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(3 GoT FuCKeD! | SLaP Me SiLLY?)

[17 Aug 2004|08:14pm]

hey do u have any promotional banners??

(SLaP Me SiLLY?)

Doing it for my girl Laura. [16 Aug 2004|04:05am]



(SLaP Me SiLLY?)

Gonna start promoting to spread like mad cow disease! [21 Jul 2004|07:19pm]

Hey people, sorry for those of you who I forced to join, I love you! LoL. Other than that, I will say that aside from the fun of Colleen and I online play fighting lately I have been really busy and havent had any time to make anything "dazzling" to promote with, and even though I am ghetto, I want a picture thing or something other than hey blah blah blah join raterhater. Soooo, on that I will be making a few hopefully by the end of the week. Until then, if you want to make some go ahead and thanks in advance!

(SLaP Me SiLLY?)

[20 Jul 2004|02:12am]

If you can read this, you should promote this! Yes you should! And I agree! And of course that is after you join this! Yes! I am insane, and I know this, yes!

♥ Your Bitch of a Mod!

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