If you were denied admittance, please read this page in its entirety to determine WHY before emailing us. If you feel slighted about being denied because you didn't meet the basic rules that we've created to keep our members safe, this community probably isn't a good fit for you.
We are not exclusive. We are creating a safe space for our members. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
Membership will be granted anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Please give us a week from the time of your request before e-mailing/messaging the mods.
1. You must be 18 or over. This is to protect the members of our community. If your age is NOT on your profile, your request to join will be denied. Some people have said they don't like having their age on their profile because it's public. We totally understand that. Just stick it in a friends only entry at the top of your journal, so we can see it first when we go look at your journal.
2. If your journal is "Friends Only", please add the mods to your friends' list temporarily so that we can read a bit of your journal and verify that you are indeed female. Remove us after we have granted/denied membership.
3. If your journal is new and you only have a few entries, please wait until you've been around LJ a little longer. We DO NOT accept journals that are just for community reading purposes.
4.PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL!! Harassment or encouraging harassment is negative and counter-productive and you will have your posting privileges revoked and/or membership banned, depending on the issue at hand. If a post of yours was deleted, please contact the mods to discuss it further if you feel it was in error. Members who comment to the moderators in their personal journals whether it be to complain about a deletion or to harass them about why they were not accepted, will not be tolerated and will be banned from the community. We will NOT tolerate any kind of harmful comments towards anyone in the community. It will be dealt with and quickly.
5.NO advertising other communities within the community. Utilize community_promo. It's a great place to promote your community. No advertising by members, period, within this community.
6. As always, nothing illegal or against the LJ TOS is allowed in this community. Please let's keep it on topic. We know that we all need to vent, but there are things that belong in your personal journal (like what you did today, what you had for lunch or ongoing drama unless it is question related).
7. No advertising items for sale or Ebay auctions. The only promotion allowed on the site would be an editor post discussing products that may make your life easier. This is an EDITOR ONLY function to avoid clogging the community as well as protecting the members from exploitation. If you have items that you think would benefit the community, email the information to the editors and we may include it in a future posting.
8. Please no "Intro" entries. It clutters up the community, just jump right in and ask your questions.
9. We have started using the Tag Feature in the community. Please read up about it and use it when posting an entry. This is now a requirement and it saves the mods a lot of time if you do it without being reminded.
10. Informative posts, as opposed to personal question posts, are limited to editors. If you feel you have an informative post worth contributing, please email the editors prior to posting it. We may decide against it or may decide on a specific date for it to be posted.
11. Journals must be in English. If we can't read it, we can't approve it. If we were multi-lingual (wouldn't that be awesome?) we would know what you were saying.
~ * * ~
This community was created by princessblondie (who is currently enjoying retirment from maintaining here) back in 2001 as a HAVEN for women to come together and to discuss real topics. To talk finances, marriage, children, weight gain/loss, hormones, work, home life. This is where we can share or seek advice, ideas, recipes, troubles, stresses, insecurities, stories and all the other wonderful things that women have in common. To learn from each other. To support each other. In October of 2007, she passed the community on to jillw, a longtime friend and member of the community since the beginning.
This community is moderated and edited by angryvixen, jillw ,woodspryte, soldiergrrrl, and dreamcowgirl. Between the five of us, we hope to keep this a safe and happy place for women to come together on all issues that touch each of us. Please feel free to contact any of us for an issue or problem you may have within the community through our email.
:: We can be reached at :: jillw - jillw AT livejournal DOT com angryvixen - angryvixen AT livejournal DOT com woodspryte - woodspryte AT hotmail DOT com soldiergrrrl - soldiergrrrl AT livejournal DOT com dreamcowgirl - dreamcowgirl AT livejournal DOT com