Papers by Jayusman Jayusman

Studi Multidisipliner: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, 2019
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was easy to give his marriage dowry in keeping with the Qur'an.... more The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was easy to give his marriage dowry in keeping with the Qur'an.The history of The Islamic Dowry preserved the Qur'an from its beginning to the present has witnessed an interesting development of the study.The dowry of the qur'an's preservation of the marriage practiced by people today is driven by the lack of conformity with the history that occurred at the time.From previous backgrounds, the author is more studying through a historical approach to discovering developments that have taken place since the beginning of the Qur'an.'The results of this study show that the payment of a dowry from the Qur'an is currently witnessing the development of the meaning of dowry on the one hand, which is actually happening and the bottom now in society today is not limited to concern with the elements of rightsonly women, but increased attention to other aspects as well as the circumstances of the interest of the rightsTherefore, islamic l...

Kodifikasia, 2019
Tulisan ini merupakan kajian pustaka yang mengkaji fatwa pelarangan mahar hafalan al-Qur’an. Seba... more Tulisan ini merupakan kajian pustaka yang mengkaji fatwa pelarangan mahar hafalan al-Qur’an. Sebagai alat analisis teori al-urf sangat tepat digunakan untuk memadukan kesenjangan tradisi yang berkembang dengan fatwa pelarangan tradisi tersebut. Tulisan ini mengkritisi fatwa tersebut dan menyimpukan; Pertama, fatwa mengedepankan aspek teoritis dan kurang memperhatikan aspek praktis yang tengah terjadi pada masyarakat. Kedua, metodelogi istinbat dalam berfatwa yang dilakukan adalah mengutamakan dalil-dalil muttafaq serta menomerduakan dalil-dalil mukhtalaf, sedangkan al-urf terkategori pada mukhtalaf sehingga kurang diperhatikan. Ketiga, Penulisan teks fatwa yang ada dianggap sangat singkat dan memerlukan kajian lebih lanjut agar memperoleh pemahaman dari maksud dari fatwa tersebut, sehingga menimbulkan kegamangan dan berpotensi menimbulkan silang pendapat. Keempat, prinsip fatwa yang digulirkan adalah berlepas dari mazhab tertentu, hal ini dianggap tidak sejalan dengan apa yang direk...
Early menarche or first menstruation in women earlier than usual is an interesting problem to be ... more Early menarche or first menstruation in women earlier than usual is an interesting problem to be studied and investigated further. Changes in life style and increase in social welfare impact on rapid physical growth of children and then result on the shift of age of menarche. Physically, they have growth like adult but psychologically they are children. In another word, they are children trapped in the body of adult. In the perspective of Islamic law, women experiencing menstruation is considered entering the age of maturity. As adult, she imposes religious obligation and is responsible for her acts while in fact she is a child. This is among problems of women and their feminine problem. Allegedly, many people do not understand this matter and thus allowing confusion. Therefore, this issue needs to be discussed form Islamic point of view. Keyword : menarche, menstruation

Governmental Policy in Deducing Early Islamic Calendar in Indonesia. There is different argumenta... more Governmental Policy in Deducing Early Islamic Calendar in Indonesia. There is different argumentation among Muslim scholars to determine early Islamic Calendar. Part of them argued that we should put it considerably based on the result of seeing moon (ru'yatul hilâl) and the others used hisab method. This can be understood that despite the government of Indonesia has tried to unity the difference, in fact, there has not been equal result recently. No wonder that although the government follows imkân ar-ru'yah with criterion indicator 238, it puts to the decision of seeing moon (result of ru'yah). Besides, the result should be on the government's decision. The criteria of moon visibility done by the government were lower than the criteria considered by the astronomical experts, so that the result was not realistic and relevant to the scientific observation occurred in the field. The consideration made Muhammadiyah, as the most familiar Islamic organization in Indonesia, had not received that criteria. Abstrak: Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Penetapan Awal Bulan Kamariah di Indonesia. Dalam penentuan awal bulan Kamariah terdapat perbedaan pendapat di antara ulama. Sebagian mereka menyatakan harus berdasarkan pada hasil rukyatul hilal, sedangkan sebagian lain menggunakan metode hisab. Walaupun secara teknis Pemerintah Indonesia telah berusaha dan mengupayakan penyatuan ini. Namun, sampai sekarang belum menampakkan hasil. Ini bisa dipahami karena dalam penetapan awal bulan Kamariah di Indonesia, walaupun pemerintah menganut paham imkanurrukyah dengan berpatokan pada kriteria 238, tetapi dalam praktik dan kenyataannya di lapangan, pemerintah cenderung berpatokan pada keberhasilan rukyah. Di samping itu, keberhasilan rukyah tersebut harus pula sesuai atau memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Kriteria visibilitas hilal pemerintah tersebut lebih rendah daripada kriteria yang diakui para astronom, sehingga dianggap tidak realistik, tidak sesuai dengan fakta ilmiah hasil pengamatan hilal di lapangan. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan Muhammadiyah sebagai salah satu ormas Islam terbesar di Indonesia, belum bersedia menggunakan kriteria tersebut.

Governmental Policy in Deducing Early Islamic Calendar in Indonesia. There is different argumenta... more Governmental Policy in Deducing Early Islamic Calendar in Indonesia. There is different argumentation among Muslim scholars to determine early Islamic Calendar. Part of them argued that we should put it considerably based on the result of seeing moon (ru'yatul hilâl) and the others used hisab method. This can be understood that despite the government of Indonesia has tried to unity the difference, in fact, there has not been equal result recently. No wonder that although the government follows imkân ar-ru'yah with criterion indicator 238, it puts to the decision of seeing moon (result of ru'yah). Besides, the result should be on the government's decision. The criteria of moon visibility done by the government were lower than the criteria considered by the astronomical experts, so that the result was not realistic and relevant to the scientific observation occurred in the field. The consideration made Muhammadiyah, as the most familiar Islamic organization in Indonesia, had not received that criteria. Abstrak: Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Penetapan Awal Bulan Kamariah di Indonesia. Dalam penentuan awal bulan Kamariah terdapat perbedaan pendapat di antara ulama. Sebagian mereka menyatakan harus berdasarkan pada hasil rukyatul hilal, sedangkan sebagian lain menggunakan metode hisab. Walaupun secara teknis Pemerintah Indonesia telah berusaha dan mengupayakan penyatuan ini. Namun, sampai sekarang belum menampakkan hasil. Ini bisa dipahami karena dalam penetapan awal bulan Kamariah di Indonesia, walaupun pemerintah menganut paham imkanurrukyah dengan berpatokan pada kriteria 238, tetapi dalam praktik dan kenyataannya di lapangan, pemerintah cenderung berpatokan pada keberhasilan rukyah. Di samping itu, keberhasilan rukyah tersebut harus pula sesuai atau memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Kriteria visibilitas hilal pemerintah tersebut lebih rendah daripada kriteria yang diakui para astronom, sehingga dianggap tidak realistik, tidak sesuai dengan fakta ilmiah hasil pengamatan hilal di lapangan. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan Muhammadiyah sebagai salah satu ormas Islam terbesar di Indonesia, belum bersedia menggunakan kriteria tersebut.
Papers by Jayusman Jayusman