Papers by Francesco Tacchini

A collection of interviews edited by the Obsolete Capitalism collective. English and Italian thin... more A collection of interviews edited by the Obsolete Capitalism collective. English and Italian thinkers answer questions related to a few eternal concepts of political philosophy such as crowd, power, control with a particular focus on the unexpected electoral success of the Five Star Movement (5SM), a self-defined 'non-party' led by Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio. The 5SM obtained a resounding success in the Italian general election of 24th 25th February 2013, a moment after which the panorama of Italian politics deeply changed.
This book seeks to investigate the novelty which characterise the emergence of a new political phenomenon: that of digital populism. Are we facing the beginning of a change in governmental policy and representative democracy as we know it? Far from being an Italian anomaly, populism is a firmly Western phenomenon, both in its analog and digital versions. The english equivalent is UKIP, an extremely seductive and therefore equally dangerous anti-establishment right-wing situation. Six questions were formulated, touching on fundamental aspects of the rise of digital populism and the relationships between masses, power, and post-democracy at the dawn of the twenty-first century.
The birth of digital populism. Crowd, power and postdemocrarcy in the 21st century is the result of nine interviews conducted between May 2013 and February 2014 by Luciana Parisi, Tiziana Terranova, Lapo Berti, Simon Choat, Paolo Godani, Saul Newman, Jussi Parikka, Tony D. Sampson and Alberto Toscano.
Books by Francesco Tacchini

(Transmediale 2018) :: "It’s estimated that as much as half of all global wealth is stacked in or... more (Transmediale 2018) :: "It’s estimated that as much as half of all global wealth is stacked in or routed through tax havens. These tax havens, or ‘secrecy jurisdictions’, are one part of the parallel legal and financial system known as offshore. Through the offshore system, trillions of dollars appear to flow amongst a multitude of businesses. This money seemingly traverses the globe, while truthfully remaining concentrated in the hands of a few powerful actors in a few powerful countries. In many ways, offshore is a place of its own, made up of the balance sheets and tax returns of countless companies. A hive of secretive activity distributed across the globe. If it’s a place, can one visit? Where is it, and what can you do here? How might it feel to become part of it?
Throughout summer 2017, the Demystification Committee set out to model and explore the systems and structures of offshore finance, and the murky world of the jurisdictions that enable its existence, with the aim to open up opportunities for subversive, wasteful fun. The Demystification Committee set up an international corporate structure across three jurisdictions, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle. This vehicle operates at once as a guide and a shield: not only does it provide access to a hidden world of knowledge and opportunities; it also guarantees the secrecy of the actions undertaken there.
Once set-up, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle was opened to others in an attempt to create a community of people interested in this effective and toxic parallel legal system. The community was formed through the norms of corporate law, playing with the company’s legal structure: shares were issued; meetings called; resolutions voted on. At the first general meeting of Empire Management, the UK limited company at the top of this structure, the Vehicle’s objectives were collectively set. A dozen new shareholders advanced and discussed a number of operations, with the aim to begin misusing the privileged
Vehicle’s structure set-up both onshore and offshore.
The idea of producing a seditious mirror version of the Economist,
to be known as the Offshore Economist, was advanced, discussed
and approved. The publication focuses on those ruptures and cracks inherent to the practice and world of offshore, which are the qualifying loopholes for those invested, and investing, in it. Through fictional stories, marginal poetry, fragmented legalese and a shifting form and layout, this publication pursues an aesthetic of offshore — a world that is dual and slippery, real and beyond real, and — at times — surreal." (Demystification Committee, Berlin, late January, 2018)

"Money is the perpetual engine of relentless spherology which virtually belongs to it like darkne... more "Money is the perpetual engine of relentless spherology which virtually belongs to it like darkness belongs to light. In other words, the circularity of money draws bubbles in the shadow of its own flow. The roundness of irregular geometry is the gift that money offers in exchange for subscribing to its shadow. Money’s disproportionate stride triggers the generation of spheres whose fate is that of vitalistic explosion, which incinerates everything. The final burst is an obscure euphoria of the swelled shadow.
The features that financial bubbles have in common with electro bubbles are the data membranes which perpetually flow in the two directions of the interface. The data flow innervates both sides, the inside and the outside, leaving internal and external pressures free to peak and destroy the bubble itself. Bubbles emerge everywhere, from cryptocurrencies to the darker products of offshore financial markets. But how was the latter confronted by a different kind of (electro) bubble: the artificial one of electronic music, the realm of synthetic beats?"

The Network Ensemble
‘Selected Network Studies’ collects audio/visual experiments carried out by ... more The Network Ensemble
‘Selected Network Studies’ collects audio/visual experiments carried out by the Network Ensemble, a London-based electronic data-noise duo. Founded in 2015 by Oliver Smith and Francesco Tacchini, the Network Ensemble transforms wire- less communications into sound in real time using a set of custom-made tools. Originally conceived as a machine to amplify the activity of network landscapes, the Network Ensemble is a free-form and ever-changing set of tools and experiences for sonically uncovering and exploring the hidden operational layer at the very core of the network.
Selected Network Studies
Released through Rizosfera via limited edition SD cards, a digital download, a live performance and this eBook, ‘Selected Network Studies’ includes one hour of video material and 45 minutes of sound material. Accompanying this is visual and written documentation of both the hardware and software built for network exploration, as well as details of the data collection and performance sites.

Il libro “Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista... more Il libro “Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Guattari, Klossowski” prende le mosse da un oscuro frammento di Nietzsche - I forti dell’avvenire - incastonato nel celebre passaggio dell’“accelerare il processo” situato nel punto cruciale di una delle opere filosofiche più dirompenti del secolo scorso: L’anti-Edipo di Deleuze e Guattari. Nell’antologia assemblata da Obsolete Capitalism a partire da Nietzsche emerge ciò che si potrebbe definire “accelerazionismo pulsionale” oppure accelerazionismo quantico che si esprime tramite una nuova politica di corpi, onde e forze e il cui rapporto con la «tecnologia» è mediato dal bricolage e dal do-it-yourself, dunque dalla «strada» e dalla «sperimentazione».
Ciò che passa non è un progetto, ma un’intensità, un campo di forze trasmettibili grazie a un contagio intermittente di onde pulsionali in continua propagazione. Si tratta di un’informe e deviata koinè, politica e artistica allo stesso tempo, una sorta di lingua franca urbana senza codici che attraversa il tempo ripetendosi nella variazione, grazie a comunità artistiche sediziose e irregolari il cui tratto distintivo è la differenziazione. Una koinè innumerevole, che porta ad un nuovo infinito, incommensurabile, ritmico.
Autori: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Letizia Rustichelli, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.

On the occasion of the international conference entitled Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 (Virtual... more On the occasion of the international conference entitled Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 (Virtuality, becoming and life, 11-13 July 2016) that will take place at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of University Tre in Rome, the collective Obsolete Capitalism presents a «Deleuze in Rome 2016/Remix Version» of the book «Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Guattari, Klossowski» with contributions in Italian and English language. Our conference will be on13th July 2016, from 2 to 3.30 pm in Room 13, along with the panel entitled “Countless Life. For a Liberation of Thought Wherever it is imprisoned - Deterritorializing Nietzsche" (chair: Charles Stivale). The panel Countless Life has been proposed and elaborated by the online philosophical magazine «La Deleuziana».
Contributors: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Luca Roccatagliati, Letizia Rustichelli, Oliver Smith, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
Papers by Francesco Tacchini
This book seeks to investigate the novelty which characterise the emergence of a new political phenomenon: that of digital populism. Are we facing the beginning of a change in governmental policy and representative democracy as we know it? Far from being an Italian anomaly, populism is a firmly Western phenomenon, both in its analog and digital versions. The english equivalent is UKIP, an extremely seductive and therefore equally dangerous anti-establishment right-wing situation. Six questions were formulated, touching on fundamental aspects of the rise of digital populism and the relationships between masses, power, and post-democracy at the dawn of the twenty-first century.
The birth of digital populism. Crowd, power and postdemocrarcy in the 21st century is the result of nine interviews conducted between May 2013 and February 2014 by Luciana Parisi, Tiziana Terranova, Lapo Berti, Simon Choat, Paolo Godani, Saul Newman, Jussi Parikka, Tony D. Sampson and Alberto Toscano.
Books by Francesco Tacchini
Throughout summer 2017, the Demystification Committee set out to model and explore the systems and structures of offshore finance, and the murky world of the jurisdictions that enable its existence, with the aim to open up opportunities for subversive, wasteful fun. The Demystification Committee set up an international corporate structure across three jurisdictions, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle. This vehicle operates at once as a guide and a shield: not only does it provide access to a hidden world of knowledge and opportunities; it also guarantees the secrecy of the actions undertaken there.
Once set-up, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle was opened to others in an attempt to create a community of people interested in this effective and toxic parallel legal system. The community was formed through the norms of corporate law, playing with the company’s legal structure: shares were issued; meetings called; resolutions voted on. At the first general meeting of Empire Management, the UK limited company at the top of this structure, the Vehicle’s objectives were collectively set. A dozen new shareholders advanced and discussed a number of operations, with the aim to begin misusing the privileged
Vehicle’s structure set-up both onshore and offshore.
The idea of producing a seditious mirror version of the Economist,
to be known as the Offshore Economist, was advanced, discussed
and approved. The publication focuses on those ruptures and cracks inherent to the practice and world of offshore, which are the qualifying loopholes for those invested, and investing, in it. Through fictional stories, marginal poetry, fragmented legalese and a shifting form and layout, this publication pursues an aesthetic of offshore — a world that is dual and slippery, real and beyond real, and — at times — surreal." (Demystification Committee, Berlin, late January, 2018)
The features that financial bubbles have in common with electro bubbles are the data membranes which perpetually flow in the two directions of the interface. The data flow innervates both sides, the inside and the outside, leaving internal and external pressures free to peak and destroy the bubble itself. Bubbles emerge everywhere, from cryptocurrencies to the darker products of offshore financial markets. But how was the latter confronted by a different kind of (electro) bubble: the artificial one of electronic music, the realm of synthetic beats?"
‘Selected Network Studies’ collects audio/visual experiments carried out by the Network Ensemble, a London-based electronic data-noise duo. Founded in 2015 by Oliver Smith and Francesco Tacchini, the Network Ensemble transforms wire- less communications into sound in real time using a set of custom-made tools. Originally conceived as a machine to amplify the activity of network landscapes, the Network Ensemble is a free-form and ever-changing set of tools and experiences for sonically uncovering and exploring the hidden operational layer at the very core of the network.
Selected Network Studies
Released through Rizosfera via limited edition SD cards, a digital download, a live performance and this eBook, ‘Selected Network Studies’ includes one hour of video material and 45 minutes of sound material. Accompanying this is visual and written documentation of both the hardware and software built for network exploration, as well as details of the data collection and performance sites.
Ciò che passa non è un progetto, ma un’intensità, un campo di forze trasmettibili grazie a un contagio intermittente di onde pulsionali in continua propagazione. Si tratta di un’informe e deviata koinè, politica e artistica allo stesso tempo, una sorta di lingua franca urbana senza codici che attraversa il tempo ripetendosi nella variazione, grazie a comunità artistiche sediziose e irregolari il cui tratto distintivo è la differenziazione. Una koinè innumerevole, che porta ad un nuovo infinito, incommensurabile, ritmico.
Autori: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Letizia Rustichelli, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
Contributors: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Luca Roccatagliati, Letizia Rustichelli, Oliver Smith, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
This book seeks to investigate the novelty which characterise the emergence of a new political phenomenon: that of digital populism. Are we facing the beginning of a change in governmental policy and representative democracy as we know it? Far from being an Italian anomaly, populism is a firmly Western phenomenon, both in its analog and digital versions. The english equivalent is UKIP, an extremely seductive and therefore equally dangerous anti-establishment right-wing situation. Six questions were formulated, touching on fundamental aspects of the rise of digital populism and the relationships between masses, power, and post-democracy at the dawn of the twenty-first century.
The birth of digital populism. Crowd, power and postdemocrarcy in the 21st century is the result of nine interviews conducted between May 2013 and February 2014 by Luciana Parisi, Tiziana Terranova, Lapo Berti, Simon Choat, Paolo Godani, Saul Newman, Jussi Parikka, Tony D. Sampson and Alberto Toscano.
Throughout summer 2017, the Demystification Committee set out to model and explore the systems and structures of offshore finance, and the murky world of the jurisdictions that enable its existence, with the aim to open up opportunities for subversive, wasteful fun. The Demystification Committee set up an international corporate structure across three jurisdictions, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle. This vehicle operates at once as a guide and a shield: not only does it provide access to a hidden world of knowledge and opportunities; it also guarantees the secrecy of the actions undertaken there.
Once set-up, the Offshore Investigation Vehicle was opened to others in an attempt to create a community of people interested in this effective and toxic parallel legal system. The community was formed through the norms of corporate law, playing with the company’s legal structure: shares were issued; meetings called; resolutions voted on. At the first general meeting of Empire Management, the UK limited company at the top of this structure, the Vehicle’s objectives were collectively set. A dozen new shareholders advanced and discussed a number of operations, with the aim to begin misusing the privileged
Vehicle’s structure set-up both onshore and offshore.
The idea of producing a seditious mirror version of the Economist,
to be known as the Offshore Economist, was advanced, discussed
and approved. The publication focuses on those ruptures and cracks inherent to the practice and world of offshore, which are the qualifying loopholes for those invested, and investing, in it. Through fictional stories, marginal poetry, fragmented legalese and a shifting form and layout, this publication pursues an aesthetic of offshore — a world that is dual and slippery, real and beyond real, and — at times — surreal." (Demystification Committee, Berlin, late January, 2018)
The features that financial bubbles have in common with electro bubbles are the data membranes which perpetually flow in the two directions of the interface. The data flow innervates both sides, the inside and the outside, leaving internal and external pressures free to peak and destroy the bubble itself. Bubbles emerge everywhere, from cryptocurrencies to the darker products of offshore financial markets. But how was the latter confronted by a different kind of (electro) bubble: the artificial one of electronic music, the realm of synthetic beats?"
‘Selected Network Studies’ collects audio/visual experiments carried out by the Network Ensemble, a London-based electronic data-noise duo. Founded in 2015 by Oliver Smith and Francesco Tacchini, the Network Ensemble transforms wire- less communications into sound in real time using a set of custom-made tools. Originally conceived as a machine to amplify the activity of network landscapes, the Network Ensemble is a free-form and ever-changing set of tools and experiences for sonically uncovering and exploring the hidden operational layer at the very core of the network.
Selected Network Studies
Released through Rizosfera via limited edition SD cards, a digital download, a live performance and this eBook, ‘Selected Network Studies’ includes one hour of video material and 45 minutes of sound material. Accompanying this is visual and written documentation of both the hardware and software built for network exploration, as well as details of the data collection and performance sites.
Ciò che passa non è un progetto, ma un’intensità, un campo di forze trasmettibili grazie a un contagio intermittente di onde pulsionali in continua propagazione. Si tratta di un’informe e deviata koinè, politica e artistica allo stesso tempo, una sorta di lingua franca urbana senza codici che attraversa il tempo ripetendosi nella variazione, grazie a comunità artistiche sediziose e irregolari il cui tratto distintivo è la differenziazione. Una koinè innumerevole, che porta ad un nuovo infinito, incommensurabile, ritmico.
Autori: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Letizia Rustichelli, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.
Contributors: Algorithmic Committee, Sara Baranzoni, Edmund Berger, Lapo Berti, Paolo Davoli, Ettore Lancellotti, Network Ensemble, Obsolete Capitalism, OCSS, Luca Roccatagliati, Letizia Rustichelli, Oliver Smith, Francesco Tacchini, Paolo Vignola.