I graduated in June 2008 from the University of St. Andrews and then took a year off, which took me back to the UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, and Morocco. Now I'm doing Teach for America in South Louisiana, where I am fending off vampires while I teach preteens how to read and write. Because I'm just crazy like that.
I've got a fifteen-step plan to taking over the world, but I'm only on step threefour five. Watch this space for more information as the plan goes along. In the meantime, I just want to finish whatever work I'm supposed to be doing but am not because I'm dicking around online. And travel a lot. And maybe build a time machine.
My general friending policy is this: friend away, and if I notice you've friended me, I will probably friend you back. If I don't, it's either because I haven't noticed you've friended me, or because you haven't written anything in your journal so there's really no point.
My unbelievably badass Pride and Prejudice moodtheme is by the very talented sarkastic. Yay for creative people.
Also, here is the resources page for all the icons I've made - if I've used your screencaps, brushes, textures, patterns, or anything else, you're credited here.
Last, but not least, my emergency contact details can be found here. Friendslocked, obviously.