Ishmael |
[02 Oct 2007|02:39pm] |
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This may not fall under the category of fantasy or sci-fi, although I have to say a telepathic gorilla does seem to hint a bit at sci-fi...anyway, I just today finished a book (in which I read in entirety today, which gives you an idea of how interested I was in it) called Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. I refuse to give any details about the meaning, plot, or intention of the book because in doing so I don't think that I would do the book justice. By the way, this book was assigned to my Myth, Symbol, and Ritual class at Youngstown State University. Alls I have to say is that if your completely fed up with the way the world is or fed up with people in any way, READ THIS BOOK. You will be convinced that eventually the world will change if we all simply read this book or converse about its ideas. What I will say about the book is what it says on the back and is basically the premise of the book. This is an quote taken directly from the first chapter of the book and the only description of the book on the back "TEACHER SEEKS PUPIL. Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person."
Raymond E. Feist |
[01 Oct 2007|09:38pm] |
Just today I finished Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar Saga (starting with Magician: Apprentice and finishing with the fourth book A Darkness at Sethanon). This was probably the very first series I've truely been satisfied with since starting the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind my 8th grade year in middle school (5 years ago). He has great ideas, very distinct characters, but probably the two most amazing things about these four books I just finished were the complexity and diversity of the storylines (Feist follows each character in depth and seperates them throughout the book, making you feel like your reading a new story with every character shift). and the amazing world (or should I say worlds) that he creates. The world Midkemia and other worlds he creates in this series were obviously planned out to great complexity. Recently I found out that while Feist was (i think in high school) he and his friends created a sort of board game I think dealing with the world Midkemia and eventually Feist was compelled to create a story based on their game. After reading the series, if your compelled to find out more about its origins check out his website Please reply if you've read or heard about the series and definately reply if I've convinced you to read it, I'd like to know your opinions as you read it.
I'm back! |
[26 Sep 2007|08:24am] |
I started this community about two years ago, and though very sparse, I'm glad to see that there is still the occasional post. Well I'm back, I have a lot of free time on computers now and I decided that I would come back and try to get this community up and running again. For this post I'd love if everyone still active or want to be active in the community to reply to this post so I have an idea how many active members were carrying at the moment. Obviously regardless of the number I'm going to try to recruit more, please feel free to make a fantasy/sci-fi related post after replying to this post!
[03 Aug 2007|04:43pm] |
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Hope this is ok (if not, mods go ahead and delete me).
I've just started re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I decided to create a comm dedicated to discuss all the juicy bits and so here I am shamelessly promoting it. Every few days I'll be posting specific questions for people to debate over and discuss, while everyone is free to post their own questions, conundrums, and thoughts. Whether you want to vent or exclaim joyously over something, everyone is welcome here!
To check it out (it is brand new remember and I need people to join!) go here:
P.S. This is very obvious but this new community is very very very SPOILERIFIC! (as you can probably guess). If you've not read Deathly Hallows then I'd recommended keeping a wide distance.
(Cross-linked to lots of places)
[03 Feb 2007|07:00pm] |
Rules No God moding (don't kill everyone in a single post) You must make a character journal before applying Be nice to others (more rules to come)
Application Age(in RL): Character(series/original): Physical Discription: Personality: Your experience with RP:
( Character ListCollapse )
Wheel of Time books for sale |
[29 Nov 2006|01:39pm] |
I'm selling books 1 - 7 of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series on ebay with a starting price of only £5. Books are used but in good condition.
They're being sold to raise money for my Gap Year expedition to do conservation and teaching in Belize.
Please spare a moment to take a look!
Fantasy Kink? |
[01 Aug 2006|03:43pm] |
I'm not sure how to ask this, but here goes.
Can anyone recommend a good novel or series of fantasy where there is an undertone of BDSM, or other erotic/domination theme?
meeting |
[05 May 2006|01:14pm] |
Hi, guys. I'm trying to get a group together in the L.A. area (specifically, Westwood) to discuss the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series at some point. I'm aiming for a Wednesday night, but that can change. Anyone interested? Also, if anyone would volunteer in helping lead the discussion, I would love you forever be really grateful.
If this isn't an appropriate post, let me know and I'll get rid of it. Thanks!
x-posted all over the place
new girl to fantasy |
[24 Feb 2006|01:31pm] |
Hi everyone, Can someone recommend a place to start with reading fantasy? I don't have lots of time to read my way around to find a good one and I want to read something really interesting. Thanks, Ligeia
[01 Nov 2005|12:03pm] |
For all of you fans of George R.R. Martin and A Song of Ice and Fire, I just wanted to post a reminder that A Feast for Crows (the 4th Book of A Song of Ice and Fire) will be released on Tuesday, November 8 in the U.S., which is exactly a week from today. If you haven't been following these past few months on A Feast for Crows you should check the site and read up a bit on it. I myself am very excited, I just finished A Storm of Swords (the 3rd Book) this summer. Here is a link to the site George RR Martin's Official Site
[28 Oct 2005|10:57am] |
Here's a fun post. I'm looking for more books to add to my "list" if u all wanna help out heres the directions. Comment to this post and list ur 3 favorite books and 3 favorite authors. For the books explain what their about but dont spoil anything. And for the authors say why and list a few of their books u like...THNX GUYS!!! Heres my Top 3 Books and Authors... Books... 1. Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind (the 6th book in the Sword of Truth Series)...its prolly a bad idea to explain anything of a book in the middle of a series so if ur interested look up on Wizard's First Rule which is the first book in the series. This is by far the best book ever. 2. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (1st book in the Ender's Saga)...being short and sweet, its an awesome book about a boy who is needed to save the world from the Buggers! 3. Game of Thrones by George RR Martin (1st book in A Song of Ice and Fire)...the book is about the sons and daughters of a King and the direwolves they find. This is my 2nd favorite series, its at 3 books at the moment but the 4th is coming out in November, should end with 7
Authors... -my top 3 authors are the same authors as my top 3 books...same order too...
Suggestions? |
[24 Oct 2005|07:45pm] |
I went to B&N yesterday...snagged 6 books...$50 in here's what i got, they were all on "my list" if u havent seen my list and cant seem to find it (its one of the first posts of the community, then ask me ill send it to u)...but here they are, if u read them i wanna know ur opinions... -I bought the 2 books ending the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman (When True Night Falls and Crown of Shadows) cuz i just recently finished Black Sun Rising(the first book)... -Got the 2 books starting the Symphony of Ages Series by Elizabeth Haydon (Rhapsody and Prophecy)...the series is currently at 5...correct me if im wrong (Rhapsody:Child of Blood, Prophecy:Child of Earth, Destiny:Child of the Sky, Requiem for the Sun, and Elegy of a Lost Star) -The 2nd book in the Ender's Saga, Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card, i read Ender's Game last year and it is my 2nd favorite book -and finally Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn of the Dragon Prince it cuz my friend is reading it and he loves it...currently at 3 books i think and i think its a trilogy so...(Dragon Prince, The Star Scroll, Sunrunner's Fire) all opinions are appreciated
[05 Oct 2005|05:33pm] |
Alright I've decided there are probably enough people to do this discussion we were planning. If you don't know what I'm talking about go back an entry or two and you will see it. What I want is almost everyone in the community planning on taking part to post the days and times of the week you wouldn't be able to do it and I'll figure out a good time from there, also whether you have AIM, Yahoo Messenger, or both.
[04 Oct 2005|09:29pm] |
Who here reads Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake books?
I'm starting Incubus Dreams in a bit and I love them.
Live Discussion |
[03 Oct 2005|05:26pm] |
I just thought of what I think is a great idea. I'm sure most of you have AIM here (AOL Instant Messenger) or Yahoo Messenger. Either way we can figure something out. But I think it would be a great idea to set a certain day every week or every two weeks for as many of us as possible to get in an AIM or Yahoo Messenger Private Chatroom and just discuss what we would normally discuss on this. Anyone who would be up for this comment so I know if I should try to set it up or not.
[03 Oct 2005|04:07pm] |
I've apologized over and over again for the slowing updates in this community...but frankly no offense to u guys but I could care less anymore, I'm 16...I just got a job, fell in love (so most of my time is with my girlfriend), and school started up so I've been losing most of my time but I'll update as much as possible. Finished A Storm of Swords which is the last book in A Song of Ice and Fire, although the next is coming out Nov. 8, which fezabel pointed out to us, I am very glad about that. I'm getting more and more interested in that series, I love the way they slowly introduce the magic in the first three books instead of shoving the whole concept of it on you in the first book like some other fantasy series'. I got about 2/3 of the way through New Spring by Robert Jordan (prequel to Wheel of Time), I just decided today not to finish it, it really now I'm starting Black Sun Rising by C.S. Friedman, the first book in the Coldfire Trilogy. Some opinions on A Song of Ice and Fire would be nice, also Wheel of Time's prequel, and The Coldfire Trilogy, just watch the spoilers...nice to have finally posted something in a while...
It has been a while |
[23 Sep 2005|12:13am] |
I have been catching up on rereading stuffs (mostly sword of truth and harry potter... kinda, and the Halfblood trilogy) so I haven't read anything really new. Now I have just finished two.
The Book of Earth book 1 of the Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (some may remember that I had asked about this series when I first started, well I buckled down and bought it).
Storm Front book 1 of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (something my new manager recommended. He even had to order for the store, cause the previous manager probably knew nothing about that series. It's been selling like hot cakes. Wow.)
The Book of Earth I just finished it today, even though I'd started it a week or two ago (me, who finished Halfblood Prince in a little more than 24 hours). It was really hard to get into. I couldn't even explain why. Maybe it was the writing style, or the fact that the protagonist couldn't talk. Or maybe the way the dragon was handled. If you see the book and decide to try it, be warned, it takes some plodding... I mean a lot of plodding to get through. It's a historical fantasy where the princess flees from her castle after learning her beloved has died. She also lost the ability to speak, so shocked was she. A priest, Guillemo, who turned her (the girl's name being Erde, german for Earth?) father against her pursues her. She finds the dragon, or rather the dragon found her, and they go through the wilderness together until they meet a Knight who was ousted from his own home by that same priest, accused as Satan's helper for his pursuit of dragonlore.
That's basically what the story is about, their run, and then confrontation with the priest(no spoilers!). While I was disappointed in the book, I still want to finish the series... whether I'll buy it brand new.... that remains to be seen. The thrice accursed book left on a cliffhanger, with the appearance of the dragon the next book will probably center around. *sigh*
Storm Front took me only two days to devour, and that's only because other things occupied my mind, I'm sure I could have finished it the night I bought it. I'm actually surprised it's never been mentioned on this community, or that it has reached the status of the Anita Blake series. I'm in love after only the first book (and my manager tells me Butcher's writing improves as the series goes). Some of you (maybe a lot of you) like or love the Anita Blake series, I think you'll like this (or think it's a blatant rip-off as I will explain).
The novels are told first person through Harry Dresden, the MC, like the AB series. Instead of a necromancer, he's a wizard. The creatures in Harry's world actually come from... um... the Nevernever, their normal home is not our mortal realm. The vampires are separated into three different classes, the red, black and white. He has three different types of werewolves. And I already like his demons (i was pleased to see one make an appearance in the first book). I'm sure there's more to the world, but I'm still exploring it myself.
Harry is the only Private Detective Wizard in this world, and natuarally (like AB) he gets called in by the police to look at unusual crimes, I'm guessing mostly murder related. Also like the AB series he has at least two sub-plots to go with his main plot (in this case a missing husband and a mob boss).
I highly recommend this book. As soon as we get the next four books I'm gonna start eating them up too. Nummers.
[03 Sep 2005|08:49pm] |
Damn, I'm very sorry guys, I seriously havent been on my computer since that last update. I finally got a job, I've been doing my summer reading for school, and I've been spending the night at one of my friends house like every other day. I will try as hard as I can to get into the routine to make an update after school everyday, so start expecting a good update everyday. And once again I am very sorry guys for letting this community go to a post every like week or 2...