to communicate that a given variable is what Python defines as non-public. A non-public variable is a variable that shouldn’t be used outside its defining module. These variables are for internal use only:
_timeout = 30
def get_timeout():
return _timeout
def set_timeout(seconds):
global _timeout
_timeout = seconds
In this module, you have a non-public variable called _timeout
. Then, you have a couple of functions that work with this variable. However, the variable itself isn’t intended to be used outside the containing module.
Restricted and Discouraged Names
Python reserves a small set of words known as keywords that are part of the language’s syntax. To get the list of Python’s keywords, go ahead and run the following code:
>>> import keyword
>>> keyword.kwlist
In most cases, you won’t be able to use these words as variable names without getting an error:
>>> class = "Business"
File "<input>", line 1
class = "Business"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
This behavior is true for most keywords. If you need to use a name that coincides with a keyword, then you can follow PEP 8’s recommendation, which is to add a trailing underscore to the name:
>>> class_ = "Business"
In this example, you’ve added an underscore character at the end of the keyword, which enables you to use it as a variable name. Even though this convention works, sometimes it’s more elegant to do something like the following:
>>> passenger_class = "Business"
Now, your variable’s name is way more descriptive and specific, which improves your code’s readability.
There are also soft keywords, which are keywords only in specific contexts. For example, the match
keyword is only considered a keyword in structural pattern matching.
Because match
is a soft keyword, you can use it to name variables:
>>> import re
>>> text = "Some text containing a number: 123"
>>> match ="123", text)
>>> if match:
... print("Found a match 😃")
... else:
... print("No match found 😔")
Found a match 😃
In this example, you import the re
module to use regular expressions. This example only searches for a basic expression in a target text. The idea here is to show that match
can be used as a valid variable name even though it’s a keyword.
Another practice that you should avoid is using built-in names to name your variables. To illustrate, say that you’re learning about Python lists and run the following code:
>>> list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list
[1, 2, 3, 4]
In this example, you’ve used list
as the name for a list
object containing numeric values. This shadows the original object behind the name, which prevents you from using it in your code:
>>> list(range(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
Now, calling list()
fails because you’ve overridden the built-in name in your code. So, you’re better off avoiding built-in names to define your variables. This practice can make your code fail in different ways.
Note: For a complete list of built-in names, run the following code in an interactive session:
>>> import builtins
>>> dir(builtins)
The list of built-in names is quite long. To make sure that your variable name doesn’t shadow one of the names in this list, you can do something like "name" in dir(builtins)
. If this check returns True
, then it’s best to find a different name.
Note that this recommendation is also valid for names that refer to objects defined in third-party libraries that you use in your code.
Exploring Core Features of Variables
When you start digging deeper into how Python variables work internally, you discover several interesting features worth studying. In the following sections, you’ll explore some of the core features of variables so that you can better understand them.
Variables Hold References to Objects
What happens when you create a variable with an assignment? This is an important question in Python because the answer differs from what you’d find in many other programming languages.
Python is an object-oriented programming language. Every piece of data in a Python program is an object of a specific type or class. Consider this code:
>>> 300
When presented with the statement 300
, Python does the following operations:
- Creates an integer object
- Gives it a value of
- Displays it on the screen
You can see that an integer object is created using the built-in type()
>>> type(300)
<class 'int'>
A Python variable is a symbolic name that refers to or points to an object like 300
. Once an object is assigned to a variable, you can refer to it by the variable’s name, but the data itself is still contained within the object.
For example, consider the following variable definition:
>>> n = 300
This assignment creates an integer object with a value of 300
and makes the variable n
point to that object. The diagram below shows how this happens:

In Python, variables don’t store objects. They point or refer to objects. Every time you create an object in Python, it’s assigned a unique number, which is then associated with the variable.
The built-in id()
function returns an object’s identifier or identity:
>>> n = 300
>>> id(n)
In CPython, the standard Python distribution, an object’s identity coincides with its memory address. Therefore, CPython variables store memory addresses. Through these memory addresses, variables access the concrete objects stored in memory.
You can create multiple variables that point to the same object. In other words, variables that hold the same memory address:
>>> m = n
>>> id(n) == id(m)
In this example, Python doesn’t create a new object. It creates a new variable name or reference, m
, which points to the same object that n
points to:

Next, suppose you do something like this:
>>> m = 400
Now, Python creates a new integer object with the value 400
, and m
becomes a reference to it:

Finally, say that you run the following statement:
>>> n = "foo"
Now, Python creates a string object with the value "foo"
and makes n
a reference to that:

Because of the n
and m
reassignments, you no longer have a reference to integer object 300
. It’s orphaned, and you have no way to access it again.
When the references to an object drop to zero, the object is no longer accessible. At that point, its lifetime is over. Python reclaims the allocated memory so it can be used for something else. In programming terminology, this process is known as garbage collection.
Variables Have Dynamic Types
In many programming languages, variables are statically typed, which means they’re initially declared to have a specific data type during their lifetime. Any value assigned to that variable during its lifetime must be of the specified data type.
Python variables aren’t typed this way. In Python, you can assign values of different data types to a variable at different moments:
>>> value = "A string value"
>>> value
'A string value'
>>> # Later
>>> value = 23.5
>>> value
In this example, you’re making the value
variable refer to or point to an object of another type. Because of this feature, Python is a dynamically typed language.
It’s important to note that changes in a variable’s data type can lead to runtime errors. For example, if a variable’s data type changes unexpectedly, you may face type-related bugs or even get an exception:
>>> value = "A string value"
>>> value.upper()
>>> # Later
>>> value = 23.5
>>> # Try to use .upper() again
>>> value.upper()
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'upper'
In this example, the variable type changes during the code’s execution. When value
points to a string, you can use the .upper()
method to convert the letters into uppercase. However, when the type changes to float
, the .upper()
method isn’t available, and you get an AttributeError
Variables Can Use Type Hints
You can use type hints to add explicit type information to your variables. To do this, you can use the following Python syntax:
variable: data_type [= value]
The square brackets aren’t part of the syntax. They denote that the enclosed part is optional. Yes, you can declare a Python variable without assigning it a value:
>>> number: int
>>> number
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'number' is not defined
The variable declaration on the first line works and is valid Python syntax. However, this declaration doesn’t really create a new variable for you. That’s why when you try to access the number
variable, you get a NameError
exception. Even though number
isn’t defined, Python has recorded the type hint:
>>> __annotations__
{'number': <class 'int'>}
When it comes to basic data types such as numbers and strings, type hints may look superfluous:
>>> language: str = "Python"
>>> number: int = 42
>>> coefficient: float = 2.87
If you’re familiar with Python’s built-in types, then you won’t need to add type hints to these variables because you’ll soon know that you have a string, integer, and floating-point value, respectively. So, in this situation, you’re okay to skip the type hint. Also, your static type checker or linter won’t complain.
The story changes when you use collection types, such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. With these types, it makes sense to provide type hints for their contained data.
To illustrate, say that you have the following dictionary of colors:
>>> colors = {
... "red": "#FF0000",
... "green": "#00FF00",
... "blue": "#0000FF",
... "yellow": "#FFFF00",
... "black": "#000000",
... "white": "#FFFFFF",
... }
In this case, it’d be great to have information about the data types of keys and values. You can provide that information using the following type hint:
>>> colors: dict[str, str] = {
... "red": "#FF0000",
... "green": "#00FF00",
... "blue": "#0000FF",
... "yellow": "#FFFF00",
... "black": "#000000",
... "white": "#FFFFFF",
... }
In this updated code, you’re explicitly communicating that your colors
dictionary will store its keys and values as strings.
Why is this type hint important? Say that in another part of your code, you have another color
dictionary defined as shown below:
>>> colors = {
... "Red": (255, 0, 0),
... "Green": (0, 255, 0),
... "Blue": (0, 0, 255),
... "Yellow": (255, 255, 0),
... "Black": (0, 0, 0),
... "White": (255, 255, 255),
... }
At some point, you might be working with both dictionaries and won’t have an unambiguous way to know which dictionary is needed. To work around the issue, you can add a type hint to the second dictionary as well:
>>> colors: dict[str, tuple[int, int, int]] = {
... "Red": (255, 0, 0),
... "Green": (0, 255, 0),
... "Blue": (0, 0, 255),
... "Yellow": (255, 255, 0),
... "Black": (0, 0, 0),
... "White": (255, 255, 255),
... }
The type hint in this example is a bit more elaborate, but it clearly states that your dictionary will have string keys and tuples of three integers as values.
It’s important to note that type-hinting variables that refer to container data types is especially useful when you initialize the variable with an empty container:
>>> fruits: list[str] = []
>>> rows: list[tuple[str, int, str]] = []
In these examples, you have two empty lists. Because they have type hint information, you can quickly figure out the data type of the content. Now you know that the first list will contain strings, while the second list will hold tuples, each consisting of three items: a string, an integer, and another string value.
Note that in this example, your static type checker or linter will explicitly complain about the type hint of your lists if you don’t provide any type information.
Later in your code, you can append items to each list using the correct data type:
>>> fruits.append("apple")
>>> fruits.append("orange")
>>> rows.append(("Jane", 25, "Python Dev"))
>>> rows.append(("John", 30, "Web Dev"))
First, you use the .append()
method to add new fruits as strings to the end of fruits
, and then you add new rows to the end of rows
Using Complementary Ways to Create Variables
In Python, you’ll find a few alternative ways to create new variables. Sometimes, defining several variables simultaneously with the same initial value is convenient or needed. To do this, you can use a parallel assignment.
In other situations, you may need to initialize several variables with values from a sequence data type, like a list or tuple. In this case, you can use a technique called iterable unpacking.
You’ll also find situations where you need to retain the value that results from a given expression. In this case, you can use an assignment expression.
In the following sections, you’ll learn about all these alternative or complementary ways to create Python variables.
Parallel Assignment
Python also allows you to run multiple assignments in a single line of code. This feature makes it possible to assign the same value to several variables simultaneously:
>>> is_authenticated = is_active = is_admin = False
>>> is_authenticated
>>> is_active
>>> is_admin
The parallel assignment in this example initializes three different but related variables to False
simultaneously. This way of creating and initializing variables is more concise and less repetitive than the following:
>>> is_authenticated = False
>>> is_active = False
>>> is_admin = False
>>> is_authenticated
>>> is_active
>>> is_admin
By using parallel assignments instead of dedicated assignments, you make your code more concise and less repetitive.
Iterable Unpacking
Iterable unpacking is a cool Python feature also known as tuple unpacking. It consists of distributing the values in an iterable into a series of variables. In most cases, the number of variables will match the number of items in the iterable. However, you can also use the *variable
syntax to grab several items in a list.
You can use iterable unpacking to create multiple variables at a time using an iterable of values. For example, say that you have some data about a person and want to create dedicated variables for each piece of data:
>>> person = ("Jane", 25, "Python Dev")
If you didn’t know about iterable unpacking, then your first approach might be to distribute the data into different variables manually, as shown below:
>>> name = person[0]
>>> age = person[1]
>>> job = person[2]
>>> name
>>> age
>>> job
'Python Dev'
This code works. However, using indices to extract the data may lead to an error-prone and hard-to-read result. Instead of using this technique, you can take advantage of iterable unpacking and end up with the following code:
>>> name, age, job = person
>>> name
>>> age
>>> job
'Python Dev'
Now, your code looks cleaner and more readable. So, when you find yourself creating variables from iterables using indices, consider using unpacking instead.
A great use case for unpacking is when you need to swap the values between two variables:
>>> a = 5
>>> b = 10
>>> a, b = b, a
>>> a
>>> b
In the highlighted line, you swap the values of a
and b
without using a temporary variable, as you saw before. In this example, it’s important to note that the iterable to the right of the equal sign is a tuple of variables.
Assignment Expressions
Assignment expressions allow you to assign the result of an expression used in a conditional or a while
loop to a name in one step. For example, consider the following loop that takes input from the keyboard until you type the word "stop"
>>> line = input("Type some text: ")
>>> while line != "stop":
... print(line)
... line = input("Type some text: ")
Type some text: Python
Type some text: Walrus
Type some text: stop
This loop works as expected. However, this code has the drawback that it unnecessarily repeats the call to input()
You can rewrite the loop using an assignment expression and end up with the following code:
>>> while (line := input("Type some text: ")) != "stop":
... print(line)
Type some text: Python
Type some text: Walrus
Type some text: stop
In the expression (line := input("Type some text: "))
, you create a new variable called line
to hold a reference to the input data. This data is also returned as the expression’s result, which is finally compared to the "stop"
word to finish the loop. So, assignment expressions are another way to create variables.
To learn more about assignment expressions, check out The Walrus Operator: Python’s Assignment Expressions.
Understanding Variable Scopes
The concept of scope defines how variables and names are looked up in your code. It determines the visibility of a variable within your code. The scope of a variable depends on the place in your code where you create the variable.
In Python, you may find up to four different scopes, which can be presented using the LEGB acronym. The letters in this acronym stand for local, enclosing, global, and built-in scopes.
Note: To dive deeper into how scopes work in Python, check out the following tutorials:
In the following sections, you’ll learn the basics of variable scopes in Python and how this concept can affect the way you use your variables.
Global, Local, and Non-Local Variables
Global variables are those that you create at the module level. These variables are visible within the containing module and in other modules that import them. So, for example, if you’re using the Python REPL, then the current global scope is defined in a module called __main__
This module defines your current global scope. All the variables defined in this module are global, so you can use them at anytime during an interactive session run:
>>> value = 42
>>> dir()
In this code snippet, you define the value
variable and call the built-in dir()
function to check the list of names defined in your current global scope. At the end of the list, you’ll find the 'value'
entry, which corresponds to your variable.
Now, say that you use this same interactive session to run several pieces of code while you try out some cool features of Python. After all those examples, you need to use the value
variable again:
>>> value
You’ll notice that the variables will still be available for you. That’s because this value
variable is global to your code.
You can also import variables defined outside your current module by using the import
statement. A typical example of this practice is when you have a module that defines a variable to hold some configuration parameters. You can import this variable into your global scope and use it as you’d use any other global variable.
As a quick example, say that you have the following
settings = {
"background": "black",
"foreground": "white",
"logo": "logo.png",
"font": "Helvetica",
This file defines a dictionary that contains several configuration parameters for a hypothetical application. You can import this variable to your app’s global scope and use the settings parameters as needed:
>>> from config import settings
>>> settings["background"]
>>> settings["font"]
With the import in the first line, you’ve brought the settings
variable into your current global scope. You can use the variable from any part of your code.
Local variables are those that you define inside a function. These variables can help you store the results of intermediate computations under a descriptive name. They can make your code more readable and explicit.
Consider the following example:
>>> def function():
... integer = 42
... return integer
>>> function()
>>> integer
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'integer' is not defined
Local variables are only visible within their defining function. Once the function returns, the variables disappear. That’s why you can’t access integer
in the global scope.
Similarly, non-local variables are those that you create in a function that define inner functions. The variables local to the outer function are non-local to the inner functions. Non-local variables are useful when you’re creating closure functions and decorators.
Note: To learn more about closures and decorators, you can check out the following tutorials:
Here’s a toy example that illustrates how global, local, and non-local variables work and how to identify the different scopes in Python:
# Global scope
global_variable = "global"
def outer_func():
# Nonlocal scope
nonlocal_variable = "nonlocal"
def inner_func():
# Local scope
local_variable = "local"
print(f"Hi from the '{local_variable}' scope!")
print(f"Hi from the '{nonlocal_variable}' scope!")
print(f"Hi from the '{global_variable}' scope!")
In this example, you first create a global variable at the module level. Then, you define a function called outer_func()
. Inside this function, you have nonlocal_variable
, which is local to outer_func()
but non-local to inner_func()
In inner_func()
, you create another variable called local_variable
, which is local to the function itself.
Note: You can access global and non-local variables from within an inner function. However, to update a global or non-local variable from within an inner function, you need to explicitly use the global
and nonlocal
The calls to print()
are intended to show how you can access variables from different scopes inside a function.
Here’s how this function works:
>>> from scopes import outer_func
>>> outer_func()
Hi from the 'local' scope!
Hi from the 'nonlocal' scope!
Hi from the 'global' scope!
In summary, global variables are accessible from every place in your code. Local variables are visible in their defining function. Non-local variables are visible in their defining or enclosing function and in any inner function that lives in the enclosing function.
Class and Instance Variables (Attributes)
You can create variables inside custom Python classes when using object-oriented programming tools. These variables are called attributes. In practice, you can have class and instance attributes.
Class attributes are variables that you create at the class level, while instance attributes are variables that you attach to instances of a given class. These attributes are visible only from within the class or its instances. So, classes define a namespace, which is similar to the scope.
Note: To dive deeper into object-oriented programming in Python, check out the following tutorials:
To illustrate how class and instance attributes work, say that you need a class to represent your company’s employees. The class should keep information about the employee at hand, which you can store in instance attributes like .name
, .position
, and so on. The class should also keep a count of how many employees are currently in the company. To implement this feature, you can use a class attribute.
Here’s a possible implementation of your class:
class Employee:
count = 0
def __init__(self, name, position, salary): = name
self.position = position
self.salary = salary
Employee.count += 1
def display_profile(self):
print(f"Name: {}")
print(f"Position: {self.position}")
print(f"Salary: ${self.salary}")
In this Employee
class, you define a class attribute called count
and initialize it to 0
. You’ll use this attribute as a counter to keep track of the number of Employee
instances. Class attributes like .count
are common to the class and all its instances.
Inside the initializer, .__init__()
, you define three instance attributes to hold the name, position, and salary of the employee. The last line of code in .__init__()
increments the counter by 1
every time you create a new employee. To do this, you access the class attribute on the class object itself.
Note: You can’t change the value of a class attribute using the self
object. For example, if you do something like self.count += 1
instead of Employee.count += 1
, then you create a new instance attribute that shadows the class attribute. You can alternatively access the class attribute with type(self).count
instead of Employee.count
Finally, you have a method to display the employee’s profile according to their current information. This method shows that you need to use the self
argument to access instance attributes within a class.
Here’s how you can use this class in your code:
>>> from employees import Employee
>>> jane = Employee("Jane Doe", "Software Engineer", 90000)
>>> john = Employee("John Doe", "Product Manager", 120000)
>>> jane.display_profile()
Name: Jane Doe
Position: Software Engineer
Salary: $90000
>>> john.display_profile()
Name: John Doe
Position: Product Manager
Salary: $120000
>>> f"Total employees: {Employee.count}"
'Total employees: 2'
In this code, you first create two instances of Employee
by calling the class constructor with appropriate arguments. Then, you call the display method on both employees and get the corresponding information. Finally, you access the .count
attribute on Employee
to get the current number of employees.
It’s important to note that you can access instance attributes like .name
or .position
using the dot notation on the target instance:
'Jane Doe'
'John Doe'
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: type object 'Employee' has no attribute 'name'
Instance attributes are specific to one instance, so you can’t access them through the class. In contrast, class attributes are common to the class and all its instances:
>>> jane.count
>>> john.count
>>> Employee.count
To access a class attribute, you can either use an instance or the class itself. However, to change a class attribute directly, you need to use the class. Go ahead and give it a try with the following example:
>>> john.count = 100
>>> john.count
>>> Employee.count
>>> Employee.count = 100
>>> Employee.count
In this example, you try to update the count
attribute using an instance, john
. This action results in you attaching a new instance attribute to john
instead of updating the value of Employee.count
. To update the class attribute, you need to use the class itself.
Deleting Variables From Their Scope
In Python, you can explicitly remove variables or, more generically, names from a given scope using the del
>>> city = "New York"
>>> city
'New York'
>>> del city
>>> city
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'city' is not defined
In this code snippet, you first create a new variable called city
in your current global scope. Then, you use the del
statement to remove the variable from its containing scope. When you try to access the variable again, you get a NameError
Note: In practice, you can use the del
statement in several ways to remove names from scopes and containers. To dive deeper into how this statement works, check out Python’s del
: Remove References From Scopes and Containers.
You should know that while del
removes the reference to an object, it doesn’t necessarily free the memory immediately. Python’s garbage collector claims the memory once there are no more references to the object.
You now know the fundamentals of using variables in Python, including how to create and use them in your code. You’ve learned that Python variables can point to objects of different data types at different moments, which makes Python a dynamically typed language.
You’ve also learned to use variables in expressions and other common use cases like counters, accumulators, and Boolean flags. Additionally, you’ve explored best practices for naming variables.
In this tutorial, you’ve:
- Created variables and assigned values to them
- Changed a variable’s data type dynamically
- Used variables in expressions, counters, accumulators, and Boolean flags
- Followed best practices for naming variables
- Created, accessed, and used variables in their specific scopes
With these skills, you can now confidently manage data in your Python programs, write readable and maintainable code, and apply best practices to ensure the quality of your code.
Get Your Code: Click here to download the free sample code that shows you how to use variables in Python.
Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge with our interactive “Variables in Python: Usage and Best Practices” quiz. You’ll receive a score upon completion to help you track your learning progress:
Interactive Quiz
Variables in Python: Usage and Best PracticesIn this quiz, you'll test your understanding of variables in Python. Variables are symbolic names that refer to objects or values stored in your computer's memory, and they're essential building blocks for any Python program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Now that you have some experience with Python variables, you can use the questions and answers below to check your understanding and recap what you’ve learned.
These FAQs are related to the most important concepts you’ve covered in this tutorial. Click the Show/Hide toggle beside each question to reveal the answer.
In Python, variables are symbolic names for objects or values stored in memory. They let you assign meaningful names to data, making it easier to manipulate and reuse values in your code.
You set a variable in Python by assigning a value to a name using the assignment operator (=
), placing the variable name on the left and the value you want to assign on the right. For example, number = 42
assigns the value 42
to the variable name number
Yes, you can change a variable’s data type by assigning it a new value of a different type. Python is dynamically typed, so it determines the type at runtime.
Python itself doesn’t assign types to variables, but the objects that variables reference have types, and Python infers the type of a variable from the value assigned to it.
You can use variables to store data for expressions, counters, accumulators, Boolean flags, and more.
The four rules for naming Python variables are: they must start with a letter or an underscore, can only contain letters, digits, and underscores, they’re case-sensitive, and can’t be a reserved keyword.
Use descriptive and meaningful names, follow the snake case convention for multi-word names, and avoid using keywords or built-in names.
The scope of a variable determines where in your code you can access it. Variables can have local, non-local, global, or built-in scope.
In Python, there’s no fixed limit to the number of variables you can have, as it largely depends on the available memory and resources of your computer.
Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Variables in Python