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(2 smooches | kisses are good.)

[22 Sep 2005|11:30am]

The world is pretty sometimes.Collapse )

(2 smooches | kisses are good.)

application *crosses fingers* [24 Feb 2005|09:09am]

[ mood | chipper ]

the world is pretty sometimesCollapse )

(1 smooch | kisses are good.)

alice in wonderland [14 Oct 2004|08:34am]

[ mood | ecstatic ]

You are The Queen of Hearts
You are The Queen of Hearts

Everyone fears and despises you. Perhaps you're
just misunderstood?

What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

(5 smooches | kisses are good.)

The World is Pretty Sometimes. [09 Oct 2004|01:01am]

erm, just kidding. Sorry Erin.

(kisses are good.)

Oh Gosh, Its dying. [08 Oct 2004|05:08pm]

[ mood | headbanging. ]

Hey all.

Can you please please please promote to all your friends. PLLLLEASE?

leaving [07 Oct 2004|10:10pm]

im leaving some of my communities, for the main reason that school has me tied up and i cant keep up with all the voting...

(6 smooches | kisses are good.)

The World Is Pretty Sometimes [26 Sep 2004|10:22pm]

.The Application.

The Basics...
♥age//birthdate-16- 2/15/88
♥location-Cape Coma, Florida
♥odd talent- Wouldent you like to know

♥color- Grey
♥ice cream favor- Choc Chip Cookie Dough
♥baby names- Roxy, Josh
♥ramen noodle flavor- All of the Above
♥animal- Cat
♥subject in school-Anatomy
♥beauty product- Clean and Clear morning burst
♥bands//singers- Coheed and Cambria, New Found Glory, Chronic Future, THe used
♥song- A Favor House Atlantic
♥lyric- Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you, you are my only one.

Think about it... explain
♥college or no?yea I wanna be a Dr.
♥shakespeare overrated? Yes. He cant speak proper english
♥politics? Goooo Kerry! And gooooo Free Speech!
♥pornography? Sure..>? Or..not.
♥gay marriage? Yup..they have juss as much right as we do.
♥drugs//drinking? Nah....Straight edge.
♥rap//r&b? Sure...
♥bulimia//anorexia? Nah...
♥suicide? Nah...

♥coffee- Yum! Starbucks Carmel Freezer!
♥halloween- Yup...gotta get free food somehow...
♥spam- EWWWWWW
♥city-Kiss Me Beautiful
♥rubberband- They hurt.
♥mtv- Needs to play more MUSIC...go FUSE!
♥rock- Hella yeah.

♥ Promote to at least 1 community and give a direct link please.
promo: fortmyers..cause i live in the area...

Post at least 2 pictures of yourself and 1 random one... you aren't judged on how you look...I just wanna see you.♥ the bottom ones are most recent.

(2 smooches | kisses are good.)

[23 Sep 2004|08:28pm]

[ mood | determined ]

Hey, as most of you may know, I have a vampire roleplay site (yes, I am a proud dork), and lately, we seriously need some guys. Or even just new active members. I don't want this board to die out. *tear* If you're even the slightest bit interested, pleeeeeeeeeaaaase check out the site and TELL YOUR GUY FRIENDS!! lol.

(5 smooches | kisses are good.)

[22 Sep 2004|10:15pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]

so sick and tired of all these pictures of meCollapse )

ps. i want your e.mail address, erin. i want to send you pictures of the baby.

(2 smooches | kisses are good.)

never [22 Sep 2004|04:53pm]

[ mood | spastasic! ]

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

(2 smooches | kisses are good.)

[21 Sep 2004|08:40pm]

[ mood | loving ]

I love everyone today. Yes. That means you too. Yes... you. Back there. I see you! You are loved... by me. tehe.

(2 smooches | kisses are good.)

Updating. [17 Sep 2004|09:03pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Well, I've gotten over it. Even though everyone hasn't listened I'll live. Just so you are aware...

The newly accepted.

cookie_thief -Emma
mizzally - Ally (baba) lol.
cookiegirl506 - Katie
silent_somber -Audrey
i_know_you_305 - Adi

Congratulations Home Fries.

Also Attention

crazy_secrets and  unwantedyouth
you need to fix your applications asap. you won't be stamped and accepted until you do.

Continue to post and vote all!

Loves and Cheers.

(kisses are good.)

[17 Sep 2004|09:05pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Picture tiiiiime! :)

(2 smooches | kisses are good.)

Kosher! [16 Sep 2004|06:01pm]

[ mood | awake ]

You're Jessica Rabbit!
Jessica Rabbit

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla

(1 smooch | kisses are good.)

[15 Sep 2004|09:22pm]

[ mood | apathetic ]

i would just like to say that sometimes, i don't read posts. mostly the application posts. i am a very busy girl, and sometimes i can't get online, and then there's just so many posts it's like ahhhhh. and, i'll be honest, sometimes, i just don't want to read about you. so let's just say that you all have my vote. unless you are a serial rapist, murderer or combination of the two, in which you'll get my no vote. because, i'd prefer to stay un-raped and alive.

thank you.

(3 smooches | kisses are good.)

Well alrighty. [15 Sep 2004|06:59pm]

[ mood | irritated ]

To all members of this fantabulous community. I need your opinion.

See because I feel like no one is fricking listening to me... I think I might just delete all the posts of people who aren't following the rules. I feel like no one is listening. Multiple people have let applicants know that they have messed up and they aren't listening. Once again, I hate being a bitch but I get tired of not being listened to. Maybe I am just PMSing at the moment, but thats where I am.

To all the newly accepted Randomly_Kosher Kids,
Thanks for joining and I hope you enjoy yourself!!!!

and sorry for my excessive bitchyness.

(3 smooches | kisses are good.)

Right. [14 Sep 2004|11:13pm]

[ mood | pissed off ]

You guys know that I am not a bitch, but it really pisses me off when people don't follow the rules. I hate being an asshole but I am seriously going to stop reading posts if you do not follow the rules. there are 2 simple rules about your app. please follow them, if you need help ask.
I really am not like this all the time, and sorry to everyone else but its really annoying and it makes the community look bad.


ohh, and my phoneline died. thats why i wasn't on. ♥

(11 smooches | kisses are good.)

Application shiiiiit. [14 Sep 2004|02:53pm]
[ mood | tired ]

The Basics...
♥name- Marina
♥age//birthdate- 6teen. 2-11-88
♥location- Michigania
♥odd talent- I can make you cry.

♥color- Black and red.
♥ice cream favor- Oreo.
♥baby names- Wednesday, Brody, and I guess Pablo.
♥ramen noodle flavor- Chicken.
♥animal- Panda, and monkeys.
♥subject in school- English.
♥beauty product- I don't understand beauty.
♥bands//singers- Slipknot, Silverchair, Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids, Nirvana, Phish, FFAF, Jack Off Jill, HIM, Atreyu, Soundgarden, Audioslave, As I Lay Dying, APC, Adema, Bad Religion, Chevelle, CKY, Cold, Coal Chamber, Dead Kennedys, Disturbed, Dope, Drowning Pool, Everclear, Godsmack, ICP, Korn, Kiss, Misfits, Murderdolls, Mushroomhead, Offspring, Ozzy, Papa Roach, Pennywise, Powerman5000, Catch22, Queens of the Stone Age, RATM, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Joydrop, Saliva, Seether, Skidrow, Smile Empty Soul, Snot, Staind, Stone Sour, SOAD, Taproot, Thrice, Thursday, Tool, Trapt, Twiztid, The Used, Static-X, 40 Summer Below, 36 Crazyfists, ect...
♥song- "Wait & Bleed" - Slipknot
♥lyric- "They'll just cut our wrists like cheap coupons and say that death was on sale today..." - The Fight Song, M. Manson.

Think about it... explain
♥college or no? Sure. I don't wanna work @ Mickey D's.
♥politics? They lie.
♥pornography? Boy on boy action, yes. Anything else, eww.
♥gay marriage? I support it 110 %!
♥drugs//drinking? Drugs are bad but people, including my friends, do them anyway. If that's your thing, okay but don't get me involved.
♥bulimia//anorexia? I don't understand how people can starve themselves, but myself being mia I don't wanna blame anyone because it's not their fault technically. I wish the world was stronger. *hmm*

♥halloween- I heart candy. I heart costumes. I heart the dark. Hehe.
♥spam- Is that meat??
♥city- NYC!!!
♥rubberband- Meow.
♥mtv- ... Is retarted. It needs to die.
♥rock- I wanna rock n' roll all night, and party everyday. LOL.

♥ Promote to at least 1 community and give a direct link please.
promo: My community is a SI community, and if you feel like you need to join then be my guest.

(12 smooches | kisses are good.)

[13 Sep 2004|05:43am]

[ mood | chipper ]

.The Application.

The Basics...
♥name- Sheena
♥age//birthdate- 15, December 17, 1988
♥location- Michigan
♥odd talent- Um.... I've got an unusually fat tongue (i know that isn't an odd talent, but i don't have any...)

♥color- orange and pink
♥ice cream favor- cookie dough, moosetrack
♥baby names- Lola, Farrah, Noah
♥ramen noodle flavor- Beef
♥animal- Penguin, Koala
♥subject in school- Art
♥beauty product- Chapagne and Strawberries from Victoria Secret
♥bands//singers- Maroon 5, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Christina Aguilera, Bonnie McKee
♥song- "Secret" Maroon 5
♥lyric- "I know i don't konw you, but i want you, so bad. everyone has a secret, oh, can they keep it, oh no they can't"

Think about it... explain
♥college or no? yeah, do what you do to get where you want to be
♥shakespeare overrated? no, shakespeare wrote some of the most beautiful literature.
♥politics? I'm not really into politics. Maybe its because i'm younger, but right now, i don't really cares whos president, just as long as our country is protected
♥pornography? There is nothing wrong with it. if people want to be involved in pornography, lets them... its a free will
♥gay marriage? Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Nobody can help who they are in love with, or who they are attracted to.
♥drugs//drinking? Again, its a free will i feel i have no right to judge
♥rap//r&b? i love both. just two different styles of music, and two different ways to express yourself.
♥bulimia//anorexia? I would truly hope, nobody feels compelled to starve themselves.
♥suicide? its a sad and selfish thing for someone to take away their lives, and hurt the ppl around them who care

♥coffee- give me!
♥halloween- a holiday w/ free candy... need i say more?
♥spam- kittens!
♥city- jelly beans
♥rubberband- pink!
♥mtv- ... halloween!
♥rock- party like its 1999

♥ Promote to at least 1 community and give a direct link please.

um... i'm lj illiterate, and i don't know how to put in pix and stuff like that... so, someone feel free to teach me!

(7 smooches | kisses are good.)

the application [13 Sep 2004|02:37pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]

sometimes the world is prettyCollapse )


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