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icons by ruwalk

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Bad news. [12 Jul 2007|05:53pm]

The bad news is that the computer with Photoshop is now dead. Of course, Photoshop is what made this community possible.

What does this mean? It means that instead of the icon inundation that would normally come from summer vacation, the community is going on a hiatus until I get a computer that is capable of running Photoshop.

What can you do? Give your condolences and/or donate money toward the New Laptop Fund.

Thanks for your continued support. All my love.


post 013; 21 icons [10 Oct 2006|11:57pm]

[ mood | tired ]

Look at everything I've been hiding from you for the past, oh, couple o' months.

[04] Death Cab for Cutie
01 Ben Gibbard
01 Chris Walla
01 Jason McGerr
01 Couch of Doom
[02] the Postal Service
[06] Firefly
04 Inara
01 Nathan Fillion
01 Nathan/Morena
[03] Bunny
01 "Bruno the Brontosaur Packed His Junk..."
02 "Leaves"
[01] Questionable Content (Wilson)
[05] Misc
01 Faerie
01 Snail
01 Stairs
01 Vegan Vandalism
01 Queensborough

sneak peek:

21 iconsCollapse )

4 comments | you?

post 012; 15 icons [19 May 2006|01:43am]

[ mood | drained ]

My muse came back for a quick burst before I get lost in studying for finals and easily dying from overwork.

[09] Death Cab for Cutie
04 Ben Gibbard (01 double)
01 Chris Walla
01 Nick Harmer
01 Transatlanticism crow
01 Fall '04 Tour poster
01 Where Soul Meets Body music video
[04] Moby

[02] Bunny
01 "Dr Whowhatnow?"
01 "Giant Moon Laser"

sneak peek:

15 iconsCollapse )

9 comments | you?

post 011; goodies! [30 Mar 2006|12:07am]

[ mood | artistic ]

Goodies time!! I've rediscovered my muse in an all-new, totally random grungie way, and I figured I'd share with you all.

[03] Wallpapers
01 "Transatlantisicm" -- Death Cab For Cutie
01 "Brighter Than Sunshine" -- Aqualung
01 Friendship
[01] Art/Icon ("Lack of Color" -- Death Cab For Cutie)

artsy goodiesCollapse )
2 comments | you?

post 010; 18 icons [08 Feb 2006|12:24am]

[ mood | tired ]

Yet another update. It's been so long!

[03] Stargate SG-1
01 Sam Carter
01 Sam & Daniel
01 Event Horizon
[03] Stargate Atlantis
01 John Sheppard
01 McKay & Zelenka
01 Wraith
[03] Battlestar Galactica
01 Lee/Dee & Kara
01 Lee Adama
01 Gaius/Six
[06] Firefly
02 Mal
01 Kaylee
02 River Tam
01 Dinosaurs
[01] Star Wars (Han/Leia)
[01] Dragon Knights (Ruwalk)
[01] Foundation (Hari Seldon)

sneak peek:

18 iconsCollapse )

5 comments | you?

post 009; 15 icons [27 Nov 2005|03:22pm]


Update of shtuff I've made in the past few months. (Death to homework!)

[09] Stargate SG-1
01 Jack/Daniel
02 Daniel (01 double)
01 Vala
02 Daniel/Vala
01 Jack/Sam
02 Geek!Daniel & Geek!Sam
[10] Stargate Atlantis
01 Ronon/Teyla
01 John/Teyla
01 Team
[03] Misc
02 Plaid
01 Mystic

sneak peek:

15 iconsCollapse )

8 comments | you?

post 008; 29 icons [08 Oct 2005|11:22pm]

[ mood | tired ]

Huge update of everything I've been doing for the past month or so. Most of it is crap pretty cruddy, but some of it is passable. Have fun!

[18] Stargate SG-1
07 Jack/Sam
02 Jack
03 Sam
01 Daniel
01 Daniel/Sha're
01 Jack/Other
01 "Heroes"
02 Team
[10] Stargate Atlantis
03 John/Teyla
03 Elizabeth Weir (01 alternate)
02 John/Liz
01 Ronon Dex
01 Ronon, Weir, Teyla, Rodney
[01] Frederic Leighton (Flaming June)

sneak peek:

29 iconsCollapse )

17 comments | you?

post 007; 12 icons [11 Sep 2005|03:54am]

[ mood | dorky ]

What with school, I've been busy/zonking out more often, and generally can't devote myself to icon-making, unfortunately. (I miss summer already...) Most of the stuff I've been doing has been for icon contests, thus the gaps between the updates.

[06] Stargate SG-1
01 "Summit"
01 "Thor's Chariot"
02 Jack/Sam
02 "Zero Hour"
[02] Stargate Atlantis
01 Wraith
01 John Sheppard
[04] Misc
01 chemistry
01 moon
01 tree
01 forest

sneak peek:

12 iconsCollapse )

3 comments | you?

post 006; 24 icons [26 Aug 2005|01:42pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

More icons! This is a huge batch I've been cooking up over the week, including contest entries, and a little more than Stargate(!!).

Okay, let's get a vocabulary issue down first: when I say "double", it means that there's two icons that are exactly the same, except that one has text and the other doesn't. Okie?

[13] Stargate SG-1
01 Samantha Carter
01 Sam/Jack
01 Sam/Martouf
01 Gate
01 "My Fandom..."
01 Ba'al
02 Jack (01 double)
05 Jack/Daniel (01 double)
[06] Stargate Atlantis
01 Gate
01 Elizabeth Weir (alternate)
01 John/Chaya
03 Rodney McKay
[01] Battlestar Galactica (Lee/Kara)
[01] Shojou Kakumei Utena (Utena Tenjou)
[03] West Wing ("Posse Comitatus")

sneak peek:

24 iconsCollapse )

4 comments | you?

post 005; 33 icons [19 Aug 2005|02:03pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Super update. This entry contains all 26 Rodney icons that will be going up on icon_alphabet after they get back from hiatus-mode. I warn you -- this is way too much Rodney for your normal fan almost anybody. The jokes are also really bad.

Edit 8/22: The icons have been posted at icon_alphabet. Yay!

I'm also including some little goodies I happened to make along the way. :D

[29] Stargate Atlantis
26 Rodney McKay
02 Elizabeth Weir
01 Rodney/Radek
[04] Stargate SG-1

01 Samantha Carter
01 Sam/Jack
01 Gate
01 "Thor's Chariot"
[01] Special: Rodney colorbar

sneak peek:

33 icons; 1 colorbarCollapse )

Enjoy! I say again that the Dell people may be taking over my lovely for a while sometime soon, so beware of a temporary standstill coming up. (No, I don't like it either!)

15 comments | you?

post 004; 15 icons [14 Aug 2005|05:41am]

[ mood | drop-dead tired ]

New icons and the ones I put into the contest. Here they are:

[05] Constantine
03 Angela Dodson
02 John Constantine
[01] Battlestar Galactica (Starbuck)
[04] Stargate SG-1
01 Jack/Kynthia
01 Sam/Narim
01 Vala
01 Vala/Daniel
[05] Stargate Atlantis
02 Teyla
01 McKay & Sheppard
01 Ronon
01 "Condemned" Man

sneak peek:

15 iconsCollapse )

6 comments | you?

post 003; 18 icons [11 Aug 2005|03:22pm]

[ mood | computer-bashy ]

It may not be long before I have to relinquish my laptop to either my dad or Dell Technical Support. At which point, I will clearly be angry because I can't spend my entire day making icons. ... I need a more productive hobby.

[03] Battlestar Galactica (Starbuck)
[06] Stargate Atlantis
01 Rodney McKay
03 Radek Zelenka
01 Rodney/Radek
01 Cylons
[09] Stargate SG-1
01 Teal'c & Bra'tac
01 anti-Daniel/Cameron
01 Gate
02 Sam Carter
01 Sam/Martouf
01 Martouf/Jolinar
02 Martouf

sneak peek:

18 iconsCollapse )

7 comments | you?

post 002; 12 icons [10 Aug 2005|12:33am]

[ mood | iconage-geeky ]

Ahem! Here are the rest of the icons. Come to find out they were hiding right where they were suppossed to be. These are mostly old, and they have a number of AIM icons that match them, which can be doled out upon request.

[04] Cardcaptor Sakura (Sakura)
[03] Witch Hunter Robin (Robin)
[03] Angels
[01] Faeries
[01] Falling You ("Hope Thrown Down")

sneak peek:

12 iconsCollapse )

Comment / credit.

That's the last of my icon stash. From here on out, they're all new.

2 comments | you?

post 001; 18 icons [09 Aug 2005|09:14pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Icon rampage! I've put some icons into a contest, so I can't post them, but below are two new icons and sixteen old ones. All are Stargate, as I can't find where I hid the rest of the icons I've made. I'll probably update later today or tomorrow after I find them.

[12] Stargate SG-1
05 Jack O'Neill
03 Sam Carter
03 Jack/Sam
01 Teal'c
[06] Stargate Atlantis
03 Rodney McKay
01 Rodney/Carson
01 John Sheppard
01 Wraith

sneak peek:

18 iconsCollapse )

Don't forget to comment, and to credit ruwalk.

Finally I'd like to thank introductory for suggesting I start this. Many thanks. I will also promote her icon journal, minaudiere (from which I stole major layout-ness; don't get mad!). It's one of the best. Visit it!

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