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waiting until the shine wears off [userpic]
Tut - Icons in Paint
by waiting until the shine wears off (thiscanbegin)
at December 9th, 2006 (06:18 pm)

For krimson_kraving

How to make icons in pantCollapse )

waiting until the shine wears off [userpic]
by waiting until the shine wears off (thiscanbegin)
at October 26th, 2006 (01:52 pm)

current mood: okay
current song: "Meant To Live" by Switchfoot

01-02 Jensen Ackles
03-07 Kristin Chenoweth on The Megan Mullally Show
08-10 Rachael McAdams and Ryan Gosling

→ Comment/Credit thiscanbegin

Walk on waterCollapse )

waiting until the shine wears off [userpic]
Icon dump
by waiting until the shine wears off (thiscanbegin)
at October 14th, 2006 (08:42 am)

current mood: okay
current song: "Time Warp" by RHPS

01-04 Charlie Hunnam
05-08 Emily Perkins
09-10 Jake Gyllenhaal
11-13 Johnny Deep
14-22 Chenzel (Kristin Chenoweth/Idina Menzel)
23-27 Milo Ventimiglia
28-30 Pauley Perrette
31-34 Ryan Gosling
35-40 Smallville Season 6 Photoshoot
41-53 Degrassi Season 6 (minor spoilers for "Here Comes Your Man", "True Colours" and "Can't Hardly Wait"
54-58 Harry Potter Goblet of Fire
59-60 Misc

→ Comment/Credit thiscanbegin
→ mages for 59-60 are of devilish__angel, lyrics by Breaking Benjiman "The Diary of Jane".

UnforgivenCollapse )

waiting until the shine wears off [userpic]
Victoria Park and Five
by waiting until the shine wears off (thiscanbegin)
at October 7th, 2006 (09:26 pm)
current mood: creative
current song: "Fair" by Remy Zero

01-15 Victoria Park
16-30 Five

→ Comment/credit thiscanbegin
→ Victoria Park photos by the lovely devilish__angel
→ Five images from
→ Can be used as bases, just credit for it.

BeautyCollapse )

Pixie [userpic]
BtVS And AtS
by Pixie (krimson_kraving)
at September 26th, 2006 (04:55 pm)


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

City Of AngelsCollapse )

Pixie [userpic]
BtVS, AtS, and Shirley Manson
by Pixie (krimson_kraving)
at September 23rd, 2006 (09:22 pm)


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Welcome To The HellmouthCollapse )

waiting until the shine wears off [userpic]
Wincest: A Tale Of Supernatural Love
by waiting until the shine wears off (thiscanbegin)
at August 22nd, 2006 (09:19 am)

current mood: tired
current song: "Saturday Night in the City" by The Wedding Singer OBC

Covers, tracks and downloading instructions behind cut

WincestCollapse )

Pixie [userpic]
BtVS Pt. 2
by Pixie (krimson_kraving)
at August 22nd, 2006 (12:28 am)

Credit krimson_kraving Do not hotlink


2 Xander
4 Willow
2 Tara
1 Riley
2 Dawn
1 Faith
2 Cast
2 Angel

She is the Chosen oneCollapse )

Pixie [userpic]
BtVS Pt. 1
by Pixie (krimson_kraving)
at August 21st, 2006 (11:09 pm)

Credit krimson_kraving. Don't hotlink.


In every generation, there is a slayerCollapse )

waiting until the shine wears off [userpic]
The Ultimate Buffyshippage Fanmix
by waiting until the shine wears off (thiscanbegin)
at August 20th, 2006 (11:33 am)

current mood: good
current song: "Highway To Nowhere" by Drake Bell

Covers, tracks and downloading intructions behind the cut

The Ultimate Buffyshippage FanmixCollapse )

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