? ?
02 August 2010 @ 02:01 pm
Make your post, follow the rules (BELOW), comments are all screened, first post will drop whenever I've advertised long enough and have a good compilation of hilarity.




Yes, that's right, there still is SOME regulation that needs to be imposed on this all-anonymous, free-for-all that I call Rantline. Let me break it down for you, real slick-like. If you have ANY advice, comments, questions, something you need to say in regards to Rantline, please send any E-mail inquiries to

  1. No using names or any personal information (phone number, address, I don’t even want cities and states) that could lead to any person (poster or subject of a post) being identified. That is just not cool.


  2. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but there will be no homophobic/racist/or other generally bias statements that are meant to be directed at a specific demography and not any individual people.


  3. We (or me, for right now) as the moderators of RantLine reserve the right to alter ANY post without notifying the original poster. BUT we will never alter without good cause, and if you’re wicked mad that your post has been changed, feel free to message me. I will politely explain why.


  4. We also have the right to refuse a post without telling you. If your post is not in the RANT post, then it’s been rejected. It will not be a frequent occurance, as I want this community to be an open, guns-out community, but your post CAN be rejected and deleted.


  5. We reserve the right to ban you if you’re fucking annoying.

  7. If you have a beef with any of our members or if there's any kind of dispute whatsoever, please DO NOT engage in a fight with another member of the community. Please send an E-mail explanation to and the moderators will take it from there.

  9. If you do engage in a fight with a member, you, and anyone that chose to fight back WILL be banned. No questions asked, simple as that. See? Wouldn't it just be easier to send us an E-mail and let us deal with it?