Papers by Ekaterina ILYUSHECHKINA
В работе всесторонне рассмотрено произведение Дионисия Периэгета на фоне античной нарративной тра... more В работе всесторонне рассмотрено произведение Дионисия Периэгета на фоне античной нарративной традиции, в тексте «Описания ойкумены» выявлены конкретные историко-географические свидетельства, характеризующие становление этногеографической картины мира в античности

Transformations of the Classics via Early Modern Commentaries, 2014
This chapter focuses on Pliny commentaries from the 15th-16th centuries as listed by Hardouin, es... more This chapter focuses on Pliny commentaries from the 15th-16th centuries as listed by Hardouin, especially commentators who worked not only on the text critical problems, but as well discussed and explained Pliny's zoological knowledge. It demonstrates how the commentators' reception of Pliny changed over time. The chapter provides evidence of the increased critical perception of Pliny by analyzing: 1) the commentators' knowledge of the Greek language and their usage of the Greek sources in their work on the Natural History ; 2) the commentators' expression of their own opinions, and their organization of the source text and annotations; 3) questioning of the original text; 4) quotations of other ancient and more recent texts, and 5) evidence of elephant or bear encounters increasing over time. The text of Sabellicus is based on a seminar on the Natural History that ran for several years at the school of San Marco in Venice. Keywords: Greek language; Hardouin; Natural History ; Pliny; Sabellicus; Venice

Abstract. We present an interdisciplinary approach to implicit knowl-edge of spatial cognition in... more Abstract. We present an interdisciplinary approach to implicit knowl-edge of spatial cognition in common sense geography. Structures such as, e.g., distance, scale, topology, trajectory and frames of reference are believed to be encoded as mental maps. Furthermore, we refer to com-mon sense as ‘naive ’ perception and descriptions of space and the use of ‘intuitive ’ arguments in geographical contexts. The empirical data sets comprise of ancient written texts from different periods and sources. Our methodology combines annotating and parsing techniques based on corpus data analysis as a (semi-) automated analysis and cognitive pa-rameters applied in cognitive linguistics. These parameters are based on gestalt-psychological principles such as figure-ground asymmetries. We argue that the survey of ancient texts provides further insights whether there are basic epistemological expressions of spatial orientation that might be candidates for universals. As a first example, we investigate
We present an interdisciplinary approach to capturing implicit spatial cognition in ancient (Gree... more We present an interdisciplinary approach to capturing implicit spatial cognition in ancient (Greek and Latin) literature. Structures such as e.g., distance, scale, topolo-gy, trajectory and frames of reference, all play a role in encoding important spatial information in non-cartographic texts. Our methodology combines annotating and parsing techniques based on corpus data analysis as a (semi-)automated analysis and cognitive parameters applied in cognitive linguistics. These parameters are based on gestalt psychological principles such as figure-ground asymmetries. We argue that the survey of ancient texts provides further insights whether there are basic epistemological expressions of spatial orientation that might be candidates for universals. As a first example, we investigate Dionysius Periegetes “ϊἷscrip-ὈiὁὀΝὁἸΝὈhἷΝἩὁὄἾἶ”Ν(ἀnd century AD).

Het proefschrift is een interdisciplinaire studie over een Oudgrieks werk van Dionysius van Alexa... more Het proefschrift is een interdisciplinaire studie over een Oudgrieks werk van Dionysius van Alexandrie, genaamd Periegetes (2de eeuw na Christus). In dit enige in zijn geheel bewaarde geografische leerdicht uit de oudheid geeft Dionysius een gedetailleerd beeld van de in de oudheid bewoonde wereld. De uiteenlopende gegevens van Dionysius gaan terug op de geografische en literaire bronnen van verschillende tijdperken. Het belangrijkste doel van dit proefschrift is een veelzijdige historisch-filologische analyse van de literaire traditie over het antieke Zwarte Zeegebied in de interpretatie van Dionysius Periegetes, aardrijkskundige en dichter. Het proefschrift bestaat uit twee delen: het eerste vormt een theoretische inleiding op het gedicht en dient deze als een voorbeschouwing van de specifieke kenmerken van Dionysius Periegetes en zijn werk. Het tweede deel is een case-study die uitvoerig de concrete gegevens van Dionysius over het gebied rond de antieke Zwarte Zee op de achtergro...

We present an interdisciplinary approach to implicit knowledge of spatial cognition in common sen... more We present an interdisciplinary approach to implicit knowledge of spatial cognition in common sense geography. Structures such as, e.g., distance, scale, topology, trajectory and frames of reference are believed to be encoded as mental maps. Furthermore, we refer to common sense as ‘naive’ perception and descriptions of space and the use of ‘intuitive’ arguments in geographical contexts. The empirical data sets comprise of ancient written texts from different periods and sources. Our methodology combines annotating and parsing techniques based on corpus data analysis as a (semi-) automated analysis and cognitive parameters applied in cognitive linguistics. These parameters are based on gestalt-psychological principles such as figure-ground asymmetries. We argue that the survey of ancient texts provides further insights whether there are basic epistemological expressions of spatial orientation that might be candidates for universals. As a first example, we investigate Dionysios Periegetes’ Description of the World.

Shagi / Steps
a Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ (Россия, Мос... more a Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ (Россия, Москва) b Российский государственный гуманитарный университет (Россия, Москва) some remarks on The preface of caius iulius solinus Аннотация. В статье основное внимание уделяется так называемому первому предисловию к компиляции Гая Юлия Солина «Collectanea rerum memorabilium» и, в частности, тому, как его особенности (стилистические, структурные, риторические и жанрообразующие) раскрываются на фоне риторической системы конца III в. Анализ семантических связей, сравнений, метафор и других риторических элементов в предисловии помогает лучше понять авторское «я», цели и замысел произведения в целом, методы, намерения и вкусы автора. Используя темы и общие места, традиционные для латинских предисловий, Солин излагает методы отбора источников для своей компиляции, особенности материала, говорит даже о привлечении парадоксографических сюжетов и о собственном видении построения географического сочинения, что в результате создает уникальный текст. Что касается риторических приемов Солина, то он использует синонимы, антонимы, метафоры, проявляет особенное внимание к звукописи, употребляя уменьшительные суффиксы, ассонансы и пр. Отличительной чертой произведения Солина является то, что он начинает географический рассказ (описание ойкумены) с отрывка об основании Рима и краткой истории Вечного города, о чем автор говорит уже в предисловии.
The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 2016
Shagi / Steps, 2018
ученый-гуманист VS. античный автОр: кОмментарии раннегО нОвОгО времени к энциклОпедии плиния стар... more ученый-гуманист VS. античный автОр: кОмментарии раннегО нОвОгО времени к энциклОпедии плиния старшегО Аннотация. На примере комментариев Маркантонио Сабеллико (1436-1506), Стефана Аквея (?-ок. 1537) и Якоба Далекампия (ок. 1513-1588) к «Естественной истории» рассматриваются особенности восприятия труда Плиния Старшего, а также изменения во взглядах и подходах ученыхгуманистов в XV-XVI вв., которые сыграли важную роль в становлении науки об античности.
... Martin L. West (Oxford), Prof. Dr. Onofrio Vox (Bari), Dr. Stephan Heilen (Illinois), Dr. Ame... more ... Martin L. West (Oxford), Prof. Dr. Onofrio Vox (Bari), Dr. Stephan Heilen (Illinois), Dr. Amedeo A. Raschieri (Torino) und Dr. Enrico Magnelli (Firenze) waren mir ebenfalls eine große Hilfe. Mein vierjähriger Aufenthalt in Groningen ...
"From the history of the Classical Philology: Commentaries of the 15-16 centuries on the Naturali... more "From the history of the Classical Philology: Commentaries of the 15-16 centuries on the Naturalis historia by Pliny the Elder"
This article focusses on 15th-16th commentaries on Pliny written by Sigismundus Gelenius (ca. 1497–1554) and Ferdinandus Pintianus (ca. 1475–ca. 1553). These commentators not only worked on the textual problems of the Natural history, but also tried to discuss and comment specifically on Pliny’s knowledge.

E. V. Ilyushechkina.
Metus septentrionalis as a topos in the political context of Ancient Rome
T... more E. V. Ilyushechkina.
Metus septentrionalis as a topos in the political context of Ancient Rome
This paper is a part of my larger current project on the topos metus septentrionalis (“fear/ terror of the north”), which I intend to examine from diverse points of view in the context of the geo-political situation in ancient Rome during the transitional period from the Republic to the Empire. Starting from the analysis of Roman historic-geographical conceptions about the northern territories beyond the Alps I will reconstruct a cumulative image of the ancient North, which was used as an instrument of propaganda at different times and by diverse layers of the political elite from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The first clash with these huge, wild and uncontrolled forces generated a decades-long fear in Rome of this unknown geo-ethnographic space (metus septentrionalis), which later took on a rhetorical shape and was differently used depending on the artistic talents of the ancient authors and on the political conjuncture of the moment – ranging from historically received clichés and stereotypical ideas to rhetorically formed “images” about the opposition “own/alien”. Rhetorical figures and literary stock phrases connected with the theme of the European North reflect in a certain degree changes within the social-political elite, and were used by Roman rulers as an instrument to legitimize their actions concerning the neighboring northern territories and tribes. The intention of my project is to analyze and to find argumentatively supported answers to the following questions: whether geographically connoted “northern” passages in ancient sources were used as an instrument of ideology, propaganda or the legitimization of power; to what extent these rhetorical passages were a response to actual political tendencies and momentary requirements of elite in certain periods in the history of Rome; and how much real influence did the literary stereotypes and clichés about the ancient North have on the relevant political discourses. In addition it is important to follow a gradual transformation of the topos metus septentrionalis, which served to consolidate the social-political layers of Roman society against the external enemy during the Republic, and which then developed a compensatory function as the Empire became stronger and enlarged its geographical control, reducing the matter to curiosities (curiositas) and descriptions of strange habits and tempers of the northern tribes as well as miraculous (mirabilia) characteristics of the northern nature.
Keywords: image of the ancient North, political rhetoric, Roman republic, Principate, metus septentrionalis
Papers by Ekaterina ILYUSHECHKINA
This article focusses on 15th-16th commentaries on Pliny written by Sigismundus Gelenius (ca. 1497–1554) and Ferdinandus Pintianus (ca. 1475–ca. 1553). These commentators not only worked on the textual problems of the Natural history, but also tried to discuss and comment specifically on Pliny’s knowledge.
Metus septentrionalis as a topos in the political context of Ancient Rome
This paper is a part of my larger current project on the topos metus septentrionalis (“fear/ terror of the north”), which I intend to examine from diverse points of view in the context of the geo-political situation in ancient Rome during the transitional period from the Republic to the Empire. Starting from the analysis of Roman historic-geographical conceptions about the northern territories beyond the Alps I will reconstruct a cumulative image of the ancient North, which was used as an instrument of propaganda at different times and by diverse layers of the political elite from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The first clash with these huge, wild and uncontrolled forces generated a decades-long fear in Rome of this unknown geo-ethnographic space (metus septentrionalis), which later took on a rhetorical shape and was differently used depending on the artistic talents of the ancient authors and on the political conjuncture of the moment – ranging from historically received clichés and stereotypical ideas to rhetorically formed “images” about the opposition “own/alien”. Rhetorical figures and literary stock phrases connected with the theme of the European North reflect in a certain degree changes within the social-political elite, and were used by Roman rulers as an instrument to legitimize their actions concerning the neighboring northern territories and tribes. The intention of my project is to analyze and to find argumentatively supported answers to the following questions: whether geographically connoted “northern” passages in ancient sources were used as an instrument of ideology, propaganda or the legitimization of power; to what extent these rhetorical passages were a response to actual political tendencies and momentary requirements of elite in certain periods in the history of Rome; and how much real influence did the literary stereotypes and clichés about the ancient North have on the relevant political discourses. In addition it is important to follow a gradual transformation of the topos metus septentrionalis, which served to consolidate the social-political layers of Roman society against the external enemy during the Republic, and which then developed a compensatory function as the Empire became stronger and enlarged its geographical control, reducing the matter to curiosities (curiositas) and descriptions of strange habits and tempers of the northern tribes as well as miraculous (mirabilia) characteristics of the northern nature.
Keywords: image of the ancient North, political rhetoric, Roman republic, Principate, metus septentrionalis
This article focusses on 15th-16th commentaries on Pliny written by Sigismundus Gelenius (ca. 1497–1554) and Ferdinandus Pintianus (ca. 1475–ca. 1553). These commentators not only worked on the textual problems of the Natural history, but also tried to discuss and comment specifically on Pliny’s knowledge.
Metus septentrionalis as a topos in the political context of Ancient Rome
This paper is a part of my larger current project on the topos metus septentrionalis (“fear/ terror of the north”), which I intend to examine from diverse points of view in the context of the geo-political situation in ancient Rome during the transitional period from the Republic to the Empire. Starting from the analysis of Roman historic-geographical conceptions about the northern territories beyond the Alps I will reconstruct a cumulative image of the ancient North, which was used as an instrument of propaganda at different times and by diverse layers of the political elite from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The first clash with these huge, wild and uncontrolled forces generated a decades-long fear in Rome of this unknown geo-ethnographic space (metus septentrionalis), which later took on a rhetorical shape and was differently used depending on the artistic talents of the ancient authors and on the political conjuncture of the moment – ranging from historically received clichés and stereotypical ideas to rhetorically formed “images” about the opposition “own/alien”. Rhetorical figures and literary stock phrases connected with the theme of the European North reflect in a certain degree changes within the social-political elite, and were used by Roman rulers as an instrument to legitimize their actions concerning the neighboring northern territories and tribes. The intention of my project is to analyze and to find argumentatively supported answers to the following questions: whether geographically connoted “northern” passages in ancient sources were used as an instrument of ideology, propaganda or the legitimization of power; to what extent these rhetorical passages were a response to actual political tendencies and momentary requirements of elite in certain periods in the history of Rome; and how much real influence did the literary stereotypes and clichés about the ancient North have on the relevant political discourses. In addition it is important to follow a gradual transformation of the topos metus septentrionalis, which served to consolidate the social-political layers of Roman society against the external enemy during the Republic, and which then developed a compensatory function as the Empire became stronger and enlarged its geographical control, reducing the matter to curiosities (curiositas) and descriptions of strange habits and tempers of the northern tribes as well as miraculous (mirabilia) characteristics of the northern nature.
Keywords: image of the ancient North, political rhetoric, Roman republic, Principate, metus septentrionalis
L'immagine del mondo nei racconti di viaggio: dalla tradizione storico-letteraria antica al materiale di archivio di età moderna.
Sommario; Presentazione (Serena Bianchetti e Veronica Bucciantini); Abstracts