5. Title it "I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess" in the subject.
6. If You Have Any Questions, You're Always Welcome To Ask The Mods For Help Of Any Kind...
7. If You Get Rejected You Can Try Back In Two Weeks...
8.Don't Start Drama With Mods Or Stamped Members Of The Community If You Do You Will Be Banned...
9. Do not leave comments unless they are from your application, after you have been accepted you may leave as many comments as you want...just NO spaming people...
11.Learn how to spell correctly, there is a great site called Dictionary.com USE IT!
DO NOT tYpE l1k3 diz, it gives me a headache and mostly everyone else for that matter!
12. Don't advertise other rating communities or other communities, Unless approved by one of the mods. YOU NEED TO ASK US FIRST OR YOUR POST WILL BE REMOVED. More than likely you'll be approved if you own it or a mod for the community. If you need to ask me or Michelle a question our screen names are on aim. faygolette's screen name is FAYGOLETTE18 and Michelle's is STARRYMICHIE05
Name: Age: Birthday: Location: How long have you been down: Hobbies: Relationship Status: Favorite Psychopathic Group: Favorite Psychopathic Member: Favorite NON Psychopathic Artist: What/Who got you interested in becoming a juggalo/juggalette?: Favorite Songs From Psychopathic: Favorite Songs From NON-Psychopathic Artists: Why should you be accepted?: Do you do any drugs or drink: Siblings: Who do you look up to and why?: Post some Pictures of you (at least 5):