? ?
Journal created:
on 6 July 2002 (#620208)
on 31 July 2006
Just shut up already!
United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Do you like to complain?
Do you have random spurts of anger?
Whine like a little baby until you get your way?
Bitch much?
Does the thought of attending anger management classes make you angry?
Do you consider yourself better than others?
Think sarcasm is a must?
Or are you just a totally random person that can't hold in your opinions?

Said yes to any of these?
That's great

Anyone and everyone is welcome here. We don't give a damn about your age, your height, your French background or your cheap glow in the dark contacts. We just care that you're a tormented soul.

Join us...
...we don't bite.
We only chomp.

Maintained by razor_bliss --Same maintainer, different username!
