Looking for a specific novel about eating disorders, but can't find it, can't afford it, or are too afraid or embarrassed to obtain it? Have no idea where to begin the search for ED literature? Simply want some new book suggestions? You've come to the right place.
This community attempts to make literature about eating disorders available to a wider variety of people, for the purposes of education and support. It is, however, Friends-only, so you will need to join to be able to read its posts.
The most important rule here is: Do NOT redistribute the material you find here! If you do this, you will put the very existence of this community at stake, and I created it solely to benefit you guys. I already have all of this material... I don't need it.
You do NOT need to have an eating disorder to be a member of this community; however, mutual respect is a must. This means no bashing, harrassing, or otherwise disturbing the members of this community. If you do this, I will promptly remove and ban you from the community. I don't have the time or the patience to humor that kind of immaturity.
So come on in, be respectful, and enjoy!!
UPDATE: Not sure where to start? Click here to begin!