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During participatory rural appraisals, farmers at the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya and Uganda identified Striga, stemborer and declining soil fertility as three major constraints to maize production To reduce food insecurity, several... more
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      Participatory ResearchAgricultureAgricultural extensionTechnology development
Competition for mates is often intense and the ability of an individual to attract a mate is highly dependent on the traits that enable an animal to compete and communicate effectively with conspecifics. The animal’s sensory system must... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySexual SelectionEcologyAnimal communication
Colour is an important factor in food detection and acquisition by animals using visually based foraging. Colour can be used to identify the suitability of a food source or improve the efficiency of food detection, and can even be linked... more
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      Colour VisionForaging ecologyGuppyColour
Multicomponent signals are made up of interacting elements that generate a functional signaling unit. The interactions between signal components and their effects on individual fitness are not well understood, and the effect of... more
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      Colour VisionSexual SelectionEvolutionEvolutionary Ecology
Multi-component signals are made up of several interacting elements that generate a functional signalling unit. The interactions between these components and their effects on individual fitness are not well understood and the effect of... more
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Astrocytes are the main sources of extracellular ATP (eATP) within the brain, which functions as a gliotransmitter, capable of modulating neuronal and astrocytic activity. These cells play an important role in regulating energy... more
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      ChemistryCell lineCerebral CortexMice
Context Anabolic resistance is mechanistically implicated in muscle disuse atrophy. Objective Assess whether anabolic resistance is associated with reduced postprandial amino acid uptake or exacerbated by excess lipid availability.... more
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      EndocrinologyInternal MedicineClinical SciencesPaediatrics and reproductive medicine
AimWe evaluated the efficacy of a novel brain permeable “metformin-like” AMP-activated protein kinase activator, R481, in regulating glucose homeostasis.Materials and MethodsWe used glucose sensing hypothalamic GT1-7 neuronal cells and... more
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      EndocrinologyMedicineInternal MedicineGlucagon
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a critical cellular and whole body energy sensor activated by energy stress, including hypoglycemia, which is frequently experienced by people with diabetes. Previous studies using direct delivery of... more
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      EndocrinologyBiologyInternal MedicineAMPK
Context Physical inactivity and high-fat overfeeding have been shown to independently induce insulin resistance. Objective Establish the contribution of muscle disuse and lipid availability to the development of inactivity-induced insulin... more
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      EndocrinologyMedicineInternal MedicineInsulin Sensitivity
Tight regulation of blood glucose is essential for long term health. Blood glucose levels are defended by the correct function of, and communication between, internal organs including the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, and... more
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      MedicineEnergy HomeostasisBrainMouse
A taxonomic review of the Convolvulaceae in Timor is presented. A total of 61 taxa are listed, comprising 53 species from 15 genera. The most diverse genus by far is Ipomoea with 25 reported species, followed by Merremia with seven... more
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      Timor-Leste StudiesEast TimorPlant Taxonomy
Tribe Merremieae, as currently circumscribed, comprise c. 120 species classified in seven genera, the largest of which (Merremia) is morphologically heterogeneous. Previous studies, with limited sampling, have suggested that neither... more
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    • Plant Taxonomy
Urban domestic cat (Felis catus) populations can attain exceedingly high densities and are not limited by natural prey availability. This has generated concerns that they may negatively affect prey populations, leading to calls for... more
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In many countries, high densities of domestic cats (Felis catus) are found in urban habitats where they have the potential to exert considerable predation pressure on their prey. However, little is known of the ranging behaviour of cats... more
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Supplementary feeding of wild birds by domestic garden-holders is a globally widespread and popular form of human–wildlife interaction, particularly in urban areas. Vast amounts of energy are thus being added to garden ecosystems.... more
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      Environmental ManagementEcologyUrban EcologyNature Conservation
Agri-environment schemes (AES) are widely used policy instruments intended to combat widespread biodiversity declines across agricultural landscapes. Here, using a light trapping and mark-releaserecapture study at a field-scale on nine... more
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      Environmental SciencesCost effectivenessPositive AffectLandscape connectivity
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