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He its cute but also creepy

Cara eu preciso muito desenhar esse personagem ele é simplesmente incrível eu amei a história!!!


I really enjoyed this little game and would love to see more about this world in the future! Mortis can go from awww cute to manic  so fast! 



thanks so much for playing!! ^_^

It's not always a flop when VNs are short and sweet. This one was pretty good for it being so quick and to the point! Mortis is a charming dude -- a lil crazy, but charming! Lol solid job, dev!

thank you so much! looking back on it now, i would definitely change some things. i'm considering a remake!! i'm glad that people enjoy it.


very good I like it when you can love and except the yandere


i am SO down bad for these short little dime of a thriller type of stories and let's just say your work was of no expectation! love love looved the subtle changes and different branchs with Smorti (yes qt boot gets a nickname) aswell as overall experience just

thank you!


Where is the download link? I am not seeing how Im supposed to play this.

sorry was working on something and i guess when i re-uploaded the files it didn't go through? lol thanks for bringing to my attention ill fix it rn!!

Np lol I thought I was missing the obvious 



thanks :D!!