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Ferulago angulata Boiss. known in Iran as Chavir, has some bioactive compounds having antioxidant activity. Because of its antioxidant activities, it sounded Chavir extract can be a good candidate for finding chemopreventive agents having... more
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Background and aims: Non-synonymous (ns)SNPs represent typical genetic variations that may potentially affect the structure or function of expressed proteins and therefore could have an impact on complex disorders. A computational-based... more
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    • Bioinformatics
"We studied variation of ectoparasite load in a free ranging populations of Mehely’s horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus mehelyi) on five successive occasions in a nursery roost in western Iran. In total, 87 Rhinolophus mehelyi were captured. The... more
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    • Zoology
We studied the variation in the sizes of erythrocytes and their nucleus in two closely related species of mountain newts, Neurergus kaiseri and Neurergus microspilotus, living in two different environments, using blood smears stained with... more
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    • Zoology
"Hematologic investigations have been used diagnose disease. In this study morphological characterization of blood cells were investigated in three species of tortoise (T.graeca, Testudinidae) and turtle (Emys orbicularis and... more
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    • Zoology
"Using bivariate and multivariate techniques we evaluated sexual size dimorphism in 13 body-related and six head-related metrics from 99 live specimens of the Lorestan newt, Neurergus kaiseri. Analyses of variance of 12 metrics showed... more
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    • Zoology
This study describes the postnatal development of body mass, forearm length and epiphyseal phalangeal gap in a free ranging population of the Long-fingered Bat, Miniopterus schreibersii pallidus Thomas, 1907, in a maternity roost in the... more
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    • Zoology
"To determine whether differences in birth body mass influence growth performance in Pipistrellus kuhlii , we studied a total of 12 captive-born neonates (ten twins from five litters and two singles). Bats were assigned to two body... more
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    • Zoology
We studies variation in the sizes of erythrocyte in two similar size and closely related species of bats (Pipistrellus kuhlii and Hypsugo savii) living in western Iran. The larger erythrocytes were found in Pipistrellus kuhlii and the... more
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    • Zoology and ecology
Pipistrellus kuhlii and Hypsugo savii are temperate vespertilionid bat which stores spermatozoa for an extended period as strategies that allow bats to interrupt their reproductive cycle by hibernating. In this study we examined the... more
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    • Development Biology
Mozafar Sharifi, Somaye Vaissi, Hossein Javanbakht, and Vahid Akmali (2012) Postnatal growth and wing development in Kuhl's pipistrelle Pipistrellus kuhlii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in captivity. Zoological Studies 51(8): 1235-1247.... more
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    • Zoology and ecology
"The study was held to investigate erythrocyte size and morphology of the three gecko species Asaccus elisae, A. nasrullahi and Cyrtopodion scabrum (Gekkonidae) from Iran were examined. Blood smears stained with Giemsa were examined. The... more
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In this study, erythrocyte of the snakes, Platyceps najadum najadum, Malpolon insignitus insignitus and Eirenis collaris, living in Iran were examined. Smears stained with Gimsa were utilized. The sizes of erythrocytes and their nuclei... more
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The aim of this study was to determine the erythrocyte and nucleus sizes of two species of Agamidae (Laudakia nupta and Trapelus lessonae), one species of Scincidae (Mabuya aurata) and one species of Lacertidae (Ophisops elegans) from... more
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Abstract: We were able to distinguish immature and mature zoosporangia, zoospores and discharge tubes of chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in live and dead endangered yellow spotted mountain newt (N. microspilotus) in Kavat... more
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ABSTRACT: The yellow spotted mountain newt Neurergus microspilotus is listed as Endangered by the IUCN. In spite of its conservation status and laws protecting it, the species continues to decline in the wild. A captive breeding program... more
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Histological evidence obtained from toe clips of free-living endangered N. microspilotus confirmed the presence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in this newt. This inference is based on the presence of zoosporangia with discharge papilla... more
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"The endangered Kaiser’s Mountain Newt, Neurergus kaiseri, is a species endemic to the southern Zagros range in iran. until now, N. kaiseri had been reported from only five localities. the present study describes eight new localities... more
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This study deals with the histomorphology of the mesonephros in male and female Neurergus microspilotus.
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    • Ecology